High Need
White Scales
Vorpal Great Axe
Greater Undead Bane Weapons (holy a bonus)
Vorpal Scimitar
GT Disrupters
Transmuting weapons of Greater Undead Bane
For Trade
+1 Disruption Rapier (beat up 72/72) but still works great just have good repair
+1 Disruption GT Long Bow
+1 Disruption Thundering Bow
+1 Paralyzing Lt Mace
+1 Paralyzing Lt Mace of PG
+1 Paralyzing Lt Mace
+1 Paralyzing Composite LB Lss Mg Beast bane
+1 Paralyzing Dagger of Less Giant Bane
+1 Paralyzing Dagger of Deception
+1 Banishing Club of Lesser Gnoll Bane
+1 Banishing QS
+1 Banishing HP of pwr 1
+1 Smiting Light Xbow
+1 Smiting Short Bow
+1 Smiting Thundering Lt Xbow
+2 Smiting Heavy Mace
Cha x2
Int x2
Wis x2
+6 Str Belt - Kap
+6 Dex Ring
+6 Dex Boots rr Hum
+6 Int Ring - Kap
+5 Str +3 Repair Gloves - Kap
+5 Str Gloves rr human - Kap
+5 Str +3 Bal Belt rr e/d - Kap
+5 Dex Ring - Kap
+5 Dex Gloves x2 - Kap
+5 Dex Boots x2 - Kap
+5 Con Belt x3 - Kap
+5 Con Neck - Kap
+5 Con +3 (?) neck - Kap
+5 Int +3 con ring - Kap
+5 Int +3 Bluff Helm rr Hum - Kap
+5 Cha +1 Res Cloak - Kap
+5 Wis Neck - Kap
+5 Wis neck rr wf - Kap
+5 Wis Neck - Kap
+5 Int +5 DD Ring rr wf - Kap
+4 Wis Helm rr half - Kap
+4 Flaming Khopesh of Pure Good - Ban
+5 Frost Silver Khopesh of Righteousness - Ban
+3 Acid Khopesh of PG - Ban
Tyrzza Bane +3 PG, CI, TL - Gerb
Tharkuuls Bane x2 - Gerb
+1 transmuting SS of PG - Gerb
+3 GT Longsword of Greater Elemental Bane
+1 Holy Heavy Pick of Greater Elf Bane
+1 SS of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane
+2 Seeker (4) Dorf Axe of Undead bane
+2 Holy Pure Good Great Axe
+2 Scimitar of Greater Chaotic Outsider Bane
+2 Crippling BA of Greater Elf Bane
+2 Tundering Great Sword of Greater Elf bane
+3 Flaming BS of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane
+4 Mith CS
+4 Lesser Fire Guard Mith CS
+5 Mith CS
+6 AC Bracers x2 - Gerb
Heavy Fort Belt - Kap
+4 Resist Cloak - Kap
+4 Protection Cloak x2 - Kap
Circlet of Persuasion - Kap
Greater False Life Belt +2 Con rr wf - Kap
Devine Power Clickies - Gerb
Goggles 5/d x2
Bracers 3/d x2
Belt 3/d x2
Ring 3/d
Goggles 3/d
Gloves 3/d x2
Blue Dragon Helm - Gerb