Hey folks, have a few things kicking around I am not using and a few left over from some toons I have deleted. Have a look.
+1 Banishing Heavy Mace
+1 Bastard Sword of Disruption, RR Halfling, lvl 8, dc 20 or 22...
+1 Crippling Light Pick of Disruption
+1 Smiting Bastard Sword
+1 Banishing Heavy X-Bow
+1 Paralyzing Heavy X-bow of Pure Good
+1 Holy Longsword of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
+1 Thundering Kukri of Greater Construct Bane, RR WF, lvl 6
+1 True Chaos BS of Greater Construct Bane, RR WF, lvl 8
Prysuul's Bane
Ring of Shadows
+4 Icy Burst Heavy Pick of Lesser Evil Outsider Bane
+2 Frost Light Pick of Greater Orc Bane
+1 Holy Heavy Pick of Greater Goblinoid Bane
+1 Holy Dagger of Greater Goblinoid Bane
+1 Banishing Maul of Righteous
7 Black Scales
+2 Great Crossbow of Smiting
Charoush's Inferno
There's more but I can't remember it off hand...will update some day.
+6 Dex items
+6 Str Bracer's
Greater False Life Ring
Karden's Eye
+3-5 Elemental/Alingment Burst of PG Great Axes/Dwarven Axes
+3-5 Elemental of Greater Bane Great Axes/Dwarven Axes
+5 Protection Rings
+2 Tomes
Superior Potency/Devotion 6+ Item
Wizardy 5 + items
PoP 10's
+5 Mithril FP (Decent Graphics)
Planar Gird's