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Here's a few charts summarizing the old and new costs of various metamagiced spells at each level. The format of each line will be (spell level, base sp cost, current metamagiced sp, new metamagiced sp). The crossover line (at which old and new costs are about the same) is bolded.
Empower Spell Old +100%, new +15 (level 1 spells cost more, level 3+ is less)
1, 10, 20, 25
2, 15, 30, 30
3, 20, 40, 35
4, 25, 50, 40
5, 30, 60, 45
6, 35, 70, 50
7, 40, 80, 55
Empower+Maximize Spell Old +300%, new +40 (level 1 spells cost more, level 2+ is less)
1, 10, 40, 50
2, 15, 60, 55
3, 20, 80, 60
4, 25, 100, 65
5, 30, 120, 70
6, 35, 140, 75
7, 40, 160, 80
Extend Spell Old +50%, new +10 (level 1-2 spells cost more, level 4+ costs less)
1, 10, 15, 20
2, 15, 22, 25
3, 20, 30, 30
4, 25, 37, 35
5, 30, 45, 40
6, 35, 52, 45
7, 40, 60, 50
Maximize Spell Old +200%, new +25 (level 1 spells cost more, but level 2+ is less)
1. 10, 30, 35
2. 15, 45, 40
3. 20, 60, 45
4. 25, 75, 50
5. 30, 90, 55
6. 35, 105, 60
7. 40, 120, 65