50 major mnemonics for 2mil plat
PM me if yer interested suckas
(also interested in white/black scales, make an offer if ya feel like it)
50 major mnemonics for 2mil plat
PM me if yer interested suckas
(also interested in white/black scales, make an offer if ya feel like it)
calling your prospective customers "suckas" is not a recomended way to entice them
To the OP: do your homework.
Major Mn. Pots are going for 150,000-200,000 gold on the auction house on Khyber right now.
According to your price above, you are charging 400,000 gold per potion.
I know you are joking, but it's still not funny.
EDIT: if you mean 2 mil gold, send me a PM :P
Shaamis is REBORN! Stronger!Faster! DRUNKER THAN EVER!!! - DeathSmile Guild on Hardcore - The Drunken Monk of Stormreach on all other servers!
50 is darn nice to get in one go...if i had the plat I'd do it just for the convenience.
Day 1 Founder
Main characters: Usually on Rhyes, Miniryse or Legolass
I'm rich! filthy rich! /runs off to AH
/cry! I'm poor! flat broke!
Lava Divers - Khyber
Dearest people who missed the point of this thread;
I AM SELLING SOMETHING. I ASKED FOR A PM IF YOU WERE INTERESTED. IF YOU ARE NOT, DONT BOTHER WRITING IN IT. I dont at all care about your opinions, i dont tell you mine in your trade threads. If i am interested in something, i will PM you to try to work something out, if I'm not, I DON'T. Pretty simple, no? And speaking of simple, if you cant figure this out maybe you should stay away from buying/selling on the forums at all.... PEOPLE VALUE THINGS DIFFERENTLY. If you are out of grade school and dont understand this yet........ wow.
I would in addition like to point out that I DID NOT state that if these did not sell i would cry, whine, or hold other people accountable. I DID NOT state that other people should do their homework, and thus think what I think, cause I'm just THAT cool. Take a moment to consider that maybe a person isnt really expecting to get what they are asking for something, because they kinda LIKE what they have, or have yet to decide what it's value is TO THEM. Overpricing can have reason behind it. If you can't figure any of these reasons out, ASKING might be more appropriate than some unwlecome, apparently not-too-well-thought-out 2 cents-worth.
Thanks to LADYWOLF, for being the only respondant to be considerate enough to her fellow players to justify rather than criticize a trade offer. And for the record, her line of reasoning is EXACTLY mine, hence the price.
I would appreciate it if no further posts were added to this thread, we are in the trade forums and to date that is all I log on here to do. Thanks![]()
See if I ever jump to your defense again, sucker!
People don't seem to barter much in this game. Sure he's asking 2mill but that doesn't mean you can't make a counter offer and maybe come to an acceptable agreement.
Try it sometime![]()
GL with trade.
Twistedmetal - 20 Wizard Profiteer - 20 Monk Fingersmith - 18 Ranger/1 Fighter/1 Rogue Metalfatigue - 20 Barbarian -ELITE RAIDERS-
i'll give him 2 platinum pieces for 50 pots(thats my counter offer thanks for the advice kiwi :P )
I'm gonna bid 2 plat, 1 copper. TOP THAT INFIDEL!!!!
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