I have Drow unlocked but not the 32 build points yet. I am looking to create a character that can be the guy groups ask to go in to a room full of mobs, get their attention and survive the onslaught of spells being cast on me. I suppose this means I am looking for high saves, etc. I would like this character to be the main rogue in a group dealing with traps and chests. I really am open to almost any suggestion about class and race. I think a high UMD would be pretty useful for self buffs and heals. I guess I am looking for survivability and the usual compliment of rogue skills such as disable, unlock, etc.
I mention Dex in my title because I assume, though it might be wrong, that high dex is good for saves and survivability. Multiclassing is fine but if the multiclass is a caster I will need some help with the best spells to utilize. The only caster I have ever played is a cleric, never a sorc or wizard. I do not know anything about them except they seem to do insane amounts of damage.
Can I do this and survive a couple of levels early in the game doing some solo content?
Thanks so much.