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  1. #1181
    Community Member Wickednisse's Avatar
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    First, I would like to say thank you for assisting players with builds and advice!

    Second, when you get around to it after your revisions and all of the previous build requests I was wondering if you could help me with my build request

    Background: This toon will be a TR from a drow 19 rogue/1 fighter (I went with the Dark Path build). She's not 20 yet but I'm working on finishing that as well as trying to accumulate some gear to carry over.

    Build Requirements: I want the race to remain drow, I'm wanting to go ranger with a dash or 2 of rogue thrown in. I've always been a fan of Dex based builds (rogues & rangers). I am VERY melee friendly, ranging is nice at times but I would much rather be in the thick of things. The reason for the dash or 2 of rogue is for traps and other tasty tidbits that the rogue class offers.

    Thanks in advance

  2. #1182
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    Smile Requesting a build

    Hello and welcome back sigtrent! i am requesting a 28 point Fighter/Wizard build that can cast harmful spells and buffs, (more Wizard levels than Fighters). It must be a Drow elf and has THF. This might be an challenging build to make but i would be happy if you make this kind of build. And make it use Greatswords. (:. Oh almost forgot, he uses Mithral/Twilight armor. Thanks in advance
    Last edited by GrimReaper12; 05-16-2010 at 06:56 AM.

  3. #1183
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Requesting a build

    I just recently got back to DDO and don't really have an idea of what race/class I should use to build a wizard. I have been checking out these forums in the hopes that I could find the best race for a Wizard and found that Warforged is seen as the best. I am able to do the 32 point build and would really appreciate any suggestions for a pure wizard build or if you have any other suggestions for a pure/multiclass. Thanks in advance!

  4. #1184
    Community Member Bragi's Avatar
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    Default OK..Let's help me out

    2 questions. My Google-Fu is not so great

    I had taken about a year and a half break, right before the Monk release, so there were not really prestige classes. I was following a build for a Dwraven GreatAxe DPS Paladin. Looking at him, I have him at 7/4 Pal/Ftr State are currently 27/14/22/9/16/14

    The second thing I am looking for is a good Drow Assassain build, if anyone has one.

    Thanks in advance
    " I believe in God, and I believe in human decency. But I believe that any man's finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out and lies exhausted on the field of battle — victorious."

  5. #1185
    Community Member
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    Sep 2009


    How about this little diddy that's been dancing in my head:

    A fighter/barbarian/rogue (12/6/2) spec'd for twf khopesh. Frenzied berzerker and kensai focus. Plus the flavors of evasion and a little sneak attack. Any thoughts?

  6. #1186
    Community Member
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    Apr 2010


    I would like a 28/32 point 13/6/1 elf rogue/ranger/monk build. I like him to be as good at detecting and removing traps as possible. I'd also like him to kick butt in melee combat and plan to go dex-based dual-wielding rapiers. He will be soloing/duoing/full partying approximately 50%/25%/25% of the time. I'm a a new premium member (bought 400+20 tps for the storage/mail/auction features), and don't have coins or twink-gear.

    Please hold my hand through the process explaining why you make the choices you make and what enhancements/skills/feats to take at each level 1 through 20. Any advice on appropriate gear will be helpful as well

    Also, I'd like this finished a.s.a.p.
    Last edited by papa_bravo; 05-13-2010 at 09:19 PM.

  7. #1187
    Community Member
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    May 2010


    Since I am new to the game I have been thinking of several builds. One of them I have been tossing around is a Cleric/Bard, Bar/cleric build using human as the race. It is a 28point build for now .The idea is to be able to buff up a group/raid force and be able to heal them effectively. Turning undead would be nice and summoning pets for solo DPS would be nice as well. I'm not necessarily worried about trap/Door detection but a little in it would be nice to be able to at least know they are their. I want to be the ultimate buffer/Healer I can be so if the group needs a healer I can do that or if they need a buffer I can do that. DPS is not a priority as he will be the ultimate support character but enough DPS to solo or help give that extra push in a fight would be nice. If you think 1 level of monk splashed in would be good by all means, but otherwise mainly a Cleric/Bard or Bard/Cleric build would be fun. Their is no rush on this one, I know you get lots of request.
    Last edited by TruhlsRuhk; 05-14-2010 at 05:50 PM.

  8. #1188
    Community Member
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    Feb 2006


    I saw your Halfling Healing Paladin build. I'd like a more traditional Halfling Paladin, because I like to solo about 3/4 of the time, but still want to be an asset to a team.
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  9. #1189
    Community Member
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    Apr 2010


    I'm requesting an Dwarven Crossbowman 28 point build with no monk splash (cuz i haven't monk yet), only Fighter and/or paladin and Rogue splash. Very similiar to the "Sir Kitesalot" but no monk splash.

    Thanks in Advance

  10. #1190
    The Mad Multiclasser Failedlegend's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2009


    I really have no idea how to work this out its a very open ended build...I was thinking Rogue13/Fighter6/Something1 (Monk maybe) bbecause its seems like a feat heavy thing to try but really its up too you....hopefully its not TOO vague....anyways the only conditions are:

    Note: The stuff starting in !!CAPS!! is optional...not yelling :P

    - At least 12 lvls of rogue although 13 is preferred unless the benefit is better than the SA die and the extra rogue exclusive feat.

    - Must use repeaters as main weapons (Mostly for debuffs/Insta-kills)

    - Maxed Trap Skills

    - Maxed UMD (49 after buffs/raidloot if possible as IIRC that's like the optimum UMD)

    - Must utilize Trapmaking

    - Get Mechanic I relatively early (not necessarily toon lvl 6 but by 10 at the latest)

    - !!POSSIBLY!! have TWF as a secondary (Makes use of SA...or even monk abilities with Kamas) if there's some feat wiggle room

    - !!TRY TO!! fit in Exotic Prof: Heavy Repeater early with plans to switch it out for a different feat just before taking Mechanic II

    Aside from that theirs really no restrictions except make it hit quickly and often so it can debuff well (hitting HARD is optional) so feel free to have fun with this one

    Here's the relevant upcoming (hopefully they don't change much) update 5 changes (or just check mine or daehawks compilation of update 5 info)

    Rogue Mechanic I

    - Now grants proficiency with Repeating Light Crossbows.

    - Doubles the chance of receiving scavenged components (for trapmaking) when disabling traps.

    Rogue Mechanic II

    - Now grants proficiency with Repeating Heavy Crossbows.


    Prereqs: Trapfinding and any one of the following: Skill Focus: Disable Device, Nimble Fingers, or Least Dragonmark of Making
    Benefit: You have learned enough about traps to be able to scavenge parts from them, and with the help of the Free Agents, can craft your own.
    Special: Automatically granted to rogues at level 4.

    Weapon Finesse

    - Now requires a minimum of 13 Dex to take

    Here's my attempt...not really anything to it...I just kinda winged it...I thn k I'm taking mechanic II a little late...but really all 3 classes used in the build = zero experience with (well rogue and monk splashed alot)

    Str: 12+6 (item) +2(Fighter Str) +2(Tome) = 22
    Dex: 17+6 (Item) +5(Lvls) +3(Rogue Dex) +1(Human Dex) = 32
    Con: 14+6 (Item) = 20
    Int: 8+2 (Tome) = 10
    Wis: 15+6 (Item) +1(Human Wis) = 22
    Cha: 9+6 (Item) +1(Tome) = 16
    Rogue 1 32sp
    4 - Balance,DD,OL,Search,Spot,UMD,Haggle,Jump
    Fighter 2 2sp
    2- UMD
    Monk 3 4sp
    2 - Spot, Balance
    Rogue 4 8sp
    2 - UMD
    3 - Search, DD
    Rogue 5 8sp
    1 - DD, Search, UMD
    2 - Spot
    3 - OL
    Rogue 6 8sp
    1 - DD, Search, Spot, UMD
    2 - OL, Haggle
    Rogue 7 8sp
    1 - DD,Search, Spot, UMD, OL
    3 - Haggle
    ***ASSUME +2 INT TOME***
    Rogue 8 9sp
    1 - DD,Search, Spot, UMD, OL
    2 - Haggle, Jump
    Fighter 9 3sp
    1 - Jump
    2 - UMD
    Rogue 10 9sp
    1 - UMD
    2 - DD,Search, Spot, OL
    Rogue 11 9sp
    1 - DD,Search, Spot, UMD, OL, Balance
    3 - Haggle 
    Fighter 12 3sp
    1 - Jump
    2 - UMD
    Rogue 13 9sp
    1 - UMD
    2 - DD,Search, Spot, OL
    Rogue 14 9sp
    1 - DD,Search, Spot, UMD, OL
    4 - Balance 
    Fighter 15 3sp
    1 - Jump
    2 - UMD
    Rogue 16 9sp
    1 - UMD
    2 - DD,Search, Spot, OL
    Rogue 17 9sp
    1 - DD,Search, Spot, UMD, OL
    4 - Balance 
    Fighter 18 3sp
    1 - Jump
    2 - UMD
    Rogue 19 9sp
    1 - UMD
    2 - DD,Search, Spot, OL
    Fighter 20 3sp
    1 - Jump
    2 - UMD
    Final Tally (Base at 20)
    Disable Device - 24
    Open Lock - 30
    Balance - 21
    Haggle - 14
    Search - 22
    Jump - 13
    Spot - 24
    UMD - 26
    Level Order & Feats:
    1-Rogue- SF:UMD, Nimble Fingers
    2-Fighter- Weapon Finesse
    3-Monk- Toughness, Exotic Prof: Heavy Repeater 
    4-Rogue- +Dex
    6-Rogue- Point Blank Shot, Trapmaking
    8-Rogue- +Dex. Mechanic I 
    9-Fighter- Precise Shot, Power Attack
    11-Rogue-  Improved Uncanny Dodge
    12-Fighter-  +Dex, Rapid Relaod
    14-Rogue-  Improved Evasion
    15-Fighter-  Improved Precise Shot, Weapon Focus Ranged
    17-Rogue-  Mechanic II
    18-Fighter-  Rapid Shot
    19-Rogue-  Slippery Mind
    20-Fighter-  Weapon Spec: Ranged
    Enhancements (At 20)
    Fighter Attack Boost II
    Rogue Skill Boost IV
    Rogue Fire Resist I
    Heavy Repeater Mastery I
    Fighter Crit Accuracy II
    Fighter Kensai I
    Human Dex I
    Human Wis I
    Human Improved Recovery I
    Human Versatility IV
    Human Toughness I
    Rogue Mechanic II
    Rogue Disable Device III
    Rogue Open Lock III
    Rogue Dex III
    Fighter Str II
    Improved Trap Sense II
    Last edited by Failedlegend; 05-18-2010 at 01:36 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan
    There is little value in getting into an edition debate; as with anything, we create what we believe works best for DDO.

  11. #1191
    Community Member
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    Jan 2010

    Default Looking for a FvS Rouge build.

    I'm working on a build with a drow, do not have 32 point build as of yet. I started her with a rouge, concentrating on traps. I don't plan on her being a rouge however, would like to concentrate on the FvS. I need suggestions as to where to head with this girl, so far she seems strong as a support character with potential for solo work.

    Stats are:

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.34
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 2 Lawful Good Drow Female
    (1 Rogue \ 1 Favored Soul) 
    Hit Points: 34
    Spell Points: 240 
    BAB: 0
    Fortitude: 2
    Reflex: 7
    Will: 4
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
    Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
    (28 Point)       (Level 1)             (Level 2)
    Strength             10                    10
    Dexterity            16                    16
    Constitution         10                    10
    Intelligence         14                    14
    Wisdom               14                    14
    Charisma             16                    16
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 2)
    Balance               7                     7
    Bluff                 3                     3
    Concentration         0                     5
    Diplomacy             3                     3
    Disable Device        6                     6
    Haggle                7                     7
    Heal                  2                     2
    Hide                  3                     3
    Intimidate            3                     3
    Jump                  4                     4
    Listen                4                     6
    Move Silently         7                     7
    Open Lock             7                     7
    Perform               n/a                   n/a
    Repair                2                     2
    Search                6                     8
    Spot                  6                     8
    Swim                  1                     1
    Tumble                7                     7
    Use Magic Device      4                     4
    Level 1 (Rogue)
    Feat: (Selected) Two Weapon Fighting
    Level 2 (Favored Soul)
    Feat: (Diety) Favored by Vulkoor
    Enhancement: Rogue Sneak Attack Training I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Concentration I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Life Magic I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Energy of the Scion I
    I would greatly appreciate ideas as to where to head with this, I'm calling it my Rouge Soul.

  12. #1192
    Community Member tibi6893's Avatar
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    Jul 2009


    Some1 can help me with tank build?
    My requirements:

    Im want a tank/intimitank dwarven defender.
    Im dont know pure pally or fghter better, or a great splash character.
    If some1 can link a nice build, which still working plz do it .

  13. #1193
    Community Member theoneelftorulethem's Avatar
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    Apr 2010


    i heard that a ranger/rogue had a combo that had good DPS and want to be the said dps role.
    i was thinking of a rogue/rnger (rogue first for more SP of course), human. so TWF, but what else do i need?

    oh, yeah, 28 pts. that should be everything. but i'll re-create the char i already have if the stats i have arent good enough (or another race is better in the end).

    what do you have for me?

    wait, i found what i was looking for in your listings, no need for a build, i found the Tempest i was looking for. thanks anyway
    Last edited by theoneelftorulethem; 05-20-2010 at 02:38 PM.
    him:"You'd have to be INSANE to go from all Elf characters to Gnomes."
    me: "I'm not crazy. I just don't want my gnome roommate to be lonely."
    him: "Roommate? But there are no houses in DDO."
    me: "Hear that Lynore? [talking to empty space] This guy thinks you only exist in a game."
    him: "..."

    Bringing you a Better World, one Gnome at a Time.

    This message was brought to you by the Make-Gnomes-Playable-Characters-In-DDO Society.
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  14. #1194
    Community Member
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    Default Leprechaun

    Have you ever seen the movie Leprechaun? I would like a Lawful-Evil Leprechaun like build. That should be fun for you. Should make for some fun research if nothing else. lol

  15. #1195
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    Im looking for a WF Sorc build who can use a little melee, has haggle and as much spell dmg as possible. 28 point build.

    I was thinking something like:

    14 str
    8 dex
    16 con
    8 int (+2int at lvl 7 for concentration)
    16 cha (raise this as you level up)

    01) Extend Spell
    03) Empower Spell
    06) Maximize Spell
    09) Power Attack? (I thought this was good to have with the improved WF PA enchant.)
    12) Spell Penetration
    15) Heighten Spell
    18) Greater Spell Penetration

    Use masters touch for a greataxe, swap with spell pen weapons when I need massive spell dmg.

    Is this build viable or is the str a total waste? Am I able to hit anything at higher levels?

    I also plan to use a greater reincarnate at lvl 20.
    Last edited by fiveface; 05-29-2010 at 06:57 AM.

  16. #1196


    Quote Originally Posted by fiveface View Post
    Is this build viable or is the str a total waste? Am I able to hit anything at higher levels?

    I also plan to use a greater reincarnate at lvl 20.
    It's quite good actually.

    Power attack may not work out for you. On some monsters it will work well, but on most of them it will make an already lowish attack lower.
    Former Host of DDOcast
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  17. #1197
    Community Member
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    Mar 2010


    I am looking for a Bard Build that is mostly support but does a moderate ranged dmg like an arcane archer.
    The focus should be on Good Bardsongs, haggle, umd in this Order.
    I have seen some builds in the Forums but they are mostly warchanters that use TWF.

  18. #1198
    Community Member Skunky's Avatar
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    Feb 2006

    Default Kukri Master

    I would love to see a build inspired by the Epic NWN build for the Kukri Master.

    Here's the overall philosophy from the NWN build.

    Why the Kukri?

    The kukri is but a small weapon that does very little damage. It may be overlooked as inconsequential by a lesser combatant. But the Devastating Kukri Master knows the secrets to turning the kukri into the most deadly weapon known to man, elf, or dwarf. The kukri possesses a razor sharp edge, represented by its extended critical threat range of 18-20/x2. That places it on par with the scimitar and the rapier.

    The kukri's second advantage is its size, as a small weapon it is ideal for the fighter who wishes to use two weapons simultaneously, allowing them to almost completely eliminate the hefty penalties that are associated with using two weapons.

    All of the Devastating Kukri Master's training has been devoted to wielding kukris in the most effective manner possible.

    Offensive Training: The Devastating Kukri Master's offensive philosophy may be summarized as follows: strike often and surely, hit hard and threaten sudden death, follow through each killing blow.
    Oh, and the restrictions would be that it has to be something that I as a normal joe newbie non-VIP character (No drow/wf/Fvs/Mnk) can follow.
    Last edited by Skunky; 05-30-2010 at 09:11 PM.

  19. #1199
    Community Member Cardtrick's Avatar
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    Sep 2009


    I'd like to second EmeRose's request for an FvS/Rogue build. It seems like this has the potential to be a really fun solo-focused build that could still be useful in groups. Sort of the fleshy divine equivalent of the ever-popular Wiz/Rogue.

    My personal requirements/desires: 32-point build or drow, light-to-moderate tome usage (a couple of +1's and one or two +2's are OK, but nothing more please), high soloability (the main reason for this split), majority of the levels to FvS (thinking 18/2 split, or maybe 17/2/1 with monk or something), enough trap/open-lock skills to handle the large majority (say 90-95%) of traps/locks with appropriate gear.

    As a bonus, it would be nice to have an Elf build dual-wielding longswords or scimitars, rather than the ever-popular khopeshes, but I could happily live without that.

    Also . . . if anyone else knows of such a build already, please let me know! I couldn't find anything, and am having some trouble planning it out myself.

  20. #1200
    Community Member
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    Dec 2009


    I'd like to request a sword and board build for human or dwarven (pure fighter )
    Im a noob
    Thank you
    Last edited by Dunoky; 06-02-2010 at 01:36 PM.

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