With the recent confusion i figured id post something on here hehe.
Yes we are an actual guild, with active members. Well we are more then a guild lol we are good friends that met on the game and enjoy gaming with each other lol.
We raid whenever there are enough of us on to do one lol other then that i will open raids to bring in pugs or mess rounsd wit 3 or 4 man runs and stuff lol.
we just play for fun and are all very friendly, we are always up for helping anyone that needs it.
Well just thought id throw something on here since not many people think we are a guild lol, have been gettin random tells askin me and my guildies y we arent in guilds hehe.
we dont recruit much but if ur interested just hop in a group wit me and we can chat while having fun lol. and we are always up for alliances such as if u get to know us and like us then we can always keep each other in mind when fillings raids or when we need help.
And people ask y the name Guildless? cuz there isnt a single word that could possibly describe us better, and come on it is one awesome name for a guild! hehe. thx for comin up wit the name Black
LoL sorry was tired and felt like posting lol dunno what u could post here as a reply lol but hey go crazy!!![]()