I will put faith in the wise counsel of Reapent, though I am a bit concerned of this talk of completing these on Elite. Perhaps if we would choose an Quest to do on Elite, we should aim a bit lower????
(Cautious but not caowardly),
I will put faith in the wise counsel of Reapent, though I am a bit concerned of this talk of completing these on Elite. Perhaps if we would choose an Quest to do on Elite, we should aim a bit lower????
(Cautious but not caowardly),
Aye, Kagul's thoughts are wise and well placed as are Reapent's... I do agree that we can achieve a level within the normal 3 hour session (at least 3 to 4 of us would be an achievable goal). We could always attempt an extra day, the other mon nite group has already done so in preparation of the upcoming raid. Luthour will be level 10 by the raid, he is a paultry 5k away after running with that group one nite when they needed a 6th (caught up several quests I was missing on our list although they were re-visits for that group on a higher difficulty = netted about 20k exp and none were longer than medium). Their style of teamwork is similar to ours but their pace is perhaps a bit faster. I believe our 2 groups will compliment one another nicely. I think our best chance of achieving the exp we require would be medium quests on harder difficulties but longer ones on normal. Perhaps a mix of the two? Say maybe choose one longer one and have a list of medium ones we can knock off as time permits? I bet we could do Gwylan's, Stormcleave and another medium in a 3 hour session. Say maybe 25k - 30k exp? My figures may be off... just shooting from the hip ; )
general play toons: Dragolarc, Thraxxus, Qwil, Dragoloss, Lejend, Dragolyre
permadeath toons: Draegoloth, Draegolas, Draegolyon, Dragolich, Dragoloch, Dragolore, Dragolute, Dragolynx
I was running my floater Heironeus over the weekend and had the chance to chat with Voxin (he messaged me under one of his alts). He has decided to dedicate Voxin to our group permanently.
general play toons: Dragolarc, Thraxxus, Qwil, Dragoloss, Lejend, Dragolyre
permadeath toons: Draegoloth, Draegolas, Draegolyon, Dragolich, Dragoloch, Dragolore, Dragolute, Dragolynx
I have updated the initial post, to reflect current party makeup. Please PM me with corrections.
If any prospective new members are interested, please post here, PM me, see one of us in game, whatever.
We seek at least one like minded member to join our dedicated team. See the first post for a description. We had recently lost a good Bard, and are feeling the loss. While we miss the teammate much, we also miss the balance and abilities brought by the build. We have never partied with a Pally, that might be fun, too. The best build we need, though, is whatever YOU want to do! We try to be smart about what we do, and how we play, but we are NOT min/maxers, we do not judge your build or anyone's. We work on the best solutions for the task at hand with what and who we have. So come on in, the water's fine!
And with that, I also must add that I am afraid I cannot be on for our regular schedule this Monday (3/16). It is my sister's birthday and we will be celebrating at her house. Of course, it doesn't hurt that it is also St. Patricks Day for our Irish side of the family!So if I do happen to be on late at night Monday, and it seems I'm walkin a lil crooked-like, you'll know why!
See you next week!
Hello friends we have been discussing tatics for next week on our thread.
There is a link to the page that we have started talking. You are all welcome to come give your own advice or just plain chat.
The Arrow Clan >>>----->
Dantaous Arrow - Paladin 16(Argonnessen) Co-Founder: Grounded Aces
Gordan Arrow - Ranger 20 (Sarlona) Member of Dedicated Teams
yes tactics would be good ~chuckles~ look forward to another shot at that bif lizard! btw I believe Milbrae would like to join again to fill out the raid : )
Alas, other affairs will require my full attention this coming Monday. I should be able to rejoin the hunt the following week. Until then, good hunting to my comrades.
alright, some time off from von to pursue other beasties, muhahahaaaa. I do look forward to another crack at her and know we will be triumphant next time!!!
My Friends, my apologies for missing our arranged meeting yesterday eve. The whim of the Undying is certainly not to be questioned in this case, but it is my hope that my glorious ancestors will allow me to resume our good work in Stormreach next week. Until then, may the Court protect you!
((My computer wouldn't start at all on Monday. I spent a few hours futzing with it to no avail. I think the old girl has finally spun her last fan.... Luckily, I just got a fancy-ish new laptop for work, so hopefully ddo will run on that... I'll let you all know if I still haven't found a way back into the game by next week....))
Baenadal Sollegond Cleric of the Undying Court
Deadicated Teams Guild: Monday Night Game Nite! (8PM EST)
Hi everyone, the other group wants to try VON again tonight. Is everyone going to be online tonight? I know it is a holiday...
