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  1. #1621
    Community Member Falecido's Avatar
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    For a friend!

    A 28Pts Half-Orc THF Battle Cleric With fighter and/or monk splash!

    To be mor clear!

    17 Cleric/2 Monk/1 Fighter
    18 Cleric/2 fighter
    18/17 Cleric 2/3 Monk

    I can use some +2 tomes to help him!

    Last edited by Falecido; 02-09-2011 at 01:40 PM.

  2. #1622
    Community Member Bekki's Avatar
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    Looking for a 14 Fighter/ 6 Ranger; Tempest/ Dwarven Axe Kensai.

    Race: Dwarf.

    Ranger Lvl's were taken at 6, 7, 12, 13, 14, And 15.

    Used a couple of tomes and a birfamaday cake on him...

    32pt. Build...

    I am looking to GR Bekki... Finally.

    I would welcome any advice.

    Going more DPS versus Intimitank...

    Please help.
    Official Muskateers Bartender
    Proud Officer of Acme Fighting Co.
    "It's a dangerous business, going out of your door, Frodo my boy." He used to say. "You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there is no telling where you might be swept off to." ~ Frodo Baggins (Quoting Bilbo Baggins)

  3. #1623
    Community Member forial's Avatar
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    Default Twf Helf

    Im looking to reincarnate my bard into a Helf that uses twf greensteel earthgrabber kopeshes with rogue dilli 3d6 sa.
    Just curious as to if i should go 20 ftr, or 18 bar/2ftr or maybe even 12 ftr/6 rgr / 2 monk or w/e. my main focus is to be very good dps at end game content like raids and epics. Adding in the past life feat for the 3 songs would be cool but isnt required. Thanks for any help.
    Plz Fix Ranged combat.......Power to the players

  4. #1624
    Community Member Cheaffer's Avatar
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    Default Magic Missile Spamming Wiz?

    Hello everybody. I was in a group running shroud the other day, and I came across this really strange wizard that claimed it could make all of its magic missiles cost 1 sp per cast. Basically what it did was hide behind stuff and, well, cast magic missile a bunch of times xD

    I thought it was a screwy idea until I saw how much butt it kicked. I tried searching the forums for the build, but I havn't had any luck. Does any idea know what the hell I am talking about?


  5. #1625
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheaffer View Post
    Hello everybody. I was in a group running shroud the other day, and I came across this really strange wizard that claimed it could make all of its magic missiles cost 1 sp per cast. Basically what it did was hide behind stuff and, well, cast magic missile a bunch of times xD

    I thought it was a screwy idea until I saw how much butt it kicked. I tried searching the forums for the build, but I havn't had any luck. Does any idea know what the hell I am talking about?


  6. #1626
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    Looking for a 32-point lvl 20 Warforged fighter build that has really high dps and uses 2 khopeshes. I don't have enough points to buy Tomes so please keep that in mind. Thanks a lot.

  7. #1627
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    I'm lookin for a 34pts build, great melee dps.
    Cross-classed would be awesome, but the problem is I'd like a build different from the others, i've seen the blitz, but id like to be a bit different. Tomes are not of course a problem, can get also +3 if needed.
    Thank you and I hope to have good news soon.

  8. #1628
    Community Member pelaaja's Avatar
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    Time for another great build ^^

    I'd love to have a singing rogue, a.k.a Bard/Rogue. Not sure about levels, but definately at least 12 Bard, but no more than 16 Bard. Not sure about if rogue lvls are enough to have the first prestige. Play with them

    skills would be at least maxed UMD, maybe haggle too. Maxed Disable, search and spot for disabling, open lock viable for higher lvls.

    Race would be Drow. Probably perfect for this build.

    Scores, well... good or great CHA (depends on prestige. Spellsinger'd be nice, but not good with this. So Virtuoso or Warchanter), Good INT for skills, at least. Not sure if going two-handed or dual-wielding. Think which is better. Probably TWF still for drow and rogue DEX raise.

    Spells, hmm... Master's touch if THF, at least. She'd be very mcuh for buffing with a good healing, too.

    Hope this helps enough
    Last edited by pelaaja; 02-22-2011 at 11:45 AM.

  9. #1629
    Community Member LWT's Avatar
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    Default build help

    About to tr my monk and wanted a little help. Finished my DT armor with threat on all 3 runes and wanted to build something around that. Any help would be appreciated. Vip with all races unlocked.

  10. #1630
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    Hey guys help would be much appreciated .

