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  1. #21
    Community Member MDS_Geist's Avatar
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    Fearsome is useful and can be quite nice, especially for the squishier characters but it is by no means a game breaker. Very often you see enemies with the fear icon over their heads still attacking quite well and beating that same squishy character into a bloody pulp.

  2. #22
    Community Member Morgoth_the_Enemy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gimpster View Post
    Believe it or not, paralyzer weapons do nonzero damage. They do add to the group DPS, particularly when you consider that characters who are retreating, shield-blocking, or dead have a zero DPS contribution.
    If monsters are only failing their saves on a 1, you'd be better off using a vorpal. That is, of course, if you can confirm your crits.

    Either way, I do like that the new content will allow us to get away from vorpals, paralyzers, finger of death, etc. While disruptors will just become more en vogue, there won't be so many tools to insta-kill or trivialize them.

  3. #23
    Founder Hvymetal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by boldarblood View Post
    Doesn't take away from the fact that a party would be better served by having its melee use DPS as opposed to paralzying. Now having the rogue use the paralzying/cursespewing combo is good, but a Barbarian/Fighter/Paladin imho is much better served bringing damage.
    And if you have a rogue in the group, all the tanks using vorpals, doesnt do ya much good when even with subtle backstabber III waiting till mobs are 50% (while they all wait for their 20's) and I still pull the aggro from em.
    R.I.P. E.G.G. 3/4/08

  4. #24
    Founder Dwolf's Avatar
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    Um - freedom of movement.

    If they adjust it so that every one out of x mob casters can cast freedom of movement on themselves and the one or two toughest mob melees (whatever they can get at before the PC's hammer them into oblivion) paralysers may not matter so much.

    On the other hand if a high level character is taking a paralysing weapon into a much lower level quest what do you expect?

    That's one of the reasons for the power levelling limitation. It prevents low level characters from exploiting parties full of high levels with every uber weapon known to man (or elf or dwarf or...) kind.

  5. #25
    Community Member Talon_Moonshadow's Avatar
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    I do not think they are too uber. Especially on elite, where everything saves way higher than the quest lvl.
    But as HD and saves increase in higher lvl content, we will see them less useful. (hopefully something new and cool will take their place )

    One thing I would like to see in this game is a major improvement to the AI and options of the bad guys.
    AI should based on inteligence. Slimes should not attack from behind. but Orc assassins should.
    Witchdoctors with resist/Prot from fire will be immune to firewalls......and will casters with that sphere spell theat I cannot for the life of me remember the name right now
    Buffing with remove paralysis should take care of the paralysers.....and the day when the Orcs get the paralysers to use on our raging Barbs will be a good day indeed.

    Don't raise the HD of the mobs abaove what they should be.......let our Spells work at a comparable lvl to PnP D&D......but have the (smart only) bad guys use the same tactice we use. Firewall and cloudkill the other side of the gate near the switch....shield block the door and do the same.......Get out of the cloudkill for Christ's sake.......(and only be able to agro on something you can see.....not just because you took damage from him)
    These kinds of things will go along way.....with no need to reduce what we already have.
    (An Orc with GH cast on him cannot be feared)
    (but it shold take just as long for them to buff as it does us.....and they should run out of mana too)(or at least have to make concentration checks)
    I gave up a life of farming to become an Adventurer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jandric View Post
    ..., but I honestly think the solution is to group with less whiny people.

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