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  1. #101
    Community Member
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    After reading to page three, I just couldn't take any more of this bad information anymore... talk about not being around when Velah was first released.

    First of all.. TWO people can be on any one bridge simultaneously with no consequences.
    You will get a DM text saying the bridge creaks, but this only means if any more than two people stand on a bridge, it will fall.

    Second, they respawn at about 1 minute.

    Any level 14 fighter worth his weight in salt will be able to solo any of the islands with just a simple freedom of movement and cold/sonic resist.

    It would AWESOME if the mobs on the islands were red named... immune to any CC/Fear/Con dmg. But if they are not.. wearing Fearsome Fullplate may as well be the new iWin button.

    I am glad they are making it more difficult, I hope they adjust the rewards like they did for TS now. Currently, the new TS fullplate is exactly the same as the Stonemeld armor from Velah, minus the camo charges which are worthless anyway.

  2. #102
    Community Member JD2134's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by totmacher View Post
    lol you all don't get it, do you? you pull because the monsters re-spawn AND you can only have 1 person on parts of the bridge. anyone lauding this as great is not thinking out strats for the dragon raid... especially when stuff re-spawns in the middle of preparing and knocking down pillars.

    this essentially means you're either gonna have to zerg out there quick to kill the monsters. get someone to 1st and 3rd base. then have the 1st or 3rd baseman go to 2nd base while zerging and chugging pots. all the while 1st and 3rd are prepping. it should make it a bit more frantic
    Just get some greater construct bane weapons, and stand ont he bridges to the island and just range the pillars, NO need for a bard and only need one person to run past either 1st of 3rd base before the baddies rubberband back.

    Im sure who ever complined about this is going to hate the fix for it

  3. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gimpster View Post
    5. Therefore most players will be no more able to damage the pillar than they are already.
    A bard song with +7 or 8 damage will fix that even without construct bane arrows. May take a while though so would work best if you still had a ranger with construct bane to take down the other 2 (finishing them after the songed person whittles away the pillar).

  4. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hence View Post
    Currently, the new TS fullplate is exactly the same as the Stonemeld armor from Velah, minus the camo charges which are worthless anyway.
    Yeah, strange, isn't it? I picked up two sets (one in trade, one off the AH for pretty cheap). I like to shock everyone when I say I bought raid loot off the AH. Heck, I may just look to buy another set or two as back-ups. Since I may never see them drop again in VON (yay new raid loot system), I'd better stock up now.

  5. #105
    Community Member Albel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Draclaud View Post
    That was exactly what I was reffering to. On the effort vs reward scale I can't see running VON 6 over and over again for the proposed odds that will be implemented.

    NOW-5% Chance that SOS will drop in the box (1 in 20)

    In the future(heaven forbid...)-1/6 chance to get anything, and a 1 in 20 chance that will be your said SOS, so unless my math is wrong, which is a distinct probability (by no means a math major) is .83% so if you're lucky you'll get your SOS after 100 runs....Gee I think I'll just go run something else...

    Not trying to hijack the post, plenty of other posts that are discussing this. Sorry.
    Last edited by Albel; 08-16-2007 at 08:19 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Keeper View Post
    “The neutral evil lord of death and decay, the Keeper is the twin brother of Kol Korran. As Kol Korran represents the acquisition of material wealth, the Keeper embodies greed, hungry for the souls of the dead.” <snip> I don’t mind being associated with a deity who eats souls. Being pregnant makes me awful hungry, y’know.

  6. #106
    Founder Paragon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gimpster View Post
    Wrong, as already explained.

    I have personally used all of the following:
    1. Bard runs to each pillar and fascinates. 3 breakers follow him and wait to kill pillars on a signal.
    2. Wizard runs to flenser/mephit pillars and CCs. 2 breakers follow him and wait for signal. Wizard kills the earth pillar himself with Disintegrate.
    3. Designate one "killer", who can defeat the pillar monsters with weapons or spells like Fireball or Banishment (any class can do it). The killer runs a lap destroying all opponents, damaging the pillar, and moving on. As he leaves each island, the breaker moves in, and hides at the pillar, waiting for the signal. The respawns won't see you if you're already in stealth.
    4. Get some durable DPS tanks. Send one to each island to kill the monsters and prep the pillar. While they wait, they kill any respawns as they occur. On a signal, break them all.
    5. Get some evasion tanks with high AC, Resist cold, Resist lightning, Bbarkskin, Freedom of Movement, and Blindness Ward. Send one to each pillar to break it without even fighting the monsters, who will kill you slower than you kill the pillar. Afterwards, they return either by killing whatever monsters pursue, or running back as ghosts.
    6. 3 rogues sneak to each pillar. When the four monsters are looking away, break the pillar. Yes- you actually can break the pillars without the monsters even knowing you were there, but this require extreme stealth abilities.

    Additionally, reports that players have killed the pillars by ranging them from off the island seem credible, although I haven't verified it myself.
    QFT, by no means is pulling the only or even the best strategy. For one thing there are a lot more options, as stated here, for another pulling is a bit slow and clunky anyway.

    This dragon run was done without pulling (in 2 minutes), for instance. I don't think it's possible to do it that fast with pulling.
    Last edited by Paragon; 08-17-2007 at 05:36 PM.
    Unofficial Dark Wizard of The Hand of the Black Tower

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