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  1. #141
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Default Dex/Saves/Traps/UMD build please


    I have Drow unlocked but not the 32 build points yet. I am looking to create a character that can be the guy groups ask to go in to a room full of mobs, get their attention and survive the onslaught of spells being cast on me. I suppose this means I am looking for high saves, etc. I would like this character to be the main rogue in a group dealing with traps and chests. I really am open to almost any suggestion about class and race. I think a high UMD would be pretty useful for self buffs and heals. I guess I am looking for survivability and the usual compliment of rogue skills such as disable, unlock, etc.

    I mention Dex in my title because I assume, though it might be wrong, that high dex is good for saves and survivability. Multiclassing is fine but if the multiclass is a caster I will need some help with the best spells to utilize. The only caster I have ever played is a cleric, never a sorc or wizard. I do not know anything about them except they seem to do insane amounts of damage.

    Can I do this and survive a couple of levels early in the game doing some solo content?

    Thanks so much.
    Last edited by Norgoth; 10-17-2007 at 10:42 AM.

  2. #142
    Community Member
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    Default Batman build

    I know this build has been out for a while now, but I am curious to see the breakdown of this build as far as what class to take at each level along with feats and enhancements that make up this build. Additionally, what are the starting stats for this build? ANy suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


  3. #143
    Community Member Dworkin_of_Amber's Avatar
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    Aramel, The "Batman Build", as you have probably found on the forums is, for all intents and purposes, dead. The changes to the Enhancement System back in Mod 3.3 basically killed the build. While it is certainly possible to make a Fighter/Paladin/Rogue that can DPS and do the Traps, the Intimi-Tank portion of that build really doesn't work anymore. If you want to look at some Paladin/Fighter Intimitanks or some Paladin/Rogue DPS builds with Trap-monkey skills, please check out the Paladin Build Guide (Link in my Sig). But the all-three build (IntimidateTank, DPS, TrapMonkey) really doesn't work anymore... sorry
    Dworkin, Benedict, Gerard, Vialle, Beldin... too many to list
    Founder: Guild of Amber (Mabar/Argo)
    Now Living on Orien

  4. #144
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    Default bard/rogue/fighter


    I am attempting to configure this build, but not sure of the breakdown. Objective: crowd control and backup healer with spells and exceptional wand use; finding and disabling traps and being able to support the group as a second rank fighter; high UMD. Any thoughts on how many levels of each and what to take at each level. Thanks much and keep up the great work!

    P.S. Where do we find the build if/when you do make it? Will it be posted here or is there another area you put the buildS? Thanks again
    Last edited by Aramel; 10-19-2007 at 10:45 PM.

  5. #145
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    Default The Pacifist

    I am looking for a healer build for my wife. She does not enjoy killing monsters but would enjoy keeping the rest of the party alive and healthy. Her spell list would include NO offensive spells, just heal, restore, remove curse, etc. If she has a weapon in her hand it is for the bonuses to her casting and not to hit things with. No dwarfs please. She wants a decent looking female character. (but would not mind being a WF) Build would have to be 28 pt or drow as we do not have 32 pt unlocked

  6. #146
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    Jan 2007

    Default Help with a build?

    Hello, i was thinking of making a new tank in replace of my first toon. Either 28 or 32 pt builds will work, as well as Drow. My favorate part of this game is pvp, so i would like him to so well in there. I need a good ac, meaning about 50 at least, would love to see 55-60ish. I will also need a good to-hit. I like the fighters feats, the barbarians rage, and all the great pally self buffs and lay on hands, so i cant decide what to do. If you could shed some light on my problem it would be much apreciated.

  7. #147
    Community Member ErgonomicCat's Avatar
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    Jul 2007


    Reposted from the bard forum for suggestions here too.

