It's early. I'm at work without coffee, and thinking about DDO. I can't play, technically, I'm not even supposed to be on this forum. Since no one is here yet, I figured I'd help everyone wake up.
If you were given 4 things to tell developers in the morning that you'd like over a cup of coffee, a bowl of cereal, or a pop-tart what would they be? Keep the negative comments to a minimum, we don't want to ruin peoples day.
1.) Have you ever noticed that there are +5 Elemental arrows/bolts but not +5 Returning arrows/bolts? (Out of chests)
2.) Days seem to keep getting longer, don't you think? I start looting earlier, and end later, and still am broke.
3.) Have you noticed that everytime we have a new monster, I seem to have six new weapons. I wish the new monsters had old weaknesses, or I had a bag of holding for arrows (bolts) / potions / scrolls / and components.
4.) You didn't happen to see my claws, scythe, chain whip, or bombs this morning did you? I swore I left them right here, and then they were gone. Could you make me some more?
Let's see your list. It shouldn't be longer then my #3. Short and sweet like Kommunity Kobold.