You didn't answer the question.
You claim you will be less effective if you can't keep up DF because extended ones will cost more SP than before and you won't have enough sp's to cope.
I think asking how often you run out of sp's goes straight to the heart of the issue. Don't you?
I never said it wasn't an offensive spell; I said extend is not an offensive feat.
Since I don't know your build I can't say which feat would have been available to you but I just list a few. And yes I am aware that some have certain prereqs but thats part of planning a build out. But as I have said earlier I am not here to judge your build; just that you don't deserve compensation for the change to metamagic feats.
So feats available at lvl6 (depending on your build):
Combat Expertise
Power Attack
Weapon Focus (opens Power Critical)
Sap (have seen some fighters use this and effectively; specially since there is no save)
Skill Focus: UMD (if a umd build)
Stunning Blow (nice on a dwarf pally with dwarven tactics)
**Thelanis**The Infamous Flaming Vagabonds**
**Jameela*Ranger For Hire**Salvadorian*The Immortalized**
**Dronn*Beefy Sorcerer**Cambel*Raging Pally**Dimah*Evasive Wizard**
**Jumanah*TWF Ranger**Cruor* Wise Barbarian**Murjanah*Firey Bard**
Wrong. That is 100% undeniably factual. Anyone who disagrees with it has demonstrated insufficient capability to deserve any more free education from me.
Wrong. The burden goes to anyone who wants to demonstrate that this change is an improvement. You've decided to attempt that- to succeed, you will need to get to work.
Wrong. That is a separate issue, but an interesting one. All the melee classes in DDO got a damage boost over their PnP basis:
Fighters: Fighter's Strength III, Critical Accuracy IV
Barbarians: Power Rage II, Critical Rage II
Ranger: Favored Damage, Power Attack with light weapons
Paladins: 1:1 caster level for Divine Favor
Reducing paladins back to the 1:2 caster level from D&D could be acceptable if the other warrior classes had their extra damage boosts nerfed away from them. Obviously, that will never happen.
Correct. You are wrong there.
which you shouldnt get due to an improper paladin buff.
That being said, when a buff comes for casters you shouldn't really be complaining especially since it is caster related that you are improperly buffed to.
You are looking at this all wrong, now you have a free feat to use on whatever you want since extend won't provide you with any benefit anymore. or will it still provide you with enough benefit and you just want to rant about 5 sp?
Clerics of Fernia
King of Stormreach
(and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge)
Well the whole point is I'm being told it's my fault for being such a noob for taking Extend , I'm also being told there are any number of feats BETTER that my noob caracter should have taken and 1 of them I'm told is toughness.
I'm simply asking them to prove what they say.
Instead I get "doooooooom" , "zomg jealous of my uber dorf ranger" etc etc.
LOL too funny!
Clearly they have given up , thanks for playing!
Come on. Tell me how often you run out of SP's?
That's the real issue isn't it. You can't keep DF up if you run out of SP's so you take extend to make a saving.
But if you never run out of SP's, you don't need to make the saving. Excess SP's don't carry over from shrine to shrine or quest to quest.
so the game is no longer fun because extend costs 5 more spell points for level 1 spells and 3 more spell points for level 2. Gotcha.
Can I have your stuff, since the game wont be fun anymore?
No I said I like the change, because I play 3 of the 4 classes this is to improve. Sorceror, bard, and 2 clerics.
I am all for the nerfing of overpowered melee classes. Have been from the start. What they did to BAB/attacks is a disservice to the game and has caused a. the monty haul problem, and b. the needing of significantly making mobs more powerful which makes some spells (and turning) almost useless.
I dunno, are pallies an offensive (as opposed to defensive, not in an offending way) class or a defensive one? As I recall pallies get other boosts that are defensive in nature that other classes dont get.
It has happened every once in a while, it doesnt bother me.
Clerics of Fernia
King of Stormreach
(and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge)
Nerf Low level metamagic. Go for it, metamagics shouldnt even be available to paladins or rangers. Just primary casting classes (to include bard).
Pallies lose nothing over this. 5 sp every 2 minutes of combat, bah. How much sp do you think it costs me to see a pally zerg ahead. I bet it is more than 5 sp every 2 minutes.
Clerics of Fernia
King of Stormreach
(and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge)
R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watchingInformation from devs ______________Member of Cupcake's Muskateers!____/wearing a Jiffy Pop pan tinfoil hat made by shecky
Oh I understand that Ziggy. My point though is they are doing this to ENHANCE spell casting which it does beautifully.
If 2 levels (the bottom 2 I might add) take a VERY small hit on a couple of metamagics there is no reason to make an uproar about it, this will not break the game or even a play experience.
I mean seriously they are talking what, 5sp for a level 1 spell extended, and 3 sp, for a level 2, without saying anything about how there level 4 spells are cheaper.
Clerics of Fernia
King of Stormreach
(and if you disagree with me, then you can treat me like a Nintendo Cartridge)
I think his computer crashed.
I really wanted to know how often he ran out of sp's![]()