    What I know:
    feel like that's what people expect in a bard, and I'd like to be able to contribute some.
    Race: Drow.
    Class: Bard (all or mostly pure) - I multiclass *everything*. I want to play a pure class, or nearly pure class, bard, since they are, effectively, multiclassed already.
    Style: CC/Melee mix.
    Abilities: Crowd Control. I have found myself focusing very strongly on melee and damage (even my wizard is a battlemage). But I love the idea of control. So I want to use the bard to muck around with it. I think I want the song of the dead and the other enhancements, to allow me to CC everything. BUT. I want to be melee capable as well. I don't want to necessarily lead the kill counts, but I want to feel like I can choose between CC and melee, and be effective at either. If I'm out of SP, I want to be useful to the party. And if we need DPS, I want to be able to step up (also, that would seem likely to increase my ability to level and solo). But I don't want to play a character that buffs himself up to the level of a barbarian, and then does DPS at the expense of the rest of his abilities - I'd rather play a barbarian at that point, unless you can do respectable CC using only fascinate.

    I don't really care about healing - I can use wands and pots for that, and I don't want to be responsible for other party member's health. And I'm not particularly interested in filling the rogue slot. I'd also like to be a respectable buffer, if it can be fit in. Range is also not particularly important to me, though if I go twf then I have a relatively reasonable range built in.

    So, suggestions?
    I play on Ghall...Gall..Galli...The new Fernia. Lifetaker, Heartbreaker, and Battlemage
    Terrakal: Roguey Stabby guy. Gyness the Stout: I drink to hide my rage. Gyshe: Race: Elf. Class: Elf. Roomsweeper: Boomsticks. Ramparts: Pally Intimitank. Crucible: Hammer and Tongs. And Shafted: Cleric* Archer *Not a cleric.

  8. #148


    Hi all, not dead, just a bit too busy with things to make builds (they take about a half-hour to two hours to do one).

    I'll get on them again when I get a chance but the wait time may be lenghty. Might have some good time for it this weekend, we shall see.
    Former Host of DDOcast
    Member of The Madborn of Thelanis
    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  9. #149
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    Oct 2007

    Default Pick your poison(s)

    im looking for character builds, but i want as much "sigtrent" in them as possible. have fun with them.

    --Purely solo barbarian--

    this character likes to go it alone, and thusly needs to be completely self sufficient. not until deep into his lifetime will he be able to afford all the fancy items and weapons that some take for granted. he would not be going into elite dungeons unless they were lower than his current level. because he has no wingmen to use as a crutch, his level guide would need to be layed out for maximum ease of leveling alone on normal or hard difficulty dungeons. 28pt build, no drow allowed.

    --Two handed weapon using spell-caster--

    This character wants to combine the best of both worlds: massive weapons to inflict severe pain, and pure destructive magic for any situation. normally melee and magic are viewed on separate platforms of existence, but i would like to see you try and make them work together to compliment each other. 28pt, no drow allowed.

    a variation of your Nut Cracker build (TWF str dwarf). the only thing this character uses ranged weapons for is to pick off those stragglers who are near dead and running, to pull stuff to myself / party, or to slowly wittle away at mobs that are in tough to reach places. still using axes as the main weapon of choice, still staying dwarf, id like to see if you can squeeze alittle more survivability into the character without sacrificing much of the melee dps or "flavor" this character already has.

    You dont have to create all of these, if you dont like. I just wanted to give you some options of ideas im interested in. hopefully one or two of these are interesting to you as well, enough so, to inspire you to create some effective and viable character builds with them =)
    Last edited by Biznip; 11-11-2007 at 07:01 AM. Reason: a few more options to choose from.

  10. #150
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    Default TWF fighter multiclass with a rouge spalsh

    Hey sigtrent im just looking for a high dps build that can TWF has nice saves nice hp and can whip out a wand if needed also im looking to use both khopeshes and bastard swords.... for the wands u can do palidin instead of umd but umd is good to :P
    pass me the info plz
    I just wobble around and hopefully do something right.

  11. #151
    Community Member VonBek's Avatar
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    Default 2nd request, If you feel up to it.

    Edit - NM,

    But, Danger Mouse still says "Hi!".
    Last edited by VonBek; 11-20-2007 at 05:00 PM.
    So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars...
    ....I want a Velociraptor!

  12. #152
    Founder Litz's Avatar
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    Default 32pt TWF Pick user max dps.

    I'm tired of selling off picks and want to put them to use somehow. The crit range is horrid, but the x4 damage could be cool. Please build me a 32pt build using picks heavy in primary light in secondary. I also have a set of tomes to round up starting stats +1 to the next even #. I'm open to any race/class combos.

