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  1. #1
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Mid-level Dedicated Team seeks new blood for RP night.

    Since our leader's original thread got lost in the server shuffle:

    The MNGN Team of the Dedicated Teams Guild is currently a full party! HOWEVER, if you are interested, please inquire within! We can always take on alternates, and we have and will split a group of more than 6 team members, depending on attendance and goals of the evening at hand.

    We are a light RP group that plays Monday nights from 8pm to 11pm, eastern.
    The characters we use here are dedicated to this group, and no twinking.
    (Off schedule play is allowed for catch-up purposes.)
    RP and backstories are encouraged. We play as a team.

    We seek like-minded, mature (in action, not necessarily age) individuals to join us.
    We are currently in the Level 10-11 range. The current party is listed below, but we will not choose your class for you. Play what you like!
    (Although we would like to add a bard, or maybe a paladin.)

    Please feel free to contact me or Prain if you are interested. We will always entertain more than one addition to our group, we are often in need of a seventh. We can also have a multi party team, should there be enough interest, in which we divide up according to party interest on a given night.

    Current Team Makeup: (( Please PM me with corrections guys ))
    Baenadal Sollegund, Cleric 11, Fearless Leader and resurrector
    Reapent Calvin'efiver, Cleric/Ranger 10/1, Protector and pieces picker-upper

    Tough guys:
    Moranda Stonehammer, Barbarian/Rogue 8/3(?), The fiercest of warriors, but do not underestimate her finesse, or she will cut you down from behind, before you even hear her coming!
    Jack of all trades:
    Kagul, Barb/Ranger/Rogue 1/6/4(?), The ultimate survivor, he continues to outwit and outlast every adversary.
    Luthour, Sorcerer 10, of well-known acclaim, he has regained his skills and power, if not his memories... and certainly his place in lore
    Varrr, Sorcerer 10, skilled and confident, his unique makeup enables him to endure more than any sorceror seemingly could

    We meet just before 8pm, Monday. See Reapent or Baenadal for an invite. Don't let level stop you, we can redo lower level quests to bring you up if need be, or you can stop in for a chat, and bring your character up to speed in between Mondays.

    Oh, yeah, for a more, err, colorful, version of this message, read this:
    Last edited by S1gma; 08-26-2008 at 09:16 PM. Reason: update

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