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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Talking Adventurer Guild Merging With Darkside

    When the adventure turns dark were do you go? of course, the Darkside!! So to all those who think that being in a guild that is so called EVIL?!! THEN THINK OF THE UBER PLAYERS THAT INSIST ON THINGS BEING THERE WAY.
    We just believe that every one should have a right to play there character the way they want whether it be a sorcerer that has nothing but attack spells or a fighter that uses healers friend as an enhancment.
    Let people play the way they want is the belief of the Darkside dont dictate there game play and if you want to leave a quest for any reason say goodbye and then leave dont just get out and run like little tommy in the school yard.

    If you play with us we will play with you is our moto so come and join and dont hate something new, embrace the other side of life and get with the none ubers of the server.

    enjoy and have fun

    Stinkybutt the Gasser

  2. #2
    Community Member lethal_wings's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Thumbs up This will be awsome

    The idea for this guild is so awsome. I'm sure everyone will want to be a part of it.

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