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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Angry Game Freeze, Black Screen, White Screen

    Hi, I have this issue recently where half of the time I play, The screen will freeze and then if I hit a mouse key, the whole screen will turn black and then if I hit a key again, it will turn white. This will persist from 30 seconds to 3 minutes or so and then the game will resume to normal. On good days, it will happen once or twice, but on bad days, it happens every 30 seconds or so and I have to abandon the game. Some times, the system acts just fine until I am in a party and entering a quest, and then it starts this behaviour.

    I have Windows Vista 64 bit and run 2, 8800 gtx cards in SLI with a quad-core processor. I have ruled out the router as the issue and can only guess maybe the OS or CPU compatability? Aside from trying a complete reinstall, has anyone seen this phenomeena and does anyone have any advise?
    Last edited by Eiluned; 08-10-2007 at 01:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Theboz's Avatar
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    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Eiluned View Post
    Hi, I have this issue recently where half of the time I play, The screen will freeze and then if I hit a mouse key, the whole screen will turn black and then if I hit a key again, it will turn white. This will persist from 30 seconds to 3 minutes or so and then the game will resume to normal. On good days, it will happen once or twice, but on bad days, it happens every 30 seconds or so and I have to abandon the game. Some times, the system acts just fine until I am in a party and entering a quest, and then it starts this behaviour.

    I have Windows Vista 64 bit and run 2, 8800 gtx cards in SLI with a quad-core processor. I have ruled out the router as the issue and can only guess maybe the OS or CPU compatability? Aside from trying a complete reinstall, has anyone seen this phenomeena and does anyone have any advise?

    Im kinda curious, if you have 4gig of memory and a creative sound card. The reason I ask this because you are having a odd problem and I know that Vista 64 and 4gigs and creative X-FI card are having some major issues.
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  3. #3
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    Actually, I have 3 gigs and I do have a creative X-fi Sound card...Any Advice?

  4. #4
    Community Member Theboz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eiluned View Post
    Actually, I have 3 gigs and I do have a creative X-fi Sound card...Any Advice?

    You might want to try and remove the soundcard and then play see anything happends. If you go to creatives forums and look for the Vista forum, you will get some more info. I not sure if 3 gig would make it buggy, it seems to be more of a 4 gig problem. But, it never hurts to try. Good Luck

    I almost forgot Microsoft has a fix for the 4gig problem, it should be out soon, if not already
    Last edited by Theboz; 08-10-2007 at 03:07 PM.
    Member of Mythical

  5. #5
    Community Member Snap's Avatar
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    Default something to think about

    I was having serious issues with the game locking up at well on my new comp running 8800 gts in SLI. When the problem is occurring pay attentionto the temp inside the box. On hot days I take he side of my comp off to allow for addtional air flow and my comp rarely crashes now
    You can take a noob to water, but you can't make a nood drink

  6. #6
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    Thanx for the good advise...I will check these issues out. I was on another Vista issue forum and someone recommended right clicking on the DDO icon and choosing the "Run as Administrator" option...they said this helps with some of the issues with a previous Nvidia card...I have run the program like this and I have not had issues yet, but I have yet to play test it in a party. Please keep info coming...It would be nice to play a full quest without having to be booted...LOL!

  7. #7
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    Just an update...So far, running DDO as administrator has worked very well. I have not had a problem yet (except for normal game glitches that everyone suffers the current notorious load screens). I also completely reset my router...but I don't know how much, if any, of a role that played in anesthetizing the error. Thanx again for all the advice.

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