  13. #153
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Default Request: A Better Utility Cleric

    EDIT: please ignore this request - right about when I posted this two threads started up on just this theme. Dworkin and Impaqt have posted some interesting builds to work from.

    Another request to add to the queue...

    My dear old Cleric is a pretty good healbot, but he's notoriously likely to miss a jump or fail a balance check.. since he was my first character, with random stats and *ahem* random skills. I haven't been able to think about a cleric build till now since I ground his way to level 14.

    I'd like a pure or 1-level splash cleric, any race, 28 pt (with some advice for 32pt? I can do drow of course but haven't gotten to 1750 yet) who is a good healbot, but can jump, survive falls, stay on his feat, and can put out DPS and land high-DC spells when he needs to.

    Last edited by moorewr; 11-15-2007 at 11:43 AM.
    <|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
    AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.

  14. #154
    Community Member Swift's Avatar
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    Default Sorc/Bard

    Just thinkin a lvl or 2 of bard to give healing and maybe more CC. Focus to be mostly on sorc to deal heavy damage end game and the bard to provide a bit of self reliance with healing and CC. dont care which race and I have the option for 32pt build.

  15. #155
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    Default Some help please

    I was away for a couple months and in that time managed to get a new comp and lose all my saved build threads soooo....I forgot where I was going with a build so this is what it is so far:

    CG Dwarf lvl 6 fighter
    Base Stats:
    STR: 15
    Dex: 18
    Con: 17
    Int: 9
    wis: 9
    Cha: 7

    Imp 2WF
    WF Slash
    WS Slash

    I don't remember where the hell I was going with it but there was a plan someplace. If anyone could help me out I would love it.

  16. #156
    Community Member jmonty's Avatar
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    i would like a 32 point, mostly-pally that can melee well, has good saves, and enough of a UMD to use raise dead scrolls.

    i guess i could roll an elf pally, and get that raise dead enhancement, but i am not sure if i want too. any idea what level they get that at?

  17. #157
    Community Member jeffrodriguez's Avatar
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    Default Pure Heal Bot Cleric made purely to heal and heal and heal

    Ive been for past a year and when I came back WOOOF BOOM
    new enhancements and new rules

    i got drow unlocked but i dont know the 32 point 1750 favor they are talking about

    I just want to ask help I have 2 clerics now a level 10 pure heal elf cleric with str and no dex and no cha
    then a levle 8 pure heal cleric with dex and cha for DV's now when i log i i noticed how enhancements are resets and DARN

    i dont have any clue on what to do

    Can someone please give me a PURE HEAL BOT DROW CLERIC which main purpose in the game is only to heal and heal and heal

    I only know that i need to max WIS and CHA and the remaining points will go to CON and some STR so i can carry a full plate which i think with 10 str will always encumber me

    but the feats and new enhancements OMG what should i take what should I plan

    please someone help me
    Jeffjeff Level 10 Cleric STG
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    (\ /)

    I really wan to be a Half Dragon Arcane Archer
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  18. #158
    Community Member Fattiest's Avatar
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    Default .

    I love the WarForged, tough time leveling though.....i want a monster 2handed weapon dsp machine. doesnt have to have a high AC bust must have a high DR. the twist is i need to be self relient, heals, buffs(blur, heroism, haste) and open lock(if possible).
    even though ive been playing for a long time i still only have access to the 28 pt build. Basic items at high levs +5 stat, some +1 tomes not them all though(assume 3 max), little to no raid loot. Maelstrom will be used at low levs unless you can give me a reason not to for high lev benefits.

    thanks for the help

    Archangels - RIP Xoriat
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  19. #159
    Community Member lamagra1913's Avatar
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    Default uber tank

    I would love to see a build for a pure a tank. Obviously I would like a little bit of dps to hold aggro but a dwoof build for pure tanking.


  20. #160
    Community Member roguestrike's Avatar
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    I am looking for a first character. A 28 point build that can group and solo when need be. I need something to build favor with. I would like to do be kinda stealthy trap-smith that can heal themselves and not completely fold in a fight.

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