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  1. #1561
    Community Member ormsbygore's Avatar
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    Hey Sig,

    I need some help building a Tank. I'm looking for a Warforged Hate Tank. Threat generation and Healing Amp are the main focuses. 34 point build, this will be a TR'd Paladin so he'll have one pally past life feat(+5% healing amp). I think hit points should be a secondary concern, and either AC or DR as a tertiary concern. I was thinking either pure paladin or 18 paladin with a splash of something else(for DoS3, and Divine Righteousness).

    I know that Healing Amp is mainly a gear based focus, I have a lot of said gear. The first life of this character was a 32 point Solar Phoenix. I've also been accumulating a lot of Hate gear, like the Levik's Set, DoS Set and DT Runes. If it helps I also plan to TR this character 2 more times to accumulate a total of 3 pally past life feats for the character's final life.

    Thank in advance for any and all help.

    Harmonious Balance: ~Nimzaraka~, ~Nimalika~, ~Nimfu~, ~Pseudonim~, Nimhish, ...more Nim's in other places
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    My Builds: The Thriller - Melee Shapeshifter(broken) - Battle Sniper

  2. #1562
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    Default Request for a half-orc cleric build.

    My request is two-fold, though the first answer is what I'm looking for. I have a half-orc cleric/fighter 3/1 mix. Unfortunately, I made him before discovering the forums, and I think I may have gimped him pretty hard. Current stats are:

    STR: 18
    DEX: 8
    CON: 14
    INT: 6
    WIS: 18
    CHA: 12

    - before gear enhancement. I am working to raise him level 10 so I can LR him into a more proper melee-based multiclass cleric. In the meantime, what would you suggest for stat raises, skill point distribution, enhancements, etc. to make it the easiest to hit 10?

    As to my second request I have been looking through the forums for a half-orc pure or multiclass cleric build that doesn't have monk in it, if possible. Fighter, barbarian, paladin, just anything other than monk. This would be a primarily solo build, so whatever it takes to build it, go for it. If the best build out there for soloing requires monk, then I'll just have to suck it up and roll one.

    I hope you find either of these questions interesting enough to answer and/or have the time to answer. Awesome builds, I've seen. Checked forward five pages and ten pages back, but didn't see anything. Then again, I was tired as hell, so I could have missed it.

  3. #1563
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    Default I need a build

    I'm looking for a greataxe/falchion THF non-barbarian/rogue non-half elf/warforged 32 point build. So like Fighter/Ranger/Pally (or something) Whatever works out for the build is great, try to get back to me asap.



    I figured out what would work best, I went a pure fighter falchion kensei elf build with increased dex for evasion, good int for jump and spot/tumble, and a dodge feat for even more evasion, this way I don't need as much con.
    Last edited by Blarghmasta; 12-17-2010 at 10:58 PM.

  4. #1564
    Community Member
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    Default Pally DPS

    Looking for a 28point DPS pally build. Thanks,, can be any of the F2P toons

  5. #1565
    Community Member chrisgina39's Avatar
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    Dec 2009


    want a 6 con drow tank/spell caster sorc no multi classing with melee and trown weapon ability and no tomes
    self suffisent to a point where it can solo tank raid bosses and dcs 4 epic

    the troll returns:P

  6. #1566
    Community Member kartos's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by chrisgina39 View Post
    want a 6 con drow tank/spell caster sorc no multi classing with melee and trown weapon ability and no tomes
    self suffisent to a point where it can solo tank raid bosses and dcs 4 epic

    the troll returns:P
    although that was a joke I actually tried to create such a build and the tank part alone made me run out of feats

  7. #1567
    Community Member galei's Avatar
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    I would really appreciate it if you could help me out with a build similar to your halfling palemaster. Ive been toying around with a wiz 12 monk 8 tank. or a melee dwarf palemaster. but both times ive tried to figure everything out skill wise damage and ac wise i cant seem to get it all to be slightly viable in higher level content non epic could you help me out?

  8. #1568
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    Default A couple of requested builds

    I am interested in a few builds and was wondering if you could help us create my ideal characters outfitted to fairly reasonable expectations. I want to base these characters on a story I am writing as well as some others.

    -A Pure DPS/Stealth Dual-Wielding Rogue Assassin that is Chaotic Good or True Neutral. Buffs and de-buffs are preferred but if they are a detriment to the DPS then scrap them.
    -A Lawful Good Paladin/Cleric Tank with good self-healing.
    -A Lawful Neutral Battle Cleric that can heal yet hold her own in a fight with two-handed weapons. Strong solo ability is a must.

    I prefer the races Human, Elf, Half-Elf, and Drow. If a build works better with a certain race not listed, let me know.

  9. #1569
    Community Member StefanoLie's Avatar
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    Could someone indicates me an effective THF battleCleric...

    preferably dwarf 28points ^^

    EFFECTIVE please

  10. #1570
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    I have a bit of an interesting request for you. i'm looking for a build that combines acrobat I or II with Virtuoso I or II. obviously it's more of a flavour build.

    some notes:

    - 28 point, F2P(have drow though), no tomes, no twink gear
    - Being able to do traps at every level is a must
    - CC via songs
    - SP mostly used for buffs
    - Should have good survivability and be relatively self-sustaining
    - Passable melee DPS

    i think that's everything...
    Last edited by Narzic; 12-27-2010 at 10:18 PM.

  11. #1571
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    Default request, maybe?

    I love this thread!

    How good would a Barb/Monk be? I like the speed of both, would that speed stack? I'm thinking either TWF bareknuckle brawler or THF Qstaff (for flavor). If either of these would make viable end game builds I'd love to see it

    (Have access to all races, but was thinking Horc or Dwarf)


  12. #1572
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flurgin View Post
    I love this thread!

    How good would a Barb/Monk be? I like the speed of both, would that speed stack? I'm thinking either TWF bareknuckle brawler or THF Qstaff (for flavor). If either of these would make viable end game builds I'd love to see it

    (Have access to all races, but was thinking Horc or Dwarf)

    i believe that Barb/Monk is impossible due to alignment conflicts.

  13. #1573
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Narzic View Post
    i believe that Barb/Monk is impossible due to alignment conflicts.
    It is. Bard requires non-lawful, where monk requires lawful.
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

  14. #1574
    Founder yynderjohn's Avatar
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    Looking to move my WF wizzy into epic content. He is currently a palemaster, but want to make him enchantment focused to do crowd control in Epic. Could use a build thanks.

  15. #1575
    Community Member parowan's Avatar
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    Default Little John

    I've been wondering if it's possible to create a viable tank build using a Halfling Acrobat II with a Monk splash, wielding a quarterstaff (maybe relying on Nat Gann's staff for the Dex attack mod). Obviously, choosing a halfling and not using a shield -- not your grandma's idea of a tank. But is it feasible?

    Can't decide whether a Monk PrE is worthwhile. Not sure if I can get the AC, HP, and DR high enough, and not sure if I can put out enough DPS to give me something to do when tanking isn't called for. Traps are a must but I don't care much about hiding--I'll leave that to my assassin.

    Thanks for any help or pointers to existing builds.
    Last edited by parowan; 12-30-2010 at 05:12 PM.

  16. #1576
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    Default Looking for a Half-Orc AA build

    Hi, I am curious about a HOrc AA build that is soloable but also raid friendly. I'd like to take advantage of Bow Strength and also do some THF if the need calls for it. Thanks!

  17. #1577
    Community Member carrmarine's Avatar
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    Default Multifunctioning trapper intimibard

    I am not having a whole lot of luck figureing this one out and i am looking for some help. I currently have a 17 bard 2 rogue 1 fighter Warchanter WF that is about to take his first TR. (And only if i can help it) This time around i would like to do it once and make him fully functional and keep him a WF. THF is a must as i would like to keep all my GS and other weapons i have ammassed. Turtleing up would also be nice and with decent enough intim to catch sally or a big puppy (normal min) but at the same time have the trap skills to not have to rely on a rogue. Keeping him a Warchanter would be nice but not necesary as it seems something may have to give but why cant one have it all........

  18. #1578
    Community Member Wildseed's Avatar
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    Default My build request

    I'm doing a long-haul TR. Planning 3 rogue lives, so during one I'd like to be horc, strength build assassin. Right now for past lives she's got 2 fvs, 3 wiz... So if you could help me out with a strength build horc assassin I'd appreciate it (want it for next life but if need be I'll figure out something. Don't wanna use beyond a 1 tome (planning to TR again soon after 20) Don't care what multi-class if any, as long as it's mostly rogue for TR purposes. I hope you have fun, I know I will!
    Current TR project -- Anshel life 8 of 20 ending up FVS
    Side TR project -- Daciana (life 8 of 14 maybe)(Will be completionist druid)
    Khyber main server

    Originally Posted by MeliCat:
    I don't like strawberry ice cream. You can offer all the strawberry ice cream that you like and I won't eat it. Offer me chocolate and I'll ask for second helpings.

  19. #1579
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildseed View Post
    I'm doing a long-haul TR. Planning 3 rogue lives, so during one I'd like to be horc, strength build assassin. Right now for past lives she's got 2 fvs, 3 wiz... So if you could help me out with a strength build horc assassin I'd appreciate it (want it for next life but if need be I'll figure out something. Don't wanna use beyond a 1 tome (planning to TR again soon after 20) Don't care what multi-class if any, as long as it's mostly rogue for TR purposes. I hope you have fun, I know I will!
    Despite I am not the OP, maybe the following existing thread in the rogue forums might fit your taste:

    It's a 34pt, so you can go with 15 con and 10 int on a 36pt. Take toughness, not Quickdraw.
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

  20. #1580
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    Default Request a build - Synergy Trio

    Had a quick scan through, but couldnt find anything similar.

    I am looking for 3 characters that work very well together in a group and have alot of synergy - being pretty much self sufficient. Ideally have a fighting chance at most of the game content (except Epic, although even that would be nice).

    We are all pretty experienced players, with VIP access (so all races and all classes, including FvS) and 32 point builds as well as the ability to obtain good equipment.


    Last edited by Elsaabeth; 01-11-2011 at 11:23 AM.

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