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  1. #1
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Default Mid-level Dedicated Team seeks new blood for RP night.

    Since our leader's original thread got lost in the server shuffle:

    The MNGN Team of the Dedicated Teams Guild is currently a full party! HOWEVER, if you are interested, please inquire within! We can always take on alternates, and we have and will split a group of more than 6 team members, depending on attendance and goals of the evening at hand.

    We are a light RP group that plays Monday nights from 8pm to 11pm, eastern.
    The characters we use here are dedicated to this group, and no twinking.
    (Off schedule play is allowed for catch-up purposes.)
    RP and backstories are encouraged. We play as a team.

    We seek like-minded, mature (in action, not necessarily age) individuals to join us.
    We are currently in the Level 10-11 range. The current party is listed below, but we will not choose your class for you. Play what you like!
    (Although we would like to add a bard, or maybe a paladin.)

    Please feel free to contact me or Prain if you are interested. We will always entertain more than one addition to our group, we are often in need of a seventh. We can also have a multi party team, should there be enough interest, in which we divide up according to party interest on a given night.

    Current Team Makeup: (( Please PM me with corrections guys ))
    Baenadal Sollegund, Cleric 11, Fearless Leader and resurrector
    Reapent Calvin'efiver, Cleric/Ranger 10/1, Protector and pieces picker-upper

    Tough guys:
    Moranda Stonehammer, Barbarian/Rogue 8/3(?), The fiercest of warriors, but do not underestimate her finesse, or she will cut you down from behind, before you even hear her coming!
    Jack of all trades:
    Kagul, Barb/Ranger/Rogue 1/6/4(?), The ultimate survivor, he continues to outwit and outlast every adversary.
    Luthour, Sorcerer 10, of well-known acclaim, he has regained his skills and power, if not his memories... and certainly his place in lore
    Varrr, Sorcerer 10, skilled and confident, his unique makeup enables him to endure more than any sorceror seemingly could

    We meet just before 8pm, Monday. See Reapent or Baenadal for an invite. Don't let level stop you, we can redo lower level quests to bring you up if need be, or you can stop in for a chat, and bring your character up to speed in between Mondays.

    Oh, yeah, for a more, err, colorful, version of this message, read this:
    Last edited by S1gma; 08-26-2008 at 10:16 PM. Reason: update

  2. #2
    Community Member ELRON's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default I am many things,

    but I am no thief. Though I will admit to studying under some mentors who may occasionally happen certain items of uncertain ownership, I assure you that my association with these sorts is borne out of necessity that I may learn more of the infernal traps and pitfalls that lay in wait within the cursed sewers and tombs of Stormreach.

    How I long to return to the great outdoors of my youth. But I fear I must remain in Stormereach until the pervasive evil here is brought into check.


  3. #3
    Community Member knight2k's Avatar
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    Would love to join you all but I have no chars on Sarlona so I would have to start from scratch. I am not sure how long it would take me to get caught up playing one or two nights a week. If you all don't mind the wait or helping to power level me a bit I can roll a Bard tonight and be at least lvl 2 for the first night.

    I really would like a steady group even though groups are much easier to get nowadays. Still, it would be nice to have a consistent group that you know and know how they play.

    Let me know if you are interested in letting me join your little band and I will get started. =)

  4. #4
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    Thumbs up Guild Floaters

    I cannot speak for each of the individual team officers, but we sometimes have new people join as guild floaters and while they level to an appropriate range they sometimes fill temporary vacancies in running teams.
    Dedicated Teams Guild be part of a larger community... and Roleplayers Sarlona RP Channel

  5. #5
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Feb 2006


    You have PM, knight2k.

    Yea, roll up whatever you like, let us know who it is, and we can guild you up!

    If anyone else is on the fence... now is a good time. We are kinda playin catch-up due to vacations, work, moving homes, and other RL issues. It would be a good time to help level a character or two.

    And while we will certainly accept any class that makes you enjoy your time in Stormreach, we could use a caster. You know, in case you were wonderin.

  6. #6
    Community Member knight2k's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by S1gma View Post
    You have PM, knight2k.

    Yea, roll up whatever you like, let us know who it is, and we can guild you up!

    If anyone else is on the fence... now is a good time. We are kinda playin catch-up due to vacations, work, moving homes, and other RL issues. It would be a good time to help level a character or two.

    And while we will certainly accept any class that makes you enjoy your time in Stormreach, we could use a caster. You know, in case you were wonderin.
    Well, I have gotten bitten by the Bard bug. I have a 7 Bard on Khyber and I just love playing the class. I have a Wiz and Sorc over there too, but the Bard is the most fun sofar. Not very soloable but very versatile and group friendly.

