Bound raid loot should be items that my character can use. It seems pointless to have an item in an end reward list that is restricted to a different race, alignment, or class than the character who is choosing from the list.
With the current system I will roll for an item that my character can use and I don't roll for items I can not use. The master loot table with all the possible end-reward loot is used to create a personalized loot table that only has items the character can use based upon race, class, alignment, and feats. The program chooses one item from the modified loot table at random. In essence this would be like simulating "rolling for raid loot".
Feats choosen should affect the new loot table so that only items that you have a feat to use will drop. This has the advantage that a caster will not pull melee items, but has the disadvantage that melee types would still pull caster items. I don't think this will be a problem since much of DDO is slanted towards the melee classes and some caster items can still benefit a fighter type character.
If I have to run a raid an average of 6 times to get raid loot then I would like to pull something that makes the time and effort worth it. Purely randomized loot distribution will result in elves getting docents and pure casters pulling martial melee weapons etc... that are bound to that character. The vendors will get a lot more raid loot than ever. I would not be against the newly proposed 1 out of 6 chance for raid loot if I were always able to use the item I pulled.
Bound items should not be restricted by something that you can not change after character creation and should be somewhat taylored to class and feat choices.
A system like this could also be used for series quest end rewards too.
Did someone already post this idea? (I didn't see it, but you never know)
What do you all think?