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  1. #3421
    Community Member C-Dog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddmasterm View Post
    I need a Water Savant build for a completely new player without VIP. Won't need anything more than heroic levels

    Most Sorcies don't go w/ just 1 element, since there's more than enough AP for a secondary one. When you meet that immune creature, nice to have Plan B.

    For the record, at low level heroics, Fire is probably strongest, followed by Air/Electricity, and then Water/Cold (which has no early AoE damage spell).* But it's cheap to change Trees. So you could easily start Fire w/ Air to back that up, then by early mid-level heroics, when Fire-immune demons/etc start showing, you can easily re-spec for Water w/o changing the secondary Air tree.

    Just start keeping an eye out for the diff gear you'll need for that change, Ice/Glaciation sceptres/weapons/rings.

    (* Acid is not on that scale - different DC's make it awkward and specialized, and very demanding re gear, not perfectly newbie-friendly.)

  2. #3422
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    I'm just showing some of my friends the game. I doubt we'll be going too far. If anyone can get me a list of enhancements more focused on water that would be fantastic. I'd do it myself but I'm horribly outdated for it.

    I also need a healing domain cleric and a tank with cc. Both for complete newbies without VIP
    Last edited by ddmasterm; 11-04-2017 at 01:41 AM.
    So here I am Mr.42 AC I go up to beholder, beholder goes "poke!" I'm dead

  3. #3423
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paladin_of_Power View Post
    I've been playing a Vistani lately, Ranger DWS Halfling. Started at Level 7, now on 8. It is fun, I think thats what matters but it does feel underpowered. When zombies or skeletons are in town, it sucks. Pierce won't penetrate their damage reduction, I had to switch to throwing axes and throwing hammers because the damage just wasn't there. Fan of Knives is fun and very useful, but I think it needs more damage. Get Deadly Blades as quick as you can, that helped a lot.Heck, the whole character needs more damage but not sure what can be done since he is wielding little knives. I think to stick with the flavor, some Melee and Ranged Attack Speed Bonus should be added to the tree. Having 0.00% in both is blah.

    I originally wanted to be a thrower, but again the damage just isn't there so may respec and move points from DEX to STR since the baddies drop quicker when dual wielding melee knives. That would help with trip or Stunning Blow.

    Does anyone know if the +20% Morale bonus to doubleshot from Rapid Throw and same bonus to doublestrike from Rapid Slash actually work? I don't see mention of it in the combat log, and the character sheet doesn't show an increase either.

    I took Dodge, Point Blank Shot,Precision so far. Level up into Dex.
    I feel your pain as I end up switching to melee all too often as throwing knives are underwhelming. I can see the character sheet not showing rapid strike bonus as it's temp. AFAICT the counter shows up on screen but not if you miss. I don't have a dummy to test it on if anyone else has info I'd like to know too. As for damage that's not a problem with DWS and Improved Weapon Finesse. I did it differently by racing up the DWS tree for that and then going into Vistani tree. But, **** it, heroic knife throwing is not heroic at all.

  4. #3424
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ddmasterm View Post
    If anyone can get me a list of enhancements more focused on water that would be fantastic.
    There's really nothing special to an ice sorc: you dump a lot of APs into Water Savant; you dump leftover APs into either Air or Earth for backup spells; maybe put a few into EK for survivability benefits or your racial tree for e.g. extra CHA or Spellpower Boost. Your stats are the same, your feats are the same, etc. Really the only thing which changes between different Savant combos are your spell lists, since those aren't as easy to swap as Enhancements are. Which obviously would focus on ice spells plus whatever is your backup (acid or electricity); I'll usually take the missile spells as well for fighting anything immune to elemental dmg.
    I also need a healing domain cleric and a tank with cc. Both for complete newbies without VIP
    For a classic tank, a S&B paladin still works fine. See my Sacred Vanguards thread as well as ED37's and Erkid's. Really the biggest difference between them is what weapon type you use. If your friend prefers fighter, see my Dwarven Defender thread.

