instead of Max HD for everyone, why not use the Average HD rules in the DMG.
instead of Max HD for everyone, why not use the Average HD rules in the DMG.
cuz max HP accentuates the different classes better?
btw: don't misuse HD and HP
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The Path To Enlightenment: learning to heal in stages : Sneaking Tips : Raid Flagging Instructions
Cuz the game is balanced around the Max HD currently in place?
Whereas average HD /would/ decrease the difference between fighters and casters, you would have to: decrease monster damage, decrease the recently increased toughness enhancements, and possibly decrease monster hp.
Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.
12 Rog/1 Ftr: Winnd Shadowdancer - True Neutral
14 Wiz: Salean Shadowdancer - True Neutral
8 Pal: (Sir) Ehmil Ragsiel (d'Deneith) - Lawful Good
5 Rgr: Reiana - Chaotic Good
I can't ever give you an answer about why everyone else does something but I can tell you why I do something. Hopefully that helps.