Hi all,
Please add little requests to this list... Emphasis on "little". There are already plenty of threads on big game-changing requests. But lets try to come up with some quick and cheap things turbine could do to make the game more enjoyable.
1) Sort the toon selection screen to the most recently played toon. Some of us have an old experimental toon /avatar always showing up first, and it would be nice to (usually) see our main toon instead.
Plus this would help with identifying which toons (bottom of the list) we should log into to make sure mail doesn't get deleted, etc.
2) Make the harbor behave like a tavern as far as login and logout... We've noticed that you can log in and out very quickly in a tavern. But there is an artificial "wait" timer applied to the rest of the harbor.
This is basically an inconvenience when logging into all of your toons to check the mail. Or, when you say goodby to everyone and try to leave, but you don't actually disappear for a few more rounds of conversation.
3) Add more vendors near mailboxes and auctioneers, or other parts of the map that may not have one close... Anything that can reduce or remove time-consuming "maintenance" aspects of the game is a good thing. And it doesn't add fun to the game to make people run across town to repair stuff when their party is waiting at a quest entrance for them.
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