    Also, being able to fascinate an entire room of undead in Delera's ROCKS! I do miss my Drow Bard but will have to make do with this little elf. See ya in game. =)

    Mezmerelda Hexx 2 Bard

  7. #7
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Default This week...

    I will be away.
    I hope Baen will have his connection back.
    Otherwise, Mez will be doin the healin.

    Also, for anyone interested, we are looking to fill one last spot, hopefully with a caster, but we'll consider whatever you like. Check OP and links for info.

  8. #8
    Community Member jettmorrison's Avatar
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    Default are you

    still looking for two players? check out our posting...

    let me know if we might have a match


  9. #9
    Community Member flytrap's Avatar
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    Talking So's Yer Lookin' fer adventurers....

    Well, I have 2 10s and a 4
    (10 Ftr-Dorf)
    (10 Clr-Dorf)
    (4 Thf/Pal-Hum)

    and a free slot...

    I run on Sarlona (previously Arenal)

    I imagine the best fit would be da tief or a new roll....
    Hello World!
    Beyowulf- {L14 Barb/Thf} He cuts a bloody swath through the competition
    Litening- [L 14 Wiz]
    Anorak- working to be the worst healer on the server!

  10. #10
    Community Member Prain's Avatar
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    I hope this missive finds you well! I have been dispatched from the Most Honorable Court of the Undying with urgent orders to carry out in Stormreach. However, the tradesmen that normally make the journey from my beloved Aerenal to Xen'drik seem to be so disorganized, and frankly, incompetent, that I have not be able to even step on a suitable vessel! One particular captain, named Verizono I believe, has brought 3 ships to my dock, all of which proved NOT seaworthy in the slightest, despite repeated assurances from the Captain's associates! They have promised me a new ship in two days time, but I have little faith...

    So it is with a heavy heart that I write to beg your forgiveness for missing our rendezvous once again. With the blessing of the Undying I shall be with you in another weeks time!
    Baenadal Sollegond Cleric of the Undying Court
    Deadicated Teams Guild: Monday Night Game Nite! (8PM EST)

  11. #11
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Default Well! 'Bout time!!!

    So, yer finally found a leaky lil dinghy sturdy enuff ta bear you back ta Stormreach? And a lil early even! Well fer a elf ya sure were a welcome sight! (Maybe not as fair a sight as the other elf we've picked up along the way, mind ye, but welcome nonetheless!)

    'Twas good ta wield an axe once more, amongst a band whose strength was enough ta make those unholy beings wish they'd stayed dead ta begin with! Wid the five of us we vanquished many last night...

    (( One more slot to fill, and more are welcome, as it seems there's always a need to fill in for someone. Caster or tank would be nice, anything you want to play is welcome. ))

  12. #12
    Community Member relik_arkane's Avatar
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    Default still looking?

    Hello all!
    I currently play in dedicated teams on Tue and Thur nights under my alts Aereg and Larceni. I have just created a new sorc named Luthour that I will be training as time permits. Are you still looking for a 6th team member to fill out the party? (Mez ran with one of my alts on a night we were short handed and she was training to catch up)

    by the way, Luthour is not guilded yet... if someone can pass him an invite if you see him on it would be most appreciated!
    Last edited by relik_arkane; 09-14-2007 at 07:59 PM.

  13. #13
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Default Still looking

    Aye, Luthour, we are still lookin... Not that I am happy about trusting a caster. Of course, me earlier misgivings about certain ones of the 'arcane' influence have been tempered greatly by the sturdiness and steadfastness of our last ally. (You may have run into him... Sellestian Wayne? his wine is well reknowned, and he cin toss back a fair share o' ale ta be sure!) If ya be inclined ta join our ranks, an I hope ya do, I expect ya ta be sure ta remember ye have mighty shoes ta fill! Of course, any friend of Mezmerelda is a friend o'mine, so that does indeed bode well for any future collaboration!

    (( I'll be on the lookout for Luthour. I am on as Harpur or Amgis on occasion, so if you see them, lemme know and I'll switch over if you still need guilding. Welcome, and uhh... don't let the dwarf bother you, he has trust issues! ))

  14. #14
    Community Member relik_arkane's Avatar
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    Default reapent

    message delivered to your mailbox in game, feel free to repost it here to share with the group. (training Luthour now, the message is a letter of introduction from his former employer)

  15. #15
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Default New blood.

    With the recent addition of our capable songstress Mezmerelda, and the newest addition of Luthour, we are once again a FULL band of adventurers!

