Str: 6+6 (Item) = 12 (possible +2 tome if having carrying capacity issues)
Dex: 18+6 (Item) +3(Rogue Dex) +2(Halfling Dex) +5(Lvls) +2(Tome) = 36
Con: 14+6 (Item) = 20
Int: 18+6(Item) +2(Tome) +2(Capstone) = 28
Wis: 8
Cha: 8+6(Item) = 14
Rogue 1 48sp
4 - Balance,Diplomacy,DD,Haggle,Hide,Jump,MS,OL,Search,Spot,Tumble,UMD
Rogue 2-7 12sp
1 - Balance,Diplomacy,DD,Haggle,Hide,Jump,MS,OL,Search,Spot,Tumble,UMD
Rogue 8-19 13sp
1 - Balance,Diplomacy,DD,Haggle,Hide,Jump,MS,OL,Search,Spot,Tumble,UMD,Heal
Rogue20 13sp
1 - Balance,Diplomacy,DD,Haggle,Hide,Jump,MS,OL,Search,Spot,Tumble,UMD,Swim
Final Tally (Base at 20)
Disable Device - 40+15 = 55
Move Silently - 39
Open Lock - 44+15 = 59
Diplomacy - 27
Balance - 37
Tumble - 37
Haggle - 27
Search - 37+15 = 52
Jump - 28+15 = 43
Spot - 28+15 = 43
UMD - 30 (See Below Calculation)
Hide - 39
30 ranks
3 Bunny Hat/Cartouche (Bunny Hat only works for wands)
1 VoM
2 Cha SKill Bonus
36 Unbuffed/Easy Loot
1 Head of Good Fortune (+2 but Replaces VoM Bonus)
2 Seven Fingered Glove (+5 but Replaces Cartouche bonus so only +2)
5 Cha Skill bonus (cloak or greensteel item)
42 Unbuffed/ Great Loot
4 GH
5 Rogue Skill Boost IV
51 Buffed w/ Great Loot
Level Order & Feats:
1-Rogue- Point Blank Shot
3-Rogue- Heavy Repeater Prof (Swap for Toughness at 6)
4-Rogue- Trapmaking(Auto), + Dex
6-Rogue- Precise Shot, Mechanic 1
8-Rogue- +Dex
9-Rogue- Rapid Reload
10-Rogue- Improved Evasion
12-Rogue- +Dex, IC: Ranged
13-Rogue- Slippery Mind
15-Rogue- Improved Precise Shot
16-Rogue- +Dex, Skill Mastery
18-Rogue- SF: UMD????
19-Rogue- Skill Mastery
20-Rogue- +Dex
Enhancements (At 20)
Rogue Skill Boost 4
Rogue Deadly Shadow
Rogue Fire Resist 1
Halfling Dex 2
Halfling Cunning 4
Halfling Guile 3
Halfling Will 2
Halfling Toughness 2
Rouge Mechanic 2
Rogue SA Training 3
Rogue DD 3
Rogue OL 3
Rogue Dex 3
Rogue Trap Sense 2
Oh and here's the update 5 changes relevant to this build: