I had the fortune to meet the Golden Trimmed Warforged... I found the fine sentient being to be very competent.
I had the fortune to meet the Golden Trimmed Warforged... I found the fine sentient being to be very competent.
Dedicated Teams Guild be part of a larger community... and Roleplayers Sarlona RP Channel
New friends aquired.........new home for Varrr! I enjoyed greatly throwing down the evil clerics and their minions inhabiting Sorrowdusk Isle. I am looking forward to meeting both of the party that were on holiday this coming Monday. I shall grow into the group a bit with some training this week so I can better deflect trouble from the front.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Moved to Varrr's Journal
Last edited by Varr; 09-11-2008 at 03:58 PM.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Moved to Varrr's Journal
Last edited by Varr; 09-11-2008 at 03:58 PM.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
I think we may 'ave found us a krana, crono, chronacaler-er, ahhhh one-a dose guys dat write stories an stuff down!
Indeed, our exploits this week proved much more fruitful, with all of us there to assist. One more good push and we will be ready to challenge tha Demon Queen 'erself! ((we should alert our friends))
/Reapent lowers his voice, and whispers to Varrr, barely audible, but clear enough for the Warforged to understand: redemption is not about somethin ye may find one day. If ye be lookin to cross a finish line, wid yer past behind ye, and redemption on teh udder side, ye be hurtin yerself fer a long time. Redemption, my friend, comes not at the finish line in one big swoop, but rather it comes a little bit every day, every hour, along the way; it is the journey that brings the redemption, not the end of the day. I should know, I ..... bah never ye mind aboot that!
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Sorry, friends I'm going to have to hang up the battle axe for the next couple of nights. Sept. 1 is 1st wedding anniversary (good thing I remembered, or you'd see my head on a spike at the top of the Mencherian Desert hills and Sept 8th I'll be sipping margarita's in Ataraxia's Haven err.. I mean Peurto Vallarta.
I'll be back hacking and slashing on the 15th! Until then may the treasure be plenty!
Well, I may be here tonight, but I may not be!
It's Mo's Anniversary, and I thought I would celebrate also! Any reason is a good reason!
Actually, though, my wife has us going to her friends house for a BBQ, from which I may or may not return in time. I probably will, but perhaps not early enough for our normal start time.
Anyhoo, I will try to be in late, or I will see you next week.
If anyone speaks to the guild members from the other Monday night team (ahem, Luth?) see if late Sept works for them for the Demon Queen. If everyone's schedule agrees, we can be ready on the 15th, raid on the 22nd.
Happy Anniversary, Mo (and Mrs. Mo), and have a good trip next week (I'm so jealous).
Moved ot Varrr's Journal
Last edited by Varr; 09-11-2008 at 03:59 PM.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Varr... I never knew.... *goes back to lurking*
xX-----==<<<Yes, I roleplay. Get over it.>>>==-----XxOriginally Posted by Beol
I am drawn away tonight by my duties to the Court, and shall not be able to meet up with you young ones. I expect this journey will keep me away next week as well. Stay well and may the Undying watch over you until my return!
((I've done all the quests for that demon raid thing so feel free to do those in my absence, or even the raid if it comes up! Don't hold back on my account....))
Baenadal Sollegond Cleric of the Undying Court
Deadicated Teams Guild: Monday Night Game Nite! (8PM EST)
~observes Varrr from across the field, whispering to himself in thought~ hmmm, I had heard of such warforged before yet this new companion seems even more... unique than I'd anticipated. ~scratches his chin, forefinger firmly rubbing his right temple, he continues~ Stoic and fearless for sure, a common trait of the Forged, yet his awareness definately marks him as more. ~reclines further and presses onward in the thich leather bound tome across his lap. He reads for perhaps 20 minutes then sighs softly as reagents are drawn from impossibly deep pockets of his fine silken robe. Whispering in hushed tones, more to steady his will than to avoid attention are breathed out in a hiss~ Come Andrazzus, I bid you to my side yet again... Your reward is at hand as is your task. ~blue smoke seeps from within one pocket as the ingredients are consumed into themselves. The sorceror reclines further, orbs narrowing dangerously. One hand rests securely with his components the other balancing a small vial of a dusky red substance that can only be ichor of some fell beast. Speaks firmly with a slight growl to his tone.~ Come Andrazzus, you know it is ill advised to keep me waiting. ~a small violet hued humonculous peers outward then slowly retracts himself from the mage's pocket. He speaks in halting common, his manner clearly a combination of fear and anxiety.~ Please Master Luthour, I do not seek your wrath...
((to be continued later... perhaps))
Last edited by relik_arkane; 09-15-2008 at 06:01 PM.
Dearest Comrades,
It is with happy heart that I write to you all, to announce that my prayers have finally been answered, and the Undying Court, in its infinite wisdom and benevolence has summoned be back to fair, fair Aeranal to serve as the page for my most noble ancestor Gatarathnea Sollegond, who will be ascending to the Court and take up the mantle of the Deathless when the Spring blossoms next come! Although I will certainly not miss this forsaken scrap of rock that my ancestors rightly fled so many eons ago, I shall still hold fond memories of the associates--and yes, even friends--among the lesser races that I have met while serving my holy masters' will here in Stormreach. Please know that I believe you all to be shining and heroic examples of your kind, and that long after the brief spark of your short life has been snuffed, I will still sing your praises and remember your deeds in the hallowed halls of Shae Mordai. Indeed, I can think of no greater honor! Farewell, and know that you walk with the blessing of the Deathless.
written, signed and sealed by
Baenadal Sollegond,
Page to Gatarathnea Sollegond,
Deathless Champion Elect,
Civil Flight of the Lower Undying Court,
en route to Taer Senedal
((Hey everybody, it has been a great couple of years with you all, but I've finally been loured away from DDO by the new MMO Warhammer Online. Unfortunately I don't have enough free time to play 2 MMOs, so I am going to have to leave you all for now. Best of luck and I hope you all have many more fine adventures! If any of you are playing Warhammer or want to check it out, you should check out my guild, the Lost Guard of Tor Anroc (http://toranroc.com), or say hi to me in game (I'm playing a High Elf named Uanmaar on the Phoenix Throne server, and he's a much nicer chap that Baenadal ever was for sure!). I'll still be able to get PMs on this forum too, if you want to say hi every, and I will probably keep my DDO account open for a little while longer in case things go south with WAR, but I understand if you need to remove me from the guild list... Thanks again for all the fun times! Maybe someday we shall raise our swords together again?))
Baenadal Sollegond Cleric of the Undying Court
Deadicated Teams Guild: Monday Night Game Nite! (8PM EST)
Hi Everyone:
Well this apartment move has been one hell of a battle. Finally done, but everything is still in pieces so I won't be able to make it to stormreach tonight. I'll be back in fighting form next Monday!!
Until then my friends...
I fear I will be a bit late this evening due to a Festivult concert featuring a young lad very close to me (my son). I should be no more than 30 minutes late. I will stock up on haste potions to quicken my travels from the concert hall to Stormreach.
PS. (A member of the PD guild I venture may be looking us up this evening as well. He is intereted a grouping with fellow adventureers that enjoy a thorough and thoughtful approach to adventuring. I do not have his alts name but he may inquire after Kagul or Reapent.)
If anyone remembers to check here before tonight...
Please let everyone know I will not be home in time to get on until at best 9pm EST, perhaps not at all![]()
If the other Monday nighters ask about a reschedule for the raid, anytime is fine for me. And if you are looking for something to do, Ramaul needs to go thru the DQ pre-raid still.
Be well, and I will see you next week.
but we managed. We did not discuss the raid with the other group. Be looking for you next week.
that was an unfortunate occurrence fer our team last night!
We shall make up for it next Monday and kill everything twice!
As a reminder for anyone interested, we have a spot open for our Monday night Dedicated Team. (Light RP, no twink, dedicated character, no metagaming.) I'll have to update the first post, as I believe we are in the level range of 13-14 now.
Any takers, see Reapent on Monday night just before 8pm EST.
Hi Everyone:
We've moved into the new place but the computer is still in pieces and I have a limited broadband connection. I'll be back in fighting form next Monday!
Ramaul will be MIA this evening as his commander must work late tonight..darn!!!
Kill some stuff for him will ya?
[If any of you guys are on and are looking for a new RPers - Im looking for a guild... Send Syngyn a tell in game and we can hook up - or reply to me here =-) Thanks.]
Roleplayers of Sarlona [210 members]
Syngyn [L14 human monk]
Gundin [L13 dwarf paladin]