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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Stacking Compustion and Potency

    I have a sorcerer and while I am on him, I have been having people tell me that Potency and Combustion are supposed to stack. I have tested, they do not for me. Thus I put in a ticket, and I was asked what race, class, and level I was, why I still do not really understand. That being said, after a long pause, the only answer I got out of them was that if that was how it was working, then it must be working as intended. Do they stack on Wiz's and not Sorc's ? Am I bugged or are the people telling me that they should be stacking bugged? I wouldn't mind an admin letting me know what is really going on, since the GM that I talked to seemed new and answered in an indefinite manner.

  2. #2
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    As far as I know, only 1 constant item, 1 clicky item, and 1 enhancement stack at a time. Of course, I have only 1 caster, who I almost never play. But that's what I gather.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  3. #3
    Founder Luthen's Avatar
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    Potency overrides all other item perma effects. If you have Superior Potency IV item and a Superior Combustion VII item then the Potency will work for level 1-4 fire spells 9and all other damaging spells) but the Combustion item will work for levels 5-7. they do NOT stack. Anyone who tells you that Potency and Combustion stack needs their head examined.
    Luthen || Eldormadoh || Luthian || Theodread || Madmardigan || Whillow || Earnur || Halbarad || Adnakhor
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  4. #4
    Founder Tehran_Adinson's Avatar
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    Since you are using fire based spells in this instance...What you probably want will be "Fire Lore" and Potency. Use the highest form you are able (ie...superior fire lore and Potency 7 are the highest atm). I suggest using Potency as it will magnify ALL your damage based spells and not just fire.

    You will gain the highest possible "magnification" of a spell from one item only...whichever has the highest magnifier on it. For example: Combustion 2 will not stack with will simply receive the benifit from whichever boosts the spell more.

    Fire Lore (grants the chance for Spell Crits) is useable and is the best combo to add as it does something completely different.

    I currently use Superior Fire Lore Scepter + Superior Potency 7 on my 14 wizzie and it is really nice when you toss a Delayed Blast Fireball and it crits for double while being max/emp.

    Hope that helped!
    Tehran Adinson
    Officer of Burning Legion

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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luthen View Post
    Potency overrides all other item perma effects. If you have Superior Potency IV item and a Superior Combustion VII item then the Potency will work for level 1-4 fire spells 9and all other damaging spells) but the Combustion item will work for levels 5-7. they do NOT stack. Anyone who tells you that Potency and Combustion stack needs their head examined.

    Potency and Combustion do not stack
    Potency and Efficacy do not stack.
    Inferno and Combustion do not stack.

  6. #6


    the one thing that does stack with potency is the enhancements to increase the dmg to spells ie: Wizard Elemental Manipulation IV
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
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  7. #7
    Community Member Symar-FangofLloth's Avatar
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    What? The clickies don't stack with non-clickies? That makes them uber-suck.
    Former Xoriat-er. Embrace the Madness.

  8. #8
    Community Member Mad_Bombardier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symar-FangofLloth View Post
    What? The clickies don't stack with non-clickies? That makes them uber-suck.
    Well, duh... The ONLY clicky boost that was worth half a copper was Superior Efficacy VI for BladeBarrier. And, now that the spell duration is nerfed to Dolurrh, the clicky is barely worth anything.

  9. #9
    Community Member Oran_Lathor's Avatar
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    Default Why?

    Why superior efficacy 6, Mad? My cleric uses potency, same as my mages

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