Originally Posted by
Teufel Hunden
Thank you for your names Todd.
I also say thank you for your post. It was informative, and well spoken. Not an attack against a person. Just you expressing your views in a calm manner. While we may not agree, i can at least respect your decisions. You got your point across without thumping your chest, throwing sticks or poo, and barring your fangs. *salute*. Since you think i'm this horrible guy, allow me to say something.
First off, i am not greedy nor selfish. I almost ALWAYS give money to my clerics in my party. I say "almost" because if I don't have any, i can't give any. You say "how can that be?" "bullcrap" "SHENANAGINS!!". Well i maintain, across all my characters, about 10k plat, sometimes less. WHY? Well, when i can, i give CS wands and anywhere between 2500-3000 plat for one dungeon to the Cleric or Bard. Also, since i play a ranger and bard, i am also buying CS wands and Scrolls of Heal, Raise dead, Mass Aid, Resurrection, Hero's feast, and potions. Lots of potions. Even with a high haggle, it adds up. I don't extort people out of money for items. IF i post something on the AH, my starting price is usually 1/2 of the item base price w/ a buyout of base price. So that Lvl 12 +2 Shocking Burst rapier of pure good vertigo +2 just sold (hopefully) for 9k plat. Now, that's not true figures, as i'm at work and don't have access to the game, but you get the idea. I give a lot of stuff away to my wife and Best friend, even to certain party members that show friendship comraderaie and esprit de corps. On the same token, Since i play a Ranger and Bard, I heal almost as much as the cleric. Either with my Wands or Scrolls. Case in point, my Ranger last night in PoP. cleric stayed out, guess who was keeping the party on their feet? I burned through 3 CS wands that run. My bard is there to lay down some raise dead/resurrect scrolls and the others that are mentioned above. He wands with the best of them. Want to know how much people give me? Take a guess. But i don't complain. never have. In fact, that run in PoP, where my ranger burned out 3 CS wands, I gave THAT cleric 3000 plat.
Now you say i'm greedy for selling my item to a party member. You (not a personal you, general "you") ASSUME i'm going to sell it for 1mil gold or 500k plat or whatever. You (general) think you know me. Well, if i did intend to sell it, it would be for base value. If 2 or more individuals wanted it, then i'll put it up for a roll. Example:
Beginning of Quest:
"welcome to "X" raid. There are no rules to the end loot. Finders Keepers and all that. Feel free to do with the loot as you see fit. Me, if i find something that I, my wife or friend can't use, i'll put it up for either trade or sell at base price. If more than 1 wants it, i'll put it up for roll. Winner gets it at base price. GL and may the force be with you."
*Quest ends*
ME: SoS! ****, can't use it. Honey (my wife), can your pally use it? NO? OK. Friend, Can you? NO? Ok. Hmmm. No current friends in party. Ok. Anybody interested in SoS.."
See not too bad. I would sell the item that i got if I or wife/friends couldn't use it anyway, so no big difference there. I get a little bit of money, they get their item. The cleric(s) get their money. Everyone's happy. If you still think i'm greedy or mean and hateful, then OK. Please think before you judge a stranger's character based off 2 words.
Wow, my fingers are tired.
Semper Fi