Hau Can We Make Dis Happen?
I Want To Play An Uber Evil Drow Ranger......
Or Lawful Evil Tiefling Assassin
Ooooooooh Dis Is Good +1
There can't be an evil Paladin. We're supposed to be fighting evil.
What kind of message are you trying to send to us, sir? That being evil and fighting good is fun. Destroying innocent people's lives is fun????
I sir, challenge you to a game of Scrabble!
I play as a rogue, and for RP purposes I'd love to have my alignment be Chaotic Neutral. Unfortunately I, too, missed the Alignment option in the Create a Character section, and I would LOVE to not have to go all the way back to even BEFORE square one just for my alignment.
well considering that if you decide to take one of the class paths they give you an alignment instead of letting you choose one for yourself only through the customize charcter can the alignment be chosen. but in the old D&D rules an evil paladin was called an anti-paladin and were typically chaotic evil as it was the exact opposite of the lawful good paladin.
Argo: Saveric(18Pal/2Ftg), Daehawk(20Wiz), Syverious(13Rog/6Rng/1Ftr), Katasuki(8Mnk)Originally Posted by Tarrant
MOST evil paladins are BLACKGUARDS in the DnD 3.5 world (pg. 181-183 DMG). If you look at the abilities they are the paladin abilities just with the word evil instead of good in front of it. However, fallen paladins makes even more powerful blackguard.
Changing Alignment would be a wonderful thing if it ment something besides equiping pure good, true law, pure chaos, etc and/or evil alignments were available. I think this idea is more fitted to the Role Players out there which are saddly out numbered by the power gamers.
The addition to evil alignments would be a great addition IMO, expectally if they created a heavenly verson of the shroud that had you crafting items from the steel used by the angles that fight the devils. Just my thoughts so don't personally bash me.
A necromancer from before Pale Master came out.
Argonesson: Nexal / Dolgos / Golgos / Earie / Nexas
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