I have PuGed raids, (not often) and it has gone very well or very badly or anywhere in between. Just like PuGing any high level quest.
More often then not the people are good at what they do, friendly, helpful to those that are new to the raid, and are fair about raid loot.
I also have not raided often because I really didn't like the raid loot system. I don't like the fact that all the other loot in the game does it one way where fairness is never an issue and raid loot throws the human factor into the equation.
I will never PuG raid if X piece of loot is spoken for, or so and so has a +30 to the roll, or any other factor to screw someone else out of a fair shot at a peice of loot. Need before greed my ass, just because you don't think that the cleric should roll on the str belt doesn't mean they can't. I hate the politics involved in raid loot and I'm glad they are getting rid of it.