As I am not very well versed in the raid mechanics (only done dragon twice in a year), I was wondering about this. Is there something preventing a party member from staying in 5 while the group attempted the pillars in 6, and then zone in before the dragon? Would make trying out a new idea a little easier for the group to swallow.
Change will be fine IF they slow the respawn time on the mobs, and have them stop spawning after all 3 pillars are down.
2 rangers/decent bow users can work down, then take down the 3 pillars without going near the islands. Its quick, easy and no risk. If you miss time it np, just try agian.
The price of greater construct bane bows just sky-rocketed![]()
Twistedmetal - 20 Wizard Profiteer - 20 Monk Fingersmith - 18 Ranger/1 Fighter/1 Rogue Metalfatigue - 20 Barbarian -ELITE RAIDERS-
You cant range the Pillers. There are invisible walls preventing it. Rangers used to be able to but they fixed it.
Sorry all I keep hearing you all say range but unfortantly you cant.
Secondly Ranging the Piller will still draw aggro of the mods.
No! You can't GREASE a Beholder!!
The two-man approach involves ranging pillars.
Don't forget Solid-Fog which limits their mobility.
I really don't mind at all that Turbine wants to try to fix/eliminate some of the silly approachs that are being used to handle Velah - however, what about the remaining buggy behavior that's going to mar the experience?
By that I mean, buggy leashing behavior & earth elementals that do a grab even when they should be significantly out of range? Will the leashing stop at the end of the platform or will they wander onto the bridge for a short distance? Or perhaps they just do a significantly better job of returning to their starting positions?
Ghallanda ReRolled Naxy-Transil-Kottol-Nax-Riorsil-Riorik-Kaol
Arent those CR8 creatures? ^
~A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe when they are the words and gestures of a wizard~
Hard to imagine a lone level 14 having trouble at one of the bases.
*remembers the last few pugs*
Edit--> Just ninja'ed myself, sans quote.
~A few unintelligible words and fleeting gestures carry more power than a battleaxe when they are the words and gestures of a wizard~
we talked about the possebilities of a fix to the pulling a long time ago...
back then the accepted alternative strategie was to fascinate everything. Bards takes point and fascinates all 3 bases, he is followed by the pillar men. The last one stops at pillar 1, the 2nd at number 2 and the first at pillar 3. Take em down and run back in baseball fashion. (all counter clockwise so no velah fireballs)
Then either buff up quick and start the fight or wait for fascinate to break and kill those that follow, THEN fight velah...
either way works I guess.
Roa - Fernian Nuker
Aeneas - Boosterseat - Eulogy - Diminutive - Moths
I think any self-respecting 14 level Paladin, Battlecleric or high-hp Barbarian can survive on the bases by themselves. To make it even easier, give them Stoneskin, Blur and Displacement. A paralyzer will help too. I'm not so sure about level 8-11 groups though.
And hey let's drop the 'but this change makes the quest so lame' stuff shall we. It's already so fricking lame. Do you seriously think a great wyrm Red Dragon (on Elite) would just sit around and wait for you to attack? Yeah, didn't think so either![]()
Caius Furius Aurelius of Fernia
Philadelphus - Theodorus - Vibius - Isidorus - Cnaeus - Lucius - Flavius
Aurelia - Lucilla - Iulia - Marciana - Caecilia - Pompeia
Subsidium - Robotello - Roboangelo - Argentarius
with the abundance of bows with the precise shot feat on them, it should be no challenge to range 1st and 3rd base and send someone to take care of 2nd base.
I'll probably try this again, I imagine you could Flesh to Stone both the Ice flensers, and mephits, and range the earth elemental pillar. I imagine...
...the eyes of a ghastly white vampire stare back at you...his fangs gleam in the light from your torches and lanterns...In your heart, you know that most who have seen this face never lived to see another
You certainly can. For best results, use Enervation in addition to Flesh to Stone, which will prevent them from breaking out of the spell anytime soon.
Additionally, now that players have Freedom of Movement, the Earth Elementals pose much less of a threat than they did when VON6 was first released. It's possible for a strong warrior to go up there and destroy the pillar while ignoring the elementals completely.