R.I.P. Xoriat 8/2/07 ______________[]Ninja Posts:726.5 bunninja is watchingInformation from devs ______________Member of Cupcake's Muskateers!____/wearing a Jiffy Pop pan tinfoil hat made by shecky
Thanks for posting fact about cha, Eladrin. It is appreciated. The situation remains about detection when soloing. (so I assume as well when grouped as why would there be two different systems)
The exact setup that I can pull it off consistently 10/10 times is in Sorrowdusk. Head for the hell hounds, (kill them off so they don't nip at your heals), and head up the hill towards the oger and troll.
Every time, even if the npcs ARE looking in the direction of my solo fighter, they won't bother to agro until I'm face to face with them for the most part. I could run by them without getting hit every time if I wanted.
If I take in my sorc or my bard (solo again) I'll get about 40 feet from them and I'll already have agro.
Add in the fact that with my fighter, the oger that is a bit higher up on the hill and to the left of the archway you walk through never agros on my fighter until after I start running up the rocks towards him. Yet if I have my bard or sorc there, that oger will already be making his way down to bust my chops.
I can repeat this every single time.
The agro system, solo, should be the same for any character yet this is proving it is not. And no, I don't wear command armor on any of my characters.
My fighter (25% striding) and sorc (10% striding) are drow, my bard is a halfling (30% striding).
The problem with casters being targeted first, is that all monsters do it, even mindless undead and vermin. Zombies, scorpions, and the like should not be able to decide what to attack. Players are intelligent, a simple spider is not.
Exile of Xoriat
Mob aggro in this game is screwey. I've watched a mob, that was engaged with another PC, break combat and charge me for no reason, take a swing...crit, and run back to the tank. Then I get berated for pulling aggro. I always laugh at the morons that say "Well you shouldn't be getting aggro."
(Granted, I have a big "shoot me, I'm a squishy" sign painted on my butt. I'm a firm believer that all Archers in this game come equiped with "Arrows of Raquelis Seeking")
Smart AI is fine, however, the smarter the AI, the less fun the players will have. If you have mobs performing the same things that players can do, we wil eventually lose interest.
When we fight the monsters, it isn't uncommon for our fighters to jump over their fighters to get to their casters. I makes sense to me that the monsters would also employ this logic (well, at least the intelligent ones.)
Then again, if they were like us, their casters would keep casting Finger of Death on our casters. I don't think that would be much fun for us (although it would make Deathward even more popular.)
Turing Machine: WF Wizard 14 - Planck Constant: Dwarf Fighter 13 / Paladin 1 - Elemenope Qu'oresti: Drow Ranger 14 - Zermelo: WF Sorcerer 12
... and others
I think shes arguing the point that this is a big nerf to us, not to the mobs. The fact that our sneak does very little but they can go invisible right in front of us is kinda BS.
I think that they should introduce a skill respec with this mod also, since this would be screwing over a lot of people who didn't originally take spot or listen.
See, even the EULA says its a game and supposed to be fun.Originally Posted by EULA
Do you also have it in the code that all other "alignment = neutral hungry" monsters go after things made of meat?
I suppose oozes can have a sweet ...tooth? for the woody bits, but I can't picture a great big spider being inclined to take a second bite out of a warforged "just for the taste of it".
I know 'forged already have a lot going for them with all the recent changes, but I think "tastes like furniture" is a reasonable special quality.
There was a girl warforged named Cleaver.
Every man that she loved would soon leave her.
They all left so fast / as they couldn't get past
the fact that she has a Brass Beaver
Don't tell the Dev but some folks have been sorta been abusing the whole Aggro on the Caster mechanic lately. (shhhh)
Group up, send the Caster to go gather up some mobs, and run back and get behind or into the middle of the sheild blocking semi-circle or circle of Sheild holders and start nuking baddies. A tight formation is a safe place for the Caster and they will keep Aggro until everything is near dead or just in mop-up phase.
Think of the movie "The 300" for sheild formation styles. LOL
Just use what you perceive as a benefit for them, against them. It is lots of FUN!![]()
A r n y a - T o r c h e - S l i m m - D e b t - E p o x y - R e t r o g r a d e - P i n e t r e eNOW YOU WILL KNOW TRUE POWER
It has become a long standing joke among my guild and friends that my main bard is used as a decoy for undead especially mummies. For some reason mummies will go through firewalls and 3 or 4 high dps tanks just to cast and take a swipe at her. It will be interesting to see if the next mod has the same aggro mechanic for undead. I have only seen this behavior with undead. I have had wraiths and the like make a beeline for me even after being hit by someone but I have never had a giant or orc do that unless I had cast something on them like a dance sphere.
Halflings Ruleand never irritate anyone that can cast dispell