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  1. #1
    Community Member Teufel_Hunden's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Default Attn: Sarlona RAIDers

    First, allow myself to introduce....ermmm.....myself. I am Teufel Hunden. I hail from former Adar. My character names are: Hoggle (13 wiz), Allina (brd 14) and Vetinari (rgr/rg 11/1). Hello and well met.

    I like to consider myself a friendly player who gets along with everyone (save for a few who are squelched for being plicks) and I believe i am very new-guy friendly. I have gotten several replies about my play style and attitude, and how many people like to group w/ me. I've made many friends on Adar. Been invited to many guilds, and not blind invites but "you're a good player" invites. I haven't joined a guild (except once a while back). I always pug, save for my wife and best friend, and occasionally his wife.

    Now to the meat of the issue: RAID loot mechanics.
    1st, i am tired of reading about it. Fight it, Fu@$ it, its all the same. Its going to happen. However, by all means, continue to discuss it and petition it or whatever makes you smile. I just skip those posts now. Unimportant, just thought i'd mention it.

    2nd. I like to go on raids. Like i said, i pug alot (read: always). I'm reading on how Guilds and Raid leaders will make rules about rolling on items if you get it, so on and so forth. If you don't roll on the item, or agree to their terms, then you are black listed from further raids. OK. Let me put this out there now. I am not rolling on anything. IF I find something in my box, then i will keep it if I want it. If I don't want it, then I will trade/sell it to someone in the party who needs it. It is my item, and as such, my choice to do with as I see fit.

    So, those from Adar who've played with me before. You know me. If you want to ban me from raids, or not play w/ me because of my choice, then so be it. Sorry to lose you as an online friend. All others, MY NAMES ARE: HOGGLE, VETINARI, ALLINA a Dale. I WILL NOT be forced into your raid rules, so if you think like this, then mark my names. Do me a favor, though and let me know your names so when you put up a LFM for raids, I'll know not to ask to join.

    Thank you for your time, and Hello Sarlona!

    Semper fi

    PS> To prevent any further confusion, here is some additional information so you don't have to sort through all the hate:
    Last edited by Teufel Hunden; 08-10-2007 at 11:42 AM.
    to be filled in....

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