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  1. #21
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Default Reminder from an angry dwarf....

    ... who's not named Hank.

    Awright, awright, mebbe I'm not even ahll that angry. I dew ave me tankard and me favorite wench, both in easy arms reach! But enuff o' that fer now.

    What I needs is sumplace ta bury the hatchet. More specifically, an 'ead inta which I cin bury me axe! We are gonna lack some punch the night that follas tamara, since someone said they'd be unavailable. (Moranda was it?)

    Ennyway, I expect ta be there, and the last person ta show cin buy the first round!

    ((Reminder, they're "fixing" something tomorrow, so log in early sometime if you can to make sure you won't have problems getting on later. Also, I have written a short RP guide for players new to the format, and posted it here: I don't know if it's meaty enough to win a prize, but I entered it anyway. Check it out for me if you can. Thanks!))

  2. #22
    Community Member knight2k's Avatar
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    Default Mez may be running late...

    Sorry friends, but certain family members have decided to infringe on my sanity..errr um have decided to pay our little house a kind visit. I may be forced.. err encouraged to have dinner with them, which makes my return to Stormreach in a timely manner questionable.

    I will attempt to disentangle myself from their grimy clutches as soon..err I will try to finish our meal as quickly as I can and join you late if possible.


  3. #23
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Default Arrrggghhh not tonight!!

    errr..... Not tomorrow night!!!!

    Well, lads, it seems I 'ave a job tha needs ta be taken care of, and must be done when we were ta meet this Monday. The job itself? It's dangerous and dirty, but the hours are bad and the pay stinks! So of coursh they call me! I will attempt ta be on at some point, but ya bedder start widout me.


  4. #24
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Default A self-serving request

    Hey, If you haven't already, check out my mini-guide at

    I realize that everyone here is already well aware of the info contained therein, but what do you think of it as advice for the uninitiated?

    Since it is targeted at RP noobs, and they aren'y likely to be posting a nomination, if you like it throw me a bone and send in a nomination? ( I know I have no chance at beating some of the excellent work put into this by others, ie Rowanheal, but it'd still be nice to be in the running. )

    If OTOH you really think it 5ux, lemme know.


  5. #25
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Default Grumble grumble grumble

    Oh no, oh no, oh no! The casks of ale, the barrels of wine, all must be moved and hurry! Oh the humanity!

    Of all the times to....!!!!!!! Meh!!!

    Folks, the water delivery mechanism that brings pure water ta me cloister has apparently broken.... they just don't make magic stone aquaducts like they used ta!

    Anyway, I await the mason/plumber, and in the meantime must move all me precious casks and barrels to higher ground, and quick!

    I may be unavoidably detained and unavailable tonight... try to stay alive, and much success in me absence!


  6. #26
    Community Member relik_arkane's Avatar
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    Default plumber?

    awww, poor dwarven friend... if only our domiciles were nearer I could of been of assistance in your ale's hour of greatest need. ~chuckles~ Hope all worked out well and look forward to seeing everyone tonite! ((Luthour pugged his way to 9th last weekend, woohoo!)) ((oh, and btw, I am a foreman for a union plumbing company should you have any questions or concerns of such matters.))

  7. #27
    Community Member ELRON's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default Stop me if you heard this one....

    This weekend I took a short hunting trip with a dwarf and a hafling just outside the wall of Stormreach. The halfling and dwarf stopped at the first clearing we came to, being more inclined to drink and and swap tall tales this hunt. I pushed on a bit further and found a good stand from which to await my prey, but still within earshot of my fellows.

    Presently, the dwarf called out, "Kagul, come quick. The Halfing! He's dead! What should I do?"

    Somewhat confused by this, I called back, "Well, first make sure he is dead and that this is not one of his silly tricks!" and began to make my way back to my comrades.

    As I neared the clearing where I had left them, I heard the unmistakable sound of a crossbow loosing its bolt, followed by the dwarf calling out, "OK, I'm sure he is dead. Now what?"

    ((My ISP has apparently decided to interupt service to a number of customers in my area beginning Monday and continuing today (Tuesday). They will not fess up to the reason for this interuption, nor offer advice on how long it may persist. Have a good thanksgiving and I will be on next Monday, my ISP willing.))

    ((Your one stop alternative for all manner of bad, old jokes. ))

  8. #28
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Default Bad joke??

    Seems like good, sound logic ta me!

  9. #29
    Community Member leozelig's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Nice one, Kag and Reap! Hope MNGN is going well...

  10. #30
    Community Member ELRON's Avatar
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    Default Alright...

    Whatever did you fellows do to anger the Lords of Stormreach? I have been locked out and am unable to gain entrance to the city. I shall continue to probe the defenses, but I fear it will be nigh impossible to breach the wall this evening .


  11. #31
    Community Member relik_arkane's Avatar
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    Default Argh!

    ((how dare DDO ruin a perfectly good monday night... did we want to do a make up day before next monday?))
    Last edited by relik_arkane; 11-27-2007 at 05:23 PM. Reason: ~Luthour

  12. #32
    Community Member knight2k's Avatar
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    Apr 2007

    Angry Mez out again this week

    Sorry my friends but I will not be able to make this week. My son has a band recital tonight and we will not be returning until late, most likely.