    I haven't seen anyone bother to post a Healing domain cleric build, for the simple reason that healbotting is (still) both boring and a suboptimal use of cleric. Even with the Heal domain, you can still pump out a respectable amount of DPS via Divine Disciple, so <whynotboth.gif>. There is a Morninglord cleric build in my Iconics thread which is easy to adapt to other races (haven't added domains to it yet though); or ED37's Necro cleric is an oldie-but-goodie which got better with Death domain.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  5. #3425
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Default Fallen Knight (Aasimar THF Paladin)

    Someone asked for an Aasimar DPS paladin, so here it is, in all its boring glory.
    Fallen Knight
    Paladin 20
    Lawful Good Aasimar
                   36pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     --------
    Strength        16       +2       4: STR
    Dexterity        8       +2       8: STR
    Constitution    16       +2      12: STR
    Intelligence     8       +2      16: STR
    Wisdom          16       +2      20: STR
    Charisma        16       +2      24: STR
                                     28: STR
              1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
    Heal         1  1  1  1  1                       2     2     2     2  13
    UMD       1                 1  1  1  1  1  1  1     1     1     1     11
    Tumble    1                                                            1
              4  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2  2
     1        : Power Attack
     3        : Two Handed Fighting
     6        : Improved Two Handed Fighting
     9        : Improved Critical: Slashing
    12        : Greater Two Handed Fighting
    15        : Quicken Spell
    18        : Stunning Blow
    21 Epic   : Cleave OR Empower Healing Spell
    24 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    27 Epic   : Epic Damage Reduction
    28 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting OR Elusive Target
    29 Destiny: Dire Charge OR Deific Warding
    30 Epic   : Epic Fortitude OR Bulwark of Defense
    30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea
     1 Aasimar: Bond of the Fallen
     1 Deity  : Follower of: Onatar
     6 Deity  : Onatar's Forge
    Enhancements (80+2 AP)
    Knight of the Chalice (41 AP)
    • Slayer of Evil, Courage of Heaven, Slayer of Evil II, Improved Courage of Heaven, Slayer of Evil III, Champion of Good
      1. Extra Turning II, Extra Smite II
      2. Divine Might III, Exalted Cleave III, Melee Power Boost III
      3. Improved Restoration III, Divine Sacrifice I, Exalted Smite I
      4. Censure Demons, Passion I, Empowered Smite
      5. Censure Outsiders, Holy Retribution III, Avenging Cleave III, Sealed Life
    Sacred Defender (25 AP)
    • Holy Bastion, Sacred Defense, Divine Righteousness, Redemption
      1. Extra Lay On Hands III, Durable Defense III
      2. Resilient Defense III, Defense Boost III
      3. Tenacious Defense III, Charisma
      4. Swift Defense, Strong Defense III
    Aasimar (16 AP)
    • Stronger Bonds, Strength, Stronger Bonds II, Strength, Stronger Bonds III
      1. (none)
      2. Divine Purpose, Divine Resolve: Strength II
      3. Divine Charge III, Blessings II
      4. Divine Form
    Destiny (24 AP) Legendary Dreadnought
    1. Legendary Tactics III, Extra Action Boost III
    2. Momentum Swing III, Imp. Power Attack
    3. Lay Waste, Haste Boost III
    4. (none)
    5. Advancing Blows, Devastating Critical
    6. Master's Blitz, Headman's Chop
    Twists of Fate (35 fate points)
    1. Sense Weakness (Tier 4 Fury)
    2. Grim Precision (Tier 3 Shadowdancer)
    3. Hail of Blows (Tier 2 Flowers)
    4. Brace for Impact (Tier 1 Sentinel)
    5. Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
    Bumped up WIS for better Healing Hands. Feel free to start STR 18 WIS 10 if you prefer a little bit more DPS over better healing.

    I went Onatar for the +3 DCs +10 Melee Power bonus from Onatar's Forge. Feel free to follow whichever deity you like instead.

    Specced for falchions, greataxes, and eSOS. Converting to mauls is simple though suboptimal IMO without Blessing of Silvanus, which unfortunately Eberron races like heroic Aasimar can't follow. [EDIT: Scourge Aasmiar can follow Silvanus, but require an LR +1 if you want pure pally and I'm less than impressed by Scourge racial tree if you're not building for Destroyer of the Dead - and even that is just a flavor build.]