    I have recently received a message by post, which reads as such:

    "Greetings Master Reapent,
    I hope this letter finds you well and in good spirit. I would like to introduce Luthour in hopes that he may be able to bring arcane assistance as required to your band. I do personally know Luthour although it has been over a year since last I laid eyes upon him. He served very well under me in Anghstahd, fair Dwarven city far to the north and east. His steadfast efforts contributed to the quenching of the undead threat when Osmar the Undying began his campaign there. Unfortunately I must report that Luthour, although gifted and promising, is merely a shade of his former self. Unfortunate events during one of the final battles have rendered him less than whole. Many of his memories and skills remain locked within as a result of the battle of four fords, where the circle of nine stood against Osmar and his dreadwraith honorguard. Please accept Luthour into your band and know you are receiving a companion of great loyalty and dedication.
    ~Fendwick Skorn mayor of Anghstahd"

    High praise indeed to come from the likes o' the Anghstahd Mayor. We shall see if Luthour can live up to the expectations. I have seen him running around the city, apparently he is trying to regain some of his former skills and abilities. If any one of us is available, please remember to lend a hand if needed.

    (( We are a full party at this time, but for anyone interested in becoming an alternate, please feel free to contact me. We often have need of a seventh. FOR EXAMPLE: Unfortunately I will be out this comng Monday! I have to attend a parent/teacher conference. Man! I thought that was something old people do. Not me!!! Anyway, If it is short I may be able to join in, but start without me. ))

  16. #16
    Community Member relik_arkane's Avatar
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    Default first session

    ahhh, new found companions... ~smiles weakly~ I thank you kindly for making my first attendance one to recall with fondness. I look forward to further exploits and the bonding of our small brotherhood. Ever will I strive to serve our band in whatever arcane fashion required. ~inclines head gracefully, following through with a simply yet elegant bow~ In the words of our dear bearded friends of Anghstahd... "til next the ale flows frothy, til next our blades cross, live strong and drink well." ((thanks, look forward to next monday... status update: just hit 5th level with Luthour last night, more training tonite))

  17. #17
    Community Member relik_arkane's Avatar
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    Default status update

    Luthour just hit 6th level. He has had extremely good fortune and I will highlight the following updates since last monday:
    Level from 4 to 6
    SP's from 510 to 730
    spells: picked up scorching ray and haste
    traded out glitterdust for blur
    feats: gained mobile spellcasting
    items of note: received proof against poison item, wands of charm monster and stoneskin plus a mummified bat.

    extra items i'm saving for anyone in the party that needs or wants them:
    quality bolts and arrows (mostly bane), +1 holy composite longbow, +2 adamantine chainmail, +1 shock dwarven axe, +1 holy heavy mace, +1 frost bastard sword of tendon slice and a +2 sacred heavy steel shield (let me know if you want any of these and i will trade them to you at next session)
    until then, grand adventures!

  18. #18
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Good news and better fortune!

    It seems you have been fairing quite well, that is indeed good to hear!
    I notice ya dinna post ure new HPs.... that's okay, though, I'll still keepan eyeonya! I relaize tha you have been around, an perhaps even further than I, but since ye are relearnin yur skills I wanna remind ya ta be carful wid that scrochin ray o' yers. Let summwun else hit the uglies first afore ye blast em, else they will nip at yer heels while it chases ye down, and we go chasin it!

    Inna fact thas preddy good avice fer all of us.... (unless yer Moranda, she cin jes go a whack 'em), remember that the first hit onna fey creature will likely grab its attention and fixate it onya real quick. If ye don' wanna be runnin around gittin chased, than don' git tha first hit in!

    In fact, even better: if'n ya hear Mezzie start ta play her stringy-thingy right in tha middle o' battle, it's time to take a step back and shileds up, no hittin. Wait an see if she can mezma... mezmer... mezmo.... ahhhhhh see if she can put 'em ta sleep!

    Oh, an I'll uhh, take a lookie at that axe if ye are still lookin ta unload it.

    Tomorrow, then... first rounds on me!

  19. #19
    Community Member relik_arkane's Avatar
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    Default further update

    well companions, feeling more myself as of late... been out and about, seems the fresh air truly does one well ~smiles and inclines head gracefully~ Looking forward to another finely shared eve, see you then!
    ((gained level 7: 817 sp's, 48 squishy hit points, acquired various wands and scrolls, picked up web & lightning bolt.))

  20. #20
    Community Member Prain's Avatar
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    Default delayed

    hi friends! I am stuck downloading updates! Be on as soon as i can!
    Baenadal Sollegond Cleric of the Undying Court
    Deadicated Teams Guild: Monday Night Game Nite! (8PM EST)

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