The (obvious) recent population decline on DDO servers is inevitable until 1) DDO changes the way the game interacts with people, and 2) people change the way they interact with each other.
The way I see it with DDO the problems are many simple ones in nature, but hard to repair unless we focus on them each one separately.
Ill list a few of the problems I have with the game, and feel that many others may have as well. I do this in the hopes that it will spark a debate, and fire up some people to DO SOMETHING about it.
1) Everything is static and instanced. I don’t know about you, but I get tired of running WW or STK or Deleras or <insert dungeon here> over and over and over. Maybe I'm to picky, maybe I'm spoiled by other MMOs that are open, free and dynamically engaging, but to my way of thinking there’s no spontaneity in this game... you know where every single thing in every single dungeon is once you’ve done it enough... sure there may be a boss in a specific place that changes, or a NPC may move around, but it never REALLY changes. There is no dynamic to the game at all, what I do has no effect on anyone but me and the group I'm with
2) Everyone in DDO is like a person unto himself or herself. The game is less of an MMO and more of a single player game that many people participate in. No one ever talks in general channel if you’re not in a group, or have friends your left to your own devices. That is fine, at lower levels, but as you gain in skills, you start to get into dungeons where your MUST have a group to advance.
3) Many of the players of DDO are hardcore, aggressive players who have (surprise!) done the same dungeons over and over and over ... they anticipate new group members having the same level of experience as they themselves do. And have little patience with actual NEW players. (How many of you have been left in the dust of an unfamiliar dungeon by a "pickup" group, and then been derided for your lack of skills or experience? I don’t know about you, but it leaves a pretty sour taste for the game on new players (me having been one) and does not make one want to continue.
NEW PLAYERS ARE THE LIFEBLOOD OF THE GAME! If we ignore them, or deride them, or belittle them, there will be no one left but a few withered old gaffers talking about the way things "used to be” right before the last bitter sunset of the game.
I am not even started in my critique, but I hope I get SOMEONE to talk about this. Only we can fix it... and only through changing our own behaviors, and forcing DDO to change the way they themselves operate the game.
DEMAND CHANGE!! CREATE CHANGE!! Or lose what we love.
The choice is ours.