... who's not named Hank.
Awright, awright, mebbe I'm not even ahll that angry. I dew ave me tankard and me favorite wench, both in easy arms reach! But enuff o' that fer now.
What I needs is sumplace ta bury the hatchet. More specifically, an 'ead inta which I cin bury me axe! We are gonna lack some punch the night that follas tamara, since someone said they'd be unavailable. (Moranda was it?)
Ennyway, I expect ta be there, and the last person ta show cin buy the first round!
((Reminder, they're "fixing" something tomorrow, so log in early sometime if you can to make sure you won't have problems getting on later. Also, I have written a short RP guide for players new to the format, and posted it here: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php...36#post1379736 I don't know if it's meaty enough to win a prize, but I entered it anyway. Check it out for me if you can. Thanks!))