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  1. #21
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Default Your player base has an average INT of 25.

    Quote Originally Posted by blakbyrd View Post
    No matter how you do things, the players will always eventually outsmart the DM. It just seems that Turbine takes offense to this instead of accepting that it is the nature of the beast and always has been. D&D is a creative collective, and the players of such tend to take offense as well if you try to box them wasnt meant for that and shouldnt come to that.
    Wizards should have Fly, we should be able to use Rope, Rogues should be able to climb walls and set traps... creativity should be expected. We think outside the box and use all possible advantages.

    Turbine should come to expect it. I really wish they would stop trying to nerf us, and turn our quests into WoW-style grinds. I utterly hate a quest you can do nothing but deal damage and take damage in. Raid bosses need to be vulnerable to spells, effects, and combat feats. Rogues need to be able to do rogue things instead of just being trapmonkeys. Setting an ambush is easy when you are on the ceiling waiting, but extremely difficult when you are on the ground.

    This is why I want to start a PnP group near my area, but I just don't have the money to buy all the materials.

  2. #22
    Community Member GlassCannon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rickpa View Post
    It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

    Will many succeed with only one person per pillar, and endless respawns of ice flensers, air elementals, and earth elementals?

    I would think Turbine will have to either stop the respawns, or make it so more than 2 people could be out there without being fireballed by Velah. Even the fireballs wouldn't be an issue if they didn't destroy the walkway.
    Rangers with Constructbane for the initial 2(the pillars should never be immune to this, as constructs), with 2 tanks running from either direction to converge on the back pillar(fire resist and prot on them).... when the text appears have the rangers in a mad hasted panic kill what's left of the front pillars, then the tanks come back and bring a mob of friends with them, which the Bard fascinates, then you all rush in and buff up before having the rogue or a ranger rush Velah to drop the barrier. The bard will Fascinate after the fight too to prevent an epic party wipe(or have the caster drop a heightened Hippie Globe or three).

    There ya go.

    Ransacked's 3-minute VON 6 strat.

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