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Thread: Guild lists

  1. #1
    Stormreach Advisor

    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Guild listings

    IMPORTANT: I am no longer playing the game and thus will not update this thread anymore. Feel free to take over this thread and copy / edit its content at will (ask a forum moderator for help on this).

    Below are direct links to guild lists on the different servers.
    Note that this thread is not meant to be a list of guilds!

    I'll try to regularly monitor for changes in guild lists, but if you see something needs to be added/modified, do not hesitate to send me a pm about it!

    Last edited by tihocan; 12-01-2012 at 01:50 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Default Excellent job tihocan

    It has been my experience that it will take several emails to get the old sticky thread replaced with this one. I had alot of trouble getting the thread on Ghallanda replaced. I would much rather see this simple thread you have created than the ellaborate plan suggested by our other friend. However, if the other list managers fall in line, I will as well for the sake of conformity. In any case, good luck getting this thread stickied. :-)
    Valiant Accord

  3. #3
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Jan 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by moonprophet View Post
    It has been my experience that it will take several emails to get the old sticky thread replaced with this one. I had alot of trouble getting the thread on Ghallanda replaced. I would much rather see this simple thread you have created than the ellaborate plan suggested by our other friend. However, if the other list managers fall in line, I will as well for the sake of conformity. In any case, good luck getting this thread stickied. :-)
    Hehe thanks. I think Q is quite busy at the moment, I'll try to see if Patience is more receptive

  4. #4
    Community Member Kemoc's Avatar
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    Jun 2009

    Default Cannith

    Need to start a Cannith guild thread real soon.

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    Aug 2010

    Default It would be nice...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kemoc View Post
    Need to start a Cannith guild thread real soon.
    In the year or so that I have been on I have been a member of 2 guilds. It would be nice to find a guild that doesn't fold on cannith. I can barely get to level 6.

  6. #6
    Community Member
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    May 2011

    Default are you looking for a guild on cannith?

    We are a level 28 guild (current) and are seeking new active players to join us just look for Spurned Legion and give a look out for in general chat message put up by any grass ending char that will be us or pm passmeby Guild Leader,hope to see you soon.

  7. #7
    Community Member akash's Avatar
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    Arrow Spellbinders of Sarlona Looking for More Officers

    Spellbinders (level 46 guild with 4 active accounts and 1 inactive account atm) are looking for 2 more Officers. Applicants have to be committed daily players, and must be VIP or Premium with access to most of the contents. Also every single character of Sarlona server regardless of it's a bank toon or just a Cannith crafter must be brought inside the guild, because we do not support multiple guild or server representations. Spellbinders is mainly an end game guild, and we focus on epic quests and high level raids. Everyone in the guild is an Officer, and currently we are planning to increase our member base to six to get the 300% bonus reknowns. It's a very small guild, so we act as a family. Interested people are requested to send me PM or in game message asap. I wish you all the best in everything, hoping to fight beside you in Sarlona.

  8. #8
    Community Member Loromir's Avatar
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    Default Legion of Eberron - Cannith

    Lvl 60 guild...very active....started around mid 2010. Very stable with many long time members. We have a Static guild only raid night on Fridays 10pm eastern. Not actively recruiting but will consider membership of anyone who is not a drama queen. Must be reasonably active.

    We have a great bunch of guys an gals from all over the USA and international. We're not uber power gamers but there are some very good players in the group.

    Look up an officer in game if you have any questions.
    Leader of Legion of Eberron on Cannith.

    Characters: Loromir & Baldomir....among others.

  9. #9
    Stormreach Advisor

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    Jan 2006


    Please do not post guild info in this thread. This is meant to be a collection of links towards individual server guild lists.

    And yes, it's probably somewhat outdated atm, I should check if there are new guild lists on the various servers.

  10. #10
    Community Member Sleepsalot's Avatar
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    I would like to have my guild listed Please >>See Sig<<

    Quote Originally Posted by tihocan View Post
    Please do not post guild info in this thread. This is meant to be a collection of links towards individual server guild lists.

    And yes, it's probably somewhat outdated atm, I should check if there are new guild lists on the various servers.

  11. 05-20-2012, 02:48 PM

  12. #11


    Dynamic Multi Server Guild Listings and Rosters

    Sorry, I don't really know what else to call it. But anyways, It maintains information on ALL guilds level 25 and higher on ALL servers. I have plans to lower the level range in the future.

    There are also various statistics for each server including global leaderboards. I am going to be implementing reknown analysis charts and other statistics in the future. My work schedule has just been too demanding lately for me to dedicate enough time to add those features. But they are coming, don't worry.

    This site is part of the YourDDO project that i have been working on.

  13. #12

    Default 'Pure Class' is recruiting new members on Argonnessen server

    Pure Class is a level 68 Guild on Argonnessen server. Our website is

    We've been around since 2010 and grew our guild from the bottom up. We are an established guild with a core group of online friends who met each other through the game. We appreciate each other's company and play and build to similar styles. We coordinate weekly guild runs and play to balanced team strategies. We take care of our Stormglory Tempest Airship with contributions from all of our members.

    At this time, Pure Class is looking to fill our ranks with similar-minded people. Our goal is to have our guild comprised of 15 solid people who are in it for the long term. We have some openings now and are looking for folks who are looking for the same things we are:

    * Can play DDO 2-4 days a week, including our weekly Guild Night

    * Have an "I'm up for anything" attitude

    * More interested in quality play than just rushing to your character's next level or playing to solo-quest strategies (like zerging); be a team person who wants to help others do well

    * Understand how best to build pure class characters based on the Prestige & Capstone Enhancements and how to use them effectively in a balanced party (team) system, or at least be willing to learn and implement these ideas

    * Follow directions well - should only have to tell you once

    * Our core group has been with us for three years; we are looking for people who have the personalities that enable longevity and quality: maturity, a good heart, a good lifestyle, and the desire to help and care for others - besides just liking to play video games

    * Pure Class members typically switch toons just to be able to help out others; we don't mind running quests we have already run so as to help others earn Favor Points (even low-level quests); we like to run wilderness areas for slayer, explorers, and rares; we love to stick together in quests; we succeed with our builds and strategies in all the quests that we run together, even at the higher levels and in raids (everyone does their job); we are very class- and role-oriented with our characters; we like to joke around as we play

    * In general, the folks in our guild are conservative, patriotic, and hold Christian values; it would be nice to find similar-minded folks for the sake of getting along for years to come.

    If all those traits are things that you appreciate and want to be a part of, then we would like to play DDO with you. If you are interested in joining Pure Class, we ask that you have a character on the Argonnessen server and play with us! Ideally, we want our officers to each spend a couple hours with you, so the best way to do that is to look for us on Saturdays at 3:30 PM EST. Our officers' names are: Godhinus, Redlotus, and Zercie.

  14. #13
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Greetings!

    I would like to have our Guild listed in the Guild lists.

    The Guild id Immortal Legion on Cannith.

    Let me know if there is anything else I need to do to get on any lists.



  15. #14
    Community Member Mahalko128's Avatar
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    Apr 2013


    I'm not sure how others would take this, but wouldn't it make sense with how many guilds are out there these days to set a minimum guild level to be noticed on here? Like, eighty or something similar?
    Keep on rollin'.

  16. #15
    Community Member
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    Jun 2012

    Default the Knights Templars. Cannith.

    The Knights Templars, Cannith server was formed 06/06/12 by Samjr who is still currently the guild leader. Current guild level is 51 and rising steadily. Just like the real life Knights Templar Organization this Guild is a secret organization of a group of players. It is Invite only.

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