I've read thread after thread of people complaining about clerics and ran with enough complainers well here's something in response.
You shouldn't complain about heals if:
1. The clerics HP bar is lower than yours.
(That should be a big hint that the cleric is taking care of others before themselves)
2. You are not a tank and are constantly drawing agro.
(Your way of play but it's the clerics decision on who is better off getting healed. A tank has a better chance to survive AND kill things so the soul stones can be ran to a shrine or ressed when the smoke clears)
3. You are a tank that takes more damage than the other tanks.
(Again it's your way of play but taking mondo amounts of damage as apposed to your counterparts means that you're not prepared for the quest)
4. You've never played one.
(Clerics know how to watch the stat bars and take care of healing. How often have you looked at any other stat bar besides yours when you're taking damage? Probably not very often)
5. You've forgotten to carry any pots.
6. You've ran away from the group.
7. You're delusional.
(Super Man syndrome and the like. Your suppose to be a member of a team)
8. The cleric is out of SP.
(Never request a wand whipping unless you've contributed to the wand fund. Hardly ever is it requested of casters to cast anything if they are out of SP. The same should go for clerics)
9. The cleric has died.
(This is always a good one - cleric dies, request comes over the wire, player is ****ed that the cleric has died. See #4)
There are more that I'm sure others can post....