What? It doesn't stay where you put it? I know I've had some giant relics in my last box, middle row, right hand side for weeks now.
EDIT: Dang ninja. OP is below.
What? It doesn't stay where you put it? I know I've had some giant relics in my last box, middle row, right hand side for weeks now.
EDIT: Dang ninja. OP is below.
Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.
Hey everyone.
Well I dont know about all of you, But for my toons I try to keep my inventory clean and neat. One box for weapons (cause you can never have to many axes/swords/hammers/arrows etc, One box for jewelry/clothing etc. one box for lets say Consumables/pots/wands, well you get the idea. Then ya crash or log out. then the next day or when ever you come on again. Log in only to find your stuff is now all mix matched. Gah there is another thirty mins to an Hour replacing axes in order by level + and type. your pots, wands. again you get the idea.
Well I am sure this was asked before. but it would be great if I logged in and all my stuff is how I put it. So when I log on I can play, other than spending sometimes an hour fixing everything again before I can start doing quests or pvp.
Thanks all
I would love to simply lock a page. That way all cycling in and out items are relagated to my fifth spot.
Just my op though
Hilarious Princess....Sorry your life is so medicore after all this time..Lol, you are scared of a farmer? with a tractor....?
i would like just 1 pac with 100 slots I.E. bag of holding or something..
[QUOTE=Hokiewa;1293914]I would love to simply lock a page.
Woot now theres an idea. But also there is that problem when you switch weapons, they sometimes jump around your inventory as well. if that also could be fixed so said item goes back where it came from. Happens with about everything you remove to try on something new.
Motto "Revenge is a dish best served when they forget to wear death wards" *pats his vorpal axe.*
What happens is that when you use an item on your "quick bar" it replaces the currently equipped item. As far as the pack is concerned, the new item is in your hand (or wherever) and the previous one has to go somewhere, so it gets put where the new item used to be. Items that don't get used don't change pages or slots.
Think of your pack as a disk drive that needs to be manually defragged periodically. They really need a better way to manage the pack.
On more than one occaision I've wasted some really nice arrows on kobolds in a melee because they autoloaded in the middle of a fight and I didn't notice... Or maybe I'm in a higher level quest and want to disarm a trap. I have no way to specify using the +5 tools instead of the masterwork tools I should've thrown out levels ago.
Carpe D.M.! (Sieze the Dungeon Master!)Founder #2003 - Interocitor Repair - Call for discount prices
Wish they have lock position option.
I like to oraganize by slasher, 1 hander, 2 hander etc. Of course when you move it, everythings out of place. Hard to search for something.
Fallout, Unforgiven, Skyline, Radient, Tenken, Sagat (first name not Bob).
I don't think there is a way to prevent switched out items replacing each other and messing up any system.
The only defense would be something that reset the system.
How about
Right Click --> Arrange Items By --> Type.
Right Click --> Arrange Items By --> Value.
Right Click --> Arrange Items By --> Level.
Right Click --> Arrange Items By --> Lock Status.
And have the arrangement affect the whole backpack, not the currently viewed pane.
Gwyneira : Cattari : Gorobei : Berylore : Zelphia : Aanouk : Beatriice : RobotMaria : Dalrymple : Ainouk : Bearatrice
Dragonmark Alliance : Fernia : Ghallanda
this can all be fixed with an auto-sort function.... its used in other mmo's.
this would basically do what we needed.