Baenadal Sollegond Cleric of the Undying Court
Deadicated Teams Guild: Monday Night Game Nite! (8PM EST)
Hey Guys, trying to log on now.... I had a virus that took a while to clear up and now I am stuck updating![]()
Baenadal Sollegond Cleric of the Undying Court
Deadicated Teams Guild: Monday Night Game Nite! (8PM EST)
I posted this on the other thread I started, but I thought I should put it on your thread too. I woudl love to join if you wouldn't mind the wait ( starting a new character). Please let me know if you are still looking for someone. Thanks.
Greetings friend. The will of the Undying has seen fit to send me far from the faire shores of Aerani to this dung heap of a city. I am eager to dispatch my charges and return to my homeland, by my Ancestor's honor! In this endeavor I may find need of your assistance. I can promise you a hefty reward for your troubles... and the great honor of serving as the hand of those wise beyond your--indeed, even my--understanding: The Undying Court!. Now let me introduce you to my other hirelin--er, companions.....
((Hey Hawkeyekck86! We are still looking for one more member and would be glad to add you to our merry band. What sort of character were you thinking of? Right now we have 2 clerics,sorcerer,ranger/rouge and a barbarian. I think a wizard or barbarian would be swell, but we're open to whatever class you'd like to play. Now would be a good time to catch up level-wise, since I think we won't be making much further progress this summer because of people's vacations and stuff. If you can make it online Monday night, send a tell to Baenadal or Reapent and we can talk. Everyone is 11th level now, so that's a long way to go for a new character I guess.... But we're happy to assist with that too if we can))
Baenadal Sollegond Cleric of the Undying Court
Deadicated Teams Guild: Monday Night Game Nite! (8PM EST)
I will be leaving for a short expedition to a far away land to the South call Flor-Ida to seek the fabled Fountain of Youth this week and will not be in Stormreach this Monday eve. I will be returning for the following Monday and look forward to continuing our exploration of the Restless Isles.
By the way, I did a bit more scouting on the Isles and finally managed to work out the locking mechanism on that chest that baffled me earlier ((took an 18 +34 to get it to pop it)).
I think that we were close to our first objective at the end of the night when we came upon the wildmen encampment. As I recall, the wildmen were one possible source of hte relic pieces we seek and these were the first we came across not enslaved by the Ogres.
I also discovered an encampment of Scorrow. They nearly got me in an ambush, but I managed to escape back underground.
On a last note, upon examining my equipment it appears that the Ogre wizards favor fireballs and lightening magicks to attack their foe. Also, I noticed that the wildman slaves did not attack until attacked. Perhaps we could use this to our advantage in our next foray.
Good Hunting in my absence.
((On a final note, though expensive with little profit at the end of the night, it was most enjoyable exploring a land totally unknown to any of use and sorting out where to go and what to do. Defintely why I keep coming back for more![]()
See y'all in two weeks. ))
My friends, I have returned to Stormreach after conference in Angbahd and look forward to renewing our explorations. It was a productive and enjoyable excursion but I have grown weary of leisure and pampering, time for some wonderous trouble we always seem to find. ~gryns~ see you all soon as our annointed hour approaches! ((woot, exploring new areas is one of my most favorite parts of the game, look forward to it!))
Hello Everyone, The will of the Court has sent me on an errand that leads me away from your companionship this eve. My humblest apologies for this, and I hope to see you all well and alive next week!
Baenadal Sollegond Cleric of the Undying Court
Deadicated Teams Guild: Monday Night Game Nite! (8PM EST)
Sadly I will be called away tonight. I believe I saw a post on another thread saying Luthour might be out tonight as well. Happy hunting without me! I shall return next week!
Baenadal Sollegond Cleric of the Undying Court
Deadicated Teams Guild: Monday Night Game Nite! (8PM EST)
I would be very interested in taking the 6th spot in your group. Im home by 8:10 est from work and could play all night. I have rolled a level 8 battle sorc (wf) on Sarlona and have come here looking for dedicated team/rp work. I can schedule other hours for mondays going forward but would like to be considered for this group. I have voice chat, and am an old pnp'er.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Hey Var! Sounds good to us! A few of our members (me included) aren't able to play this week, but I believe Reapent will be in game tonight. If you are on send him a tell and he can tell you about the team and invite you to the guild if you want. Maybe I'll see you next week?
Baenadal Sollegond Cleric of the Undying Court
Deadicated Teams Guild: Monday Night Game Nite! (8PM EST)
Ahh......I had thought I had missed ya. Ill try reapent.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.