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  1. #1
    Founder CrimsonSeraphim's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Dynamic Dungeon Creation

    Of all the things that DDO could possibly do to continue its success, I think adding the ability to generate content would be the single best thing possible. Someone recently mentioned this, and it occurred to me that while I had thought of it ages ago, I never posted about it.

    If a user could spend time designing a quest, not only would that player continue to play, but it would dramatically increase the amount of content available.

    The system could be as *simple* (I'm a programmer so the word 'simple' is never something I'd like to use lightly) as this:

    -Publish a list of the premade terrain blocks (aka Sewer_Passage_Plain_01, Sewer_Passage_Skylight_03...)

    -Create a tool (or publish the one you have for your own team) that enables us to drop these terrain segments into place

    -Create a series of wands for us to use:
    -dodad wand
    -breakable wand
    -collectable wand
    -enemy wand
    -chest wand (creates a blank chest for dev controlled loot)
    -key wand
    -npc wand

    Then we can 'run' through the 'dungeon' 'wanding' in 'stuff' maybe as a party?!? Then even a dungeon you designed would have neat stuff you'd never seen before.

    Then with some property editing (dialog etc) we can submit the dungeon for review.

    Perhaps the dungeon is a room off the guild housing? As a reward we can buy additional dungeon slots?

    Totally rediculous atm, but fun to think about nonetheless.
    Last edited by CrimsonSeraphim; 08-13-2007 at 02:38 PM.
    Mithrec: Lvl 11 Cleric
    Mythildor: Lvl 11 Bard
    Mythix: Lvl 11 Bard
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