    32 Points, Helf/Elf/Human ideally, no tomes

    I was thinking about making a trap monkey, but I wanted CC as well. Sounds simple but someone said trap monkey needs to be full 20 rogue :|. Basically I want to lay down good CC in between disabling all the traps instead of trying to do DPS.

  11. #1631
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    Hello Sigtrent!

    I just bought my WF after long time waiting, so id like to request and intersting build but im sure you can make it.
    I really like monks (which i dont have :P... yet!) and rogues, i didnt reach high lvls in the game (max lvl 5) so i dont really know how it feels, im searching for a FUN to play build,.
    I really really like wizards, ive heard rumors that "Rogzards" are good and i have one now (lvl 2) but now i dont know if i should go on with this build, so thats what i request:
    Race : Warforged
    Class : Wiz base, fine by me if u mix F2P classes, tho i DO want to go necro, summon skeletons and stuff (i saw someone summoning a skeleton without the Summon Monster skill) if its possible.
    The build is 28-PT, no tomes included.

    Thanks alot Sigtrent! I know you can make it

  12. #1632
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    Hey man.

    I'm requesting a max wis FvS. I don't mind if it's multi-classed, and race doesn't matter. Also, I have 32 point build and I can get tomes if need be.

    Thank ya,

  13. #1633
    Community Member Qhualor's Avatar
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    I will be TRing my 32 point dwarf stalwart defender soon and I'm having difficulty deciding what race and if I should multiclass him like 18 fighter 2 monk for evasion or 18 fighter 2 w/e or just go full fighter. I want max possible ac and intimidation. Eventually, I would like to successfully tank Momma on elite and the Queen on epic. I don't care about dps, although, the 30% hate generation from my leviks can be useful. I'm really bad at figuring out how much dex to start with and confused by the modifier to figure ac enhancements and agility enhancements. I'm not sure, but would it make more sense to go dex build rather than strength since I want max ac and intimidation? As you can tell with all these questions, I could use some help and any is much appreciated.

  14. #1634
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    going to tr a dwarf 20 fighter who has several GS dorf axes

    wanna make him a horc twf, and possible rogue splash for evasion/trapper skills, and not doing umd skills.

    anyone wanna take a shot at that?

    on the plus side he has the ravager, tempest, stalwart defender and then pale master tod ring sets. and i still ahve 9 more tods to go b4 he gets the tr.
    A Whole stable of toons. Capped Cleric Asiob, Cleric/Rogue Asiobeth, Fighter Kutzzz, Barbarian Ziggyjr, Slim Shady Exploiter Ranger, Zigbang.

  15. #1635
    Words! pie2655's Avatar
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    A THF bard/rogue/? with trap abilites and moderate DPS, with high survivability plus buffs, heals and songs. 28 pt have acces to limited +1 tomes, and all races except Horc, Helf and WF.
    Last edited by pie2655; 03-01-2011 at 06:45 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by FlimsyFirewood View Post
    I'm on it. Nerfing the new thing asap.
    Also, nerfing the old thing too, for balance.
    Quote Originally Posted by Failedlegend View Post
    nnnnnnnmn....Pie is greater than Cake....nnnnnnnnn
    ^^^^didn't need to hypnotize me to make me say that :P ^^^^^^

  16. #1636
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pie2655 View Post
    A THF bard/rogue/? with trap abilites and moderate DPS, with high survivability plus buffs, heals and songs. 28 pt have acces to limited +1 tomes, and all races except Horc, Helf and WF.
    Have a look in the lovely Bard guide. It has a build section which offers a nice number of Bard builds. Playing a 18 bard/2 rogue (who's currently at level 16) myself, I must say: Healing is hard because bards don't have so many SPs and 600 SP at level 16 are easily used up.
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

  17. #1637
    Community Member The_Metal_Monster's Avatar
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    I'm requesting a build that is mostly barbarian, but uses 99% ranged combat until it is unusable. I really don't think this build would be extremely powerful at any level but I'm not looking for that,I'm mostly looking for a build that would be fun. I don't have access to tomes, 32 point build, half orc, half elf, monk, or favored soul. I'm not really good at building builds and the one I tried to make like this would have been awful by endgame. Thank you in advance.
    Edit: thanks Karl K0ch
    Last edited by The_Metal_Monster; 03-02-2011 at 06:34 AM.
    Flazer of Ghallanda Lv 6 Drow Ranger Officer: PD Halls of Valhalla, Giantslayer of Ghallanda Lv 5 Warforged Fighter Leader: The Knights of The Forