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  1. #941
    Community Member kebin131's Avatar
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    I would really like to see a decent Ranger/Bard build as Tempest/Warchanter. The build is probably more use able as a 32 pt. build but it would be nice to see a 28 pt. variant. The race would preferably be human for the extra khopesh feat, and the Human recovery enhancement. Can be Elf since scimitars aren't too bad. In my head I was thinking 12 ranger/ 8 bard. The bard is mainly for the buff songs and displacement and won't lose too much in terms of skills since they have the same number of skill points per lvl. The main purpose of the build is... additional DPS and buffs with Bark Skin and Displacement ect... The healing portion will probably be taken care of with wands since that would take up too much sp being cast. That's kind of my idea... I just need help of how it would actually work.. I've never been in any endgame situations.

  2. #942
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    Quote Originally Posted by kebin131 View Post
    I would really like to see a decent Ranger/Bard build as Tempest/Warchanter. The build is probably more use able as a 32 pt. build but it would be nice to see a 28 pt. variant. The race would preferably be human for the extra khopesh feat, and the Human recovery enhancement. Can be Elf since scimitars aren't too bad. In my head I was thinking 12 ranger/ 8 bard. The bard is mainly for the buff songs and displacement and won't lose too much in terms of skills since they have the same number of skill points per lvl. The main purpose of the build is... additional DPS and buffs with Bark Skin and Displacement ect... The healing portion will probably be taken care of with wands since that would take up too much sp being cast. That's kind of my idea... I just need help of how it would actually work.. I've never been in any endgame situations.
    Echoing same sentiment again, since no replies, but I still want to stick with a custom build that mainly focuses on melee+enchantments/songs+sneakiness.

  3. #943
    Community Member kebin131's Avatar
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    I'm attempting the 28 point build as follows with that tempest/warchant

    15str 14 dex 14 con 10 int 11 wis 11 cha. It's really tight on stats =/

  4. #944
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    Red face Ranger Rogue, or Pure Rogue, help?

    So admittedly I am fairly new to DnD online and off. Ok very new. That said I've rerolled 8 or 9 times in the last week and a half trying to get this right. I would absolutely love some help. What I have now is 1 Rogue 5 Ranger, and again already I have serious oops problems. I spend most of my time dead, or chugging HP pots (Even with a good healer along.) I know my con is low, I know my dex is a tad low... But I can't seem to overcome the problems. Her beginning con was 8 because I didn't know better (despite reading the forums ... I blame the stress of moving) and her dex was 14.. one less than I needed for 2 weapon fighting... its been ugly.

    What I am looking for is:
    To be the main trap, door finder, thing finder, unlocking person in my little group
    Not be dead 75% of the time
    Dual wield (would love scimitars and something but weapons I am not too picky on)
    Do enough damage or have enough survivability that I don't die if I get a single mob on me (Which is how it is now)
    28 Points, Elf or Drow (Would much much prefer elf)
    A lot of skill points so I can indulge in jump/umd (especially jump, I know UMD is cross class for rangers but not rogue)

    I am at my wits end, so tired of the constant rerolling.. love my current character except for being dead... all the time. I love being a ranger but LOVE finding traps, doors, hearing things my companions don't etc..... Please please help?

  5. #945
    Community Member kartos's Avatar
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    so hey im new to DDO and i wanna play an arcane fighter i thought about 6rgr/14 wiz combo for the rangers ITWF i wanna be a dwarf(the extra con is really grate and they get the ability to wield 1 of the best 2 1h weps in game and i dual wield it...) the above combo is not a most all i want is a combo of a caster with a melee char i prefer it wont be paladin based and it have to dual wield it most be a dwarf and i want to be able to CC a bit but to do nice damage 2

    so here is the most 2 be request:
    1)most be a dwarf
    2)most dual wield(i think that dwarven axe would be the right weapon of choice as u get the ability 2 use it for free and its the strongest 1 handed weapon in game)
    3)not paladin based
    4)the ability 2 CC but also do a pretty nice damage
    5)to be good @ end game not the best but to be able to hold itself

    thnx in advance

    edit:i forgot 2 say that it needs 2 be 28pt build(but including also 32pt stats would be nice if i will reach 1750 favor some day)
    Last edited by kartos; 10-03-2009 at 05:01 PM.

  6. #946
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    I am trying to make a throwing monk build, which has the following criteries:
    - Good dps
    - Okay-Good in raids
    - Throws shurikens (primary means of attack)
    - Good in small groups (solo would also be nice, as most of the time I solo/duo with my friends, possibly trio sometimes)
    - Preferably Path of shadow (because I already have a PoL, but if there is very strong reasons to take PoL I will prolly take it, and no, that PoL is better generally isn't a very good reason, it must rather be something very specific to this build then, and if it really sucks, I can just buy a feat swap...)
    - Awesome defences (saves, AC, etc.)
    - Halfling
    - 10-12 Int for some more SP

    Any help with this? I have access to 28 pt. builds and are a VIP, and can prolly get a tome or two in the first 10 levels, but not count too heavily on many of them...)

    I know that this probably will be hard to do, but isn't it also more interesting then?

  7. #947
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    Question Concept Build: Discworld's Cohen the Barbarian

    So, I'd like to try a concept build. I am almost positive this build will be underpowered, but don't care. I'm new, I'm not planning to see end-game content, at least not any time soon. I'm just having a LOT of fun with DDO and the flexibility allowed for characters that, while not uber, can still "get by".

    Anyone that's read Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels will likely know Cohen the Barbarian.
    He's "old", crotchety, charismatic(!), spry, and clever. I think he wields a bladed weapon(axe/sword/whatever) and his cane/walking stick. (I'll probably use some sort of blunt weapon in offhand. Club, staff, whatever.)

    I see him as a dual-wielding, Dex-based, DPSing, surviving-by-the-skin-of-his-teeth kind of character.
    Therefore, basic requirements:
    1) High DEX
    2) Med-High CHA
    3) Med-High INT
    4) TWF/Dual wield + Finesse
    5) 28-point build. I do have Drow, though that seems a bit off-concept, but with their natural DEX/INT/CHA bonuses, that may be a good fit. So, either a 28-pt Human or a Drow is fine. Or both!
    6) NO MAGIC. No UMD, no spells. Ranger/Bard classes are ok, but I won't be actually casting spells. Songs might fit. Rogue would be ok for Hide/MoveSilent and maybe Evasion.
    7) No tomes. No gear. No hand-me-downs.
    8) If the build only goes to 10 or 12, that's fine. Like I said, I won't likely see end-game. This is hoped to be a "Playing Build". Maybe even a PD build. If it ever sees level 20, that would be astounding, but most time will be spent from 3-10, so waiting to get, say, ITWF, until 16 or 18 wouldn't really be meaningful in this context.
    (End edit

    He's a survivor, but only wears a loincloth(light armor, I'd say).

    I would love any help. This looks to be a feat-intensive build, so it doesn't have to be a "Barbarian" class, he's just called Cohen the Barbarian in name.

    Last edited by duckilama; 10-04-2009 at 12:02 PM.

  8. #948
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    I'm looking for a 28 point, no WF, Drow, FvS, or Monk Battle Mage. This can be any Wizard or Sorcerer, coupled with any melee class. Paladin/sorcerer sounds nice, but if at all possible, I'd like to go wizard. And since Arcane casters can only cast in robes, if you think it's a good idea, a 2 level Rogue dip is fine. But the character should be able to take out the average foe with melee or magic.

    In addition, no tomes. No gear that's very hard to get, unless by the time I need it I'll be high level enough.

    Finally, should have decent HP-gonna use it for Perma Death.

    Too tough? Or possible?

  9. #949
    Community Member Freewolf's Avatar
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    Cool Evasion Sorc

    Greetings Lifespawn,

    I am fairly new to the game only been playing for a few months (Before Mod 9).

    I am interested in making an Evasion based Sorc. I think I would prefer a halfling for the saves down the road.
    Also I am curious if the Dragonmarks would be worth it in this build for the self-healing. I am thinking having the evasion/casting/possible self-healing/ and high saves would make this is very survivable build.

    I am open to suggestions for changes to this build that that is the basics that I am interested in. If the benefits from the self-healing will totally kill the casting in the future the dragonmarks are not necessary, I do not have a lot of experience with those.

    I am open to either Monk or Rogue. (I believe those are the two evasion classes, are there others?
    Blessed Be


  10. #950
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    I am trying to make this build based off a NWN2 character build. Maybe you can help?

    Here is the link to my post I made not to long ago. I hate to double post :P

  11. #951
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dj.kickz View Post
    I was thinking about a 12 ftr, 6 rogue, 2 monk Acrobat, weapon finesse, quarter staff user. Getting Kensai 2, thief-acrobat 1 and lesser wind stance. I was thinking halfling because but I'm up for any suggestion on race. I don't have 32 point builds yet because I wanted to roll on Cannith. Do have access to drow and +1 tomes tho.
    rogue skills? going for AC? if not why finesse
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  12. #952
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    Default Mnk-Clrc

    What i'd like to know is if anyone knows a decent -good mnk clrc build. I've heard of alot of people doing this recently and i'm interested, im not sure how to understand the benefits of it.

  13. #953
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    Default WF monk build request

    I was wondering if you could please make me a build for a 28 point warforged monk with TWF. I am not to picky on the specifics I would just like the best dps build possible, I will be leveling this with a warforged rogue(1)wizard(rest) friend so I would like some survivability as I will be in the front lines, My friend and I have used your builds on many of our characters and trust your advice. Thanks in advance.


  14. #954
    Community Member kittiara's Avatar
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    Default wf monk

    would like a wf monk str based build that uses handwraps and or kamas and can use Ki to ressurect fallen heros thanks in advance currently trying a couple of your builds and I love them they are fantastic thanks.
    "Do not meddle in the affairs of cats for they are vengeful and will pee on your keyboard"

  15. #955
    Community Member luna_diviner's Avatar
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    Default Alternate Palanger

    Okay, I see lots of good builds for a multiclass Paladin/Ranger, but all of them start with 6 levels Ranger. I'm looking for a build (28 point only) that uses a Pally/Ranger skill set, starting levels as a Paladin for simplified grinding, and built for moderate-to-high DPS. Basically, the toon needs be easily soloable, but still useful to a party of equal level. Splashes of extra classes is acceptable, and style can be either THF of TWF. Warforged is available, but human is preferred in order to maximize usage of the extra feat. I know that it's very specific (perhaps too much so), but you have my thanks in advance.

  16. #956
    Community Member Hisl's Avatar
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    How about updating the front page with some of the new builds and updated lvl 20 builds? Just a suggestion as I find them very helpful.

  17. #957
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hisl View Post
    How about updating the front page with some of the new builds and updated lvl 20 builds? Just a suggestion as I find them very helpful.
    it would be nice but the problem is that the initial poster wasn't lifespawn, who is now helping out with the builds. maybe if he had the time he could gather up the builds in the thread and start a new one himself but he's too busy helping us shlubs

  18. #958
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Raberoda View Post
    I would like to make a request of possibly an arcane archer with possibly 12 sorc or wiz, 6 ranger, and either 2 monk or pally i don't really care what race
    12 caster levels wouldn't be much help in a caster role if you want to do haste and some buffing while still using a bow i suggest going elf 16 bard 2 rogue 2 ranger and picking up manyshot as a feat
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  19. #959
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mountaindew View Post
    Hey, hello, hi.

    Im in search of TWF paladin with evasion and good dps.
    I have 32pt build unlocked, i dont have much top notch gear, and no tomes.
    i suggest going elf with scimitars 18 pally 2 monk

    16 str
    15 dex
    12 con
    11 int
    10 wis
    14 cha

    twf 1
    otwf 3
    itwf 6
    monk toughness 7
    monk power attack 8
    improved crit slash 9
    gtwf 12
    extend 15
    sf umd another toughness or maybe maximize for healing 18

    requires a +2 dex tome to take itwf at 6 but you can always switch it in later take a tome at 14 and go back and switch in the twf feats.
    Last edited by Lifespawn; 10-11-2009 at 04:45 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  20. #960
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    Quote Originally Posted by masonox View Post
    Hi, new player, I have no tomes or other enhancements.

    I am looking for a 28 build

    Race Drow

    Rogue(2)levels - I would like to be very strong in hide/unlock/disarm

    Wizard - I would like to be strong Charm, CC, and some damage would be nice too

    Thanks in advance!
    10 str
    12 dex
    14 con
    18 int
    12 wis
    10 cha

    first lvl rogue max out all the skills you want all level ups into intel

    toughness 1
    spell focus enhantment 3
    spell penn 6
    second rogue level insightful reflexes 9
    greater spell focus enchantment 12
    greater spell penn 15
    either mental toughness skill focus umd or another toughness for hp's 18

    you get bonus wizard metamagic feats take extend maximize empower and heighten
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

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