    If you don't have 2 extra racial APs, drop the pts from Sacred D. If you have more than 2 racial APs, you can invest more into SD if you want so you can get Glorious Stand (lvl 18 core).

    Just noticed I forgot to grab any heal amp. Uhh, oops. Oh well, feel free to shift APs into Aasimar or KotC heal amp if you want.

    Cleave feat is just to unlock Momentum Swing; you will still use Exalted Cleave for attacking. On an LR or ER you can drop the feat and keep MS unlocked (as long as you don't reset LD); but a TR or RR resets all your EDs, IIRC, so you'd have to take it again the next time around.

    Stunning Blow can be taken at any time; Quicken can be taken at lvl 6 or later. So just rearrange the THF feats if you want either feat sooner.
    Last edited by unbongwah; 11-14-2017 at 01:41 PM.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  6. #3426
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    Default Shuriken-Build wanted

    Hi, I know the idea is not new ... but I need your help.

    Since they fixed the AA-Imbue-Exploit builds like the furythrower are no longer uptodate (I believe). But I wanted to try a nice Shuriken-Build and I am a little bit lost. So maybe someone can give me some insights?

    I am (as always) also the trapper of the group, so I need rogue lvls. I thought about monk14/rogue6 oder monk12/ranger6/rogue2 (drow)

    for assassins trick and T5 in mechanic

    for sniper shot and T5 in DWS

    Or should I choose the T5 in another enhancement tree (ninja spy?) ? Or another lvl-split? This should be a leveling-build and not an endgame-build.

    And how can I build up crit range and multiplier? or is this not necessary because auf the base 1d2 damage?

    Thanks in advance!

  7. #3427
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    Quote Originally Posted by unbongwah View Post
    I haven't seen anyone bother to post a Healing domain cleric build, for the simple reason that healbotting is (still) both boring and a suboptimal use of cleric. Even with the Heal domain, you can still pump out a respectable amount of DPS via Divine Disciple, so <whynotboth.gif>. There is a Morninglord cleric build in my Iconics thread which is easy to adapt to other races (haven't added domains to it yet though); or ED37's Necro cleric is an oldie-but-goodie which got better with Death domain.
    I was thinking for a healbot how about an Aasimar FoL monk? >.>, <.<, -.-

  8. #3428
    Community Member mojoflea's Avatar
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    Default Looking recreate a Pal build I used to see with cleric for reaper

    So Im not sure how to go about making a Pal build I used to see around that was part cleric and tanked TOD with monk and cleric in the mix with a healing aura
    not sure if it's even feasible now with reaper content
    I want to do this on redpiety on Orien, will have access to +7 tomes, completionist X1 , epic completionist X1

    I'm kind of partial to shield and bastard sword
    Last edited by mojoflea; 11-14-2017 at 03:06 PM.
    Current Characters:
    Orien: redbag / redbigbottom / redchain / redfaith / redingot / redmech / redmojo / redpaige / redpalm / redpiety /redshiv / redstore

  9. #3429
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shariandi View Post
    Since they fixed the AA-Imbue-Exploit builds like the furythrower are no longer uptodate (I believe). But I wanted to try a nice Shuriken-Build and I am a little bit lost. So maybe someone can give me some insights?
    I think Slaying Arrow still works with shuriken, but I won't swear to that. Sniper Shot still works fine with thrown weapons, though, and is still the go-to option for burst DPS on FotW builds. But if you're looking for just heroics, then that doesn't matter. Maybe a monk / ftr hybrid would work better so you could get the crit bonuses from Kensei? Otherwise jakeelala's thread is still the most recent one about shuriken builds.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  10. #3430
    Community Member Selvera's Avatar
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    Shuriken are an endgame build. It's sort of how they work. They start out super weak at level 1, and with every level they slowly get more and more powerful in comparison to other ranged builds, until they finally come out as the best ranged build at cap (in theory).

    Critical profile is not super important for shuriken. They're 20 x2 and you're not going to get that to be too much better unless you ditch the idea of being a monk (which is very useful for shuriken). There are named shuriken with good critical profiles in the game, but crafting shuriken (cannith, hgs or lgs) with bad critical profiles can also perform quite well in many situations.

    That said, I'm quite capable of soloing R1 in heroics just like many other builds. Not as fast as my melee builds of the past (and future), but fast enough to not be painfully slow.

    If you want to be a trapper on a shuriken build, I would be tempted to just pour AP into theif acrobat to get all the dexterity you can muster. With 4 rogue levels and 20 AP you can muster +5 dexterity from thief acrobat, which is more then any other tree afaik. However you'll likely have a few dead points in the lower tiers of the tree because it's focused on rogues and sticks, both of which you won't have very much of. With only 3 rogue levels you get most of that.

    Every level in which you pick a different class then monk means you lose 5% doubleshot during 10k stars. This is a significant boost, but it doesn't lock you into monk too oppressively. Remember that +1 dex is essentially equivalent to +2% doubleshot all the time.

    I've heard rumors that the new fotm for shuriken builds is to go pure monk, get melee power from henshin mystic and convert it to ranged power with Vistani. Haven't tried it myself.
    Selvera: Aasimar Fighter 20/Epic 10; Old and wise fighter.
    Jen: Half Elf Fvs 4; Healer Archer on a TR with friends
    Mayve: Drow Bard 14/Wizard 6/Epic 7; Vampire Enchantress

  11. #3431
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Selvera View Post
    I've heard rumors that the new fotm for shuriken builds is to go pure monk, get melee power from henshin mystic and convert it to ranged power with Vistani.
    It's been broached in other threads. I guess the idea is 41 Ninja (capstone) / 31 Henshin (55 MP) / 6 Vistani (Weapon Versatility)? Or maybe even go for Henshin capstone if +25 MP is worth more than +1 crit multiplier.

    I'm not convinced Weapon Versatility applying to all weapons rather than just daggers is WAI, though, so I'm watching out for any nerfs.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  12. #3432
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    Default Druid

    I've been considering a build for the next life. I kept trying to decide between paladin/fighter/fvs tank builds, then I realized I had never done a druid bear tank. Are they decent? I've done boat loads of druid casters but have avoided the animal forms. I hear you can make twf and shield trees work together. Can you still do that and have 15 levels of druid for earthquake? Does getting enough wisdom for earthquake DC preclude having the strength for melee damage? Early thoughts would be 15 druid/3 fighter/2 ranger for earthquake, defensive stance and twf.

  13. #3433
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Default Fallen Ravager (Aasimar)

