Below is my current inventory of trade items, as well as my " wish list. It's sort of skinny at the moment, I had to House D most of the junk that wasn't selling"
All items I am after MUST be NO RR
The Big 5
+1 True Chaos Greataxe of Smiting ( Marut PWN'er )
Stat Items
+6 CON Ring of Light Fortification <----PENDING
+6 CHA Cloak ( RR: WF ) <----PENDING
+6 CHA Cloak
+6 CHA Helm
+6 STR Gloves w/ +3 Heal [ rr Dwarf: UMD 20 ]
+6 DEX Gloves
+6 WIS Necklace
+6 Dex Boots X2
/ Misc stuff & High(er) End Items
Combustion II Wizardry VI Ring
Scarab of Protection
High End Non Big 5 Weapons
None ATM
Greater Bane Weapons
Armor & Shields
+5 Mith BP X2
+5 Mith Chain Shirt X2
+2 STR <----Given to Guildie
+2 WIS <----Traded to Guildie
+1 WIS
+2 Tomes ( INT, CON )
Ethereal Bracers
Dwarven Thrower ( had one, traded it, regret it now, want it back ) <---Being met X2
+2 Vorpal Kama [ RR halfling or no RR ]
Weakening of Enfeebling Longbow
Wounding of Puncturing Longbow
Small / Medium / Large Ingredients [ No Horns ]
As I am somewhat absentminded, please PM me here and leave a reply in this forum telling that PM is sent. This will help make doubly sure I'm aware of the fact that you are interested in doing business.
Thanks in advance & happy trading.