While I do not have any problem with this per say (there is logical reasoning for it), what are you going to give us back in turn?
ANY mob that can sneak has the ability of "hide in plain sight" Which is flat out wrong. For those of you who do not know what this is, it means they can go into sneak mode right in front of you and not be seen. None of the mobs we have in the game should have this ability, yet obviously they do.
ANY PC with a decent charisma score is going to be seen/have agro way before any one else. Case in point 1) My fighter in full plate, no ranks in move silently, using a shield, and a Cha of 10 (he's a drow) can run up to a troll, oger, etc. trip them, stun them, and take down half their hit points before the NPC even realizes they are there, yet my bard or sorc can't get within 50 feet even sneaking when they are some how spotted.
Case in point 2) In undead quests, archers will target those with the highest charisma first and constantly go back to shooting them. REGARDLESS if they are in the room or not. In rooms where the floor falls out and you have to go down to take out a few archers and arcanes, my sorc did NOT hop the 40 odd feet down to join the rest of the party, yet it was the target of EVERYTHING down there. I'm not even standing on the edge to jump and I'm being targeted.
ANY NPC with a trip attack has NO timer for it. They can trip attempt each attack. Canines are KNOWN for this lame donkey trick.
Once seen by any mob you can NOT hide from them again. Yeah, I've run around the room and out of it via haste, went behind the stairwell and hid even before the npc made it out of the room. They STILL make a direct beeline for me with no regards to the fact that they can't see me. I had a friend keep watch to verify that I was under the staircase before they made it out of the room.
So, game design management... You are going to nerf us, how about you get the devs to fix the AI also.
(as I don't play Risa and turbine won't bother put any of my characters on there to test things out, if those who do play Risa can report that they did fix things, I'd love to hear back from you in this thread. Thanks.)