    FYI, barbarian Rage doesn't block Aasimar Healing Hands. You could just do a pure barb with abnormally high WIS, but for fun I thought I'd take advantage of War Soul's new Divine Will as well.
    Fallen Ravager
    18/1/1 Barbarian/Fighter/Favored Soul
    True Neutral Aasimar
    Level Order
    1. Barbarian       6. Barbarian      11. Barbarian      16. Barbarian
    2. Barbarian       7. Barbarian      12. Barbarian      17. Barbarian
    3. Barbarian       8. Barbarian      13. Barbarian      18. Barbarian
    4. Fighter         9. Barbarian      14. Barbarian      19. Barbarian
    5. Favored Soul   10. Barbarian      15. Barbarian      20. Barbarian
                   36pt     Tome     Level Up
                   ----     ----     --------
    Strength        18       +6       4: STR
    Dexterity        8       +6       8: STR
    Constitution    16       +6      12: STR
    Intelligence     8       +6      16: STR
    Wisdom          18       +6      20: STR
    Charisma         8       +6      24: STR
                                     28: STR
     1        : Power Attack
     3        : Cleave
     4 Fighter: Great Cleave
     6        : Two Handed Fighting
     9        : Improved Critical: Slashing
    12        : Improved Two Handed Fighting
    15        : Greater Two Handed Fighting
    18        : Stunning Blow
    21 Epic   : Overwhelming Critical
    24 Epic   : Completionist
    26 Destiny: Perfect Two Handed Fighting
    27 Epic   : Epic Damage Reduction
    28 Destiny: Perfect Two Weapon Fighting OR Elusive Target
    29 Destiny: Dire Charge OR Deific Warding
    30 Epic   : Epic Fortitude
    30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea
     1 Aasimar: Bond of the Fallen
     5 Deity  : Follower of: Onatar
    Enhancements (80+12 AP)
    Ravager (37 AP)
    • Furious Rage, Pain Touch, Demoralizing Success, Pain Touch II, Subsiding Fury
      1. Do You Like Pain? III, Barbarian Power Attack III, Hardy Rage III
      2. I Like Pain III, Cruel Cut III, Melee Power Boost III
      3. Festering Wound III, Strength
      4. Dismember III
      5. Blood Strength, Critical Rage II
    Frenzied Berserker (31 AP)
    • Die Hard, Frenzied Toughness, Frenzy, Frenzied Toughness II, Death Frenzy
      1. Extra Rage III, Power Rage II
      2. Angry Arms III, Blood Tribute III, Extra Action Boost III, Sprint Boost I
      3. Mad Munitions III, Blood Trail III, Supreme Cleave III
    Aasimar (16 AP)
    • Stronger Bonds, Strength, Stronger Bonds II, Strength, Stronger Bonds III
      1. Improved Recovery
      2. Divine Purpose, Divine Resolve: Strength II
      3. Divine Charge III, Improved Recovery
      4. Divine Form
    War Soul (4 AP)
    • Smite Foe
      1. Divine Will III
    Kensei (4 AP)
    • Kensei Focus: Axes
      1. Haste Boost III
    Destiny (24 AP) Legendary Dreadnought
    1. Legendary Tactics III, Extra Action Boost III
    2. Momentum Swing III, Imp. Power Attack
    3. Lay Waste, Critical Damage III
    4. (none)
    5. Advancing Blows, Devastating Critical
    6. Master's Blitz, Headman's Chop
    Twists of Fate (35 fate points)
    1. Sense Weakness (Tier 4 Fury)
    2. Grim Precision (Tier 3 Shadowdancer)
    3. Hail of Blows (Tier 2 Flowers)
    4. Rejuvenation Cocoon (Tier 1 Primal)
    5. Brace for Impact (Tier 1 Sentinel)
    Naturally, if you don't have 12 extra racial APs, you'll have to make sacrifices. I'd start by dropping Kensei Haste Boost and swapping LD Crit Damage for Haste Boost; that frees 4 APs while keeping Haste Boost. You could also shave Divine Will down to 1 rank (30 sec. duration) for 2 more APs. After that, you have to decide if you're giving up Divine Form or Death Frenzy.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  14. #3434
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    Quote Originally Posted by Selvera View Post
    Shuriken are an endgame build. It's sort of how they work. They start out super weak at level 1, and with every level they slowly get more and more powerful in comparison to other ranged builds, until they finally come out as the best ranged build at cap (in theory).

    Critical profile is not super important for shuriken. They're 20 x2 and you're not going to get that to be too much better unless you ditch the idea of being a monk (which is very useful for shuriken). There are named shuriken with good critical profiles in the game, but crafting shuriken (cannith, hgs or lgs) with bad critical profiles can also perform quite well in many situations.

    That said, I'm quite capable of soloing R1 in heroics just like many other builds. Not as fast as my melee builds of the past (and future), but fast enough to not be painfully slow.

    If you want to be a trapper on a shuriken build, I would be tempted to just pour AP into theif acrobat to get all the dexterity you can muster. With 4 rogue levels and 20 AP you can muster +5 dexterity from thief acrobat, which is more then any other tree afaik. However you'll likely have a few dead points in the lower tiers of the tree because it's focused on rogues and sticks, both of which you won't have very much of. With only 3 rogue levels you get most of that.

    Every level in which you pick a different class then monk means you lose 5% doubleshot during 10k stars. This is a significant boost, but it doesn't lock you into monk too oppressively. Remember that +1 dex is essentially equivalent to +2% doubleshot all the time.