    Be sure to give the undead my tender apologies for being unable to separate their heads from their bodies. I will make every effort to be
    present next week.


  13. #33
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Default This eve

    Brothers! (and sisters, I s'pose)

    I will be hunting prey this afternoon and as such may be delayed slightly in my arrival back to the (relatively) safer confines of our great City of Stormreach. I shall notify you immediately upon my return.

  14. #34
    Community Member ELRON's Avatar
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    Default a dwarf hunting????

    I hope that you were not in the company of a prankster hafling .


  15. #35
    Community Member ELRON's Avatar
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    Smile Another adventure in the woods...

    You probably remember my sad story about the dwarf and the hafling (may he rest in peace). It so happens that my dwarven friend and I decided to go on another camping trip in memory of our departed comrade. Upon finding a good campsite, I set to work pitching our tent and laying out our bedrolls within while my dwarven companion prepared the fire pit for cooking the evening meal.

    Well, after a fine meal cooked over an open fire, followed by a wee bit of drink of course , we decided to turn in for the night so that we could arise early in the morning to fish the nearby stream for our breakfast (no bows allowed on this trip ) .

    I lay awake, pondering the night sky for a few moments before asking my Dwarven companion, "Look up at the sky and tell me what you see?".

    "I see a great many points of light cast against a deep black canvas", came the reply.

    "And what does that mean to you?", I enquired.

    "Well, we should have fine weather the 'morrow."

    "Anything else?"

    "Of course, the arrangments of the lights tell many a story of the gods. Tales of great hunters, royal queens, great beasts of the wild and more."

    "What else?", I pressed.

    "What else??? Get to the point!!! 'Tis late and my head spins from all of the questions! IT IS THE SKY! THE SAME SKY MY FATHERS SAW IN THE NIGHT AND THEIR FATHERS BEFORE THEM!!".

    "Ahhh, but you missed the point, my short friend. Someone has stolen our tent!"

    ((December 26 at 8PM eastern still good for anybody? I promise not to dredge up any worn out jokes for those that show. To those who do not make it, ...

    beware. I will joke again!

  16. #36
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Default And THAT... the only thing to truly fear in tha woods: being assaulted with such buffoonery!

    A sturdy dwarf needs no tent anyway! Hmph!

    As fer our meetings, as was said last week, and for anyone who wasn't there or may be interested: Festivult Festivities are pre-empting our regular scheduleboth tonight and next Monday. We shall attempt to meet on Wednesday, the 26th, and Friday the 28th, at the regular time, 8-11pm EST. Be there, or not, but we shall enjoy the Festivus hunting at those times!

    I would defer to Sir Baenadal if he disagrees wid me on this, but I think I have known him long enough to make this assertion: Any members of other Dedicated Teams are welcome to join us at these special activities. We shall divide up if need be, or if we are small perhaps we shall simply do lesser jobs to garner favor with the houses.

    ALSO, if ye cinna make these meetins, fear not, we shall resume as scheduled in two weeks time. Between now and then, ye may wanna take some time to do some freelancin, just ta catch up a bit. We have as a group done jes about everything level 7 an below. If ye be missin any of those, by all means try and tag along with someone to get em done. This applies especially if ye be needin ta raise your skills to the 9th level. (And I'm sure Baen can agree wid me here, as he may be needin ta take advantage of this time!)

    Try an group wid other DTers if ye can. Or, if necessary, join some strangers, but be wary! Lightstorm Dragonslayers and The Forsworn are both good groups to look fer if'n our own aint on.

    A Fantastic Festivus to All!

  17. #37
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    Exclamation next adventures

    Hi All:

    I won't be making my way to Stormreach until the 7th night of the New Year; too much drinking and eating with the clan has left me weak and clumsy with the axe.

    Until then my friends... Happy New Year to all!


  18. #38
    Community Member ELRON's Avatar
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    Default Alas, ...

    I fear that I will be forced to subject myself to my own bad jokes as I will be travelling on business January 2 on will not be on for the optional Wedensday make-up day.

    I will be back the following Monday.


    Q: What do you call a monkey in a minefield?
    A: A BaBOOM!

    ((Please make it stop!!!!!!!!!!!))

  19. #39
    Community Member Prain's Avatar
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    Default Finally!

    Greetings young ones! I trust you are enjoying whatever primitive celebrations your sort enjoys this season! Know that the Undying Court extends its blessing and guidance even to you! I have taken this time to gather information on the vile hand of Vol as it spreads throughout the allies and backways of Stormreach. When you all return there will be much work for us to do!

    ((AND, via several frustratingly rushed XP farming PUGs I have finally managed to become a member of the 9th level club! YES! Flame Strike and RAISE DEAD! I was wondering what rank everyone else is; If most of you are well on your way to lvl 10, I should probably do a little more catching up before the New Year. Right now I'm at the beginning of 9.0. Could everyone else post their exact level and rank as it stands now? Thanks!))
    Baenadal Sollegond Cleric of the Undying Court
    Deadicated Teams Guild: Monday Night Game Nite! (8PM EST)

  20. #40
    Community Member ELRON's Avatar
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    Default Kagul reporting in...

    ((L 9.1 rank 42 here. Just shy on earning next action point))

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