    I've heard rumors that the new fotm for shuriken builds is to go pure monk, get melee power from henshin mystic and convert it to ranged power with Vistani. Haven't tried it myself.
    Thank you, Selvera and Unbongwah. I will think about your words and hopefully I will come up with a toon, which can contribute to our small group (other than +30% xp bonus from traps) ;-)


  15. #3435
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    For a heroics-only shuriken build, I would be tempted to use a Swashbuckler like, oh, this build here. Especially if you have a Snowstar, which becomes 14-20/x3 with Swashbucking (11-20/x3 w/IC:Thrown). That extra crit damage gives it the edge in early levels over Ninja; it's at higher levels when your DEX is much higher (thus increasing ANT's extra procs) and you have access to higher-lvl Ninja bonuses that Ninjas pull ahead.

    Bard offers QoL perks (bardsongs, buffs like Gtr Heroism & Displacement, etc.) and more skill pts, so it's easier to play a trapper on a bard than a monk, IMO. But that's a build for filling a specific heroic niche, not a endgame DPS build.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  16. #3436
    Community Member Azdraugnor's Avatar
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    Default Rogue/Monk staff build

    I saw someone talk about a rogue/monk melee staff build on reddit, and I was interested in what that build would look like. (Also, is it actually as effective as that comment claims?)

    If someone could give me a more specific build along those lines, that would be awesome. I'm not F2P, so it's fine if the build involves P2P races/classes/iconics, but I'm not (yet) at the point where I can TR.
    Quote Originally Posted by Krag View Post
    Obviously, nobody is allowed to move until the cleric is out of mana and the buff fest is finally over.

  17. #3437
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azdraugnor View Post
    I saw someone talk about a rogue/monk melee staff build on reddit, and I was interested in what that build would look like. (Also, is it actually as effective as that comment claims?)

    If someone could give me a more specific build along those lines, that would be awesome. I'm not F2P, so it's fine if the build involves P2P races/classes/iconics, but I'm not (yet) at the point where I can TR.
    This depends what you want it for. If you want it for heroics i'd take the first level as rogue and then the rest as monk and then reincarnate at level 20. If you want something for up to level 30 i would suggest a pure monk. The problem is you need some good staffs for this to work:
    You should have some of these:
    Nicked Quarterstaff for level 2 if you can't CC one.
    Chieftain's Spear lvl 4 - really good low level staff. Check AH. expensive.
    Elemental bloom lvl 7 - best staff in game
    Stave of the seer lvl 8 - can sometimes be bought from AH. Expensive but better than theurgic stave.
    Theurgic stave lvl 8 - Easy to get. Good alternative to elemental bloom.
    Breeze lvl 14
    Luminous Truth lvl 16
    Bone crusher lvl 18

    Take dark monk path and get Shadows Cannot Exist Without Light which heals you for 100 every 6 second. I only do EH and Heroic reaper so i am not sure how this works on EE, but on the said difficulties it was good.

  18. #3438
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Azdraugnor View Post
    I saw someone talk about a rogue/monk melee staff build on reddit, and I was interested in what that build would look like.
    There have been any number of rog / monk staff builds over the years (inc. my own ofc), but the one Unconfidence describes ("Mostly rogue, maybe 3-5 monk" possibly with pally splash) sounds closest to Zeus. Initially a rog 12 / pal 6 / monk 2 build, I would probably rebuild it as rog 13 / pal 4 / monk 3 these days.

    Whether it can keep up with the current DDO metagame power creep or me. A lot's changed since then. I'd probably fall back on rog 13 / monk 6 instead: Shadow Veil + extra MP. Choice between tier-5 Acrobat or Henshin.
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

  19. #3439
    Community Member SockPuppet's Avatar
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    I have a request. My character is a 36 point build, tomes +6 strength, Con, Int, +5 Dex, +2 everything else. Looking for a non monk, duel wield Aasimar Dwarven axe build. Dwarven axes are a holdover from my first life, and I have Legendary Shrouds max tier, so they are a must. Other than that, any class. Aasimar for fun. Multiclass preferred obviously, but if a pure class is good enough I’ll stomach it.

  20. #3440
    Build Constructionist unbongwah's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SockPuppet View Post
    Looking for a non monk, duel wield Aasimar Dwarven axe build.
    Tempest is the obvious choice, unless you had your heart set on a different class. Just take any khopesh build and tweak it for dwarven axes instead; run in LD w/Headmans Chop. Pure for max DPS (e.g., Cuisinart) or splashed if you want trap skills (Trapmonkey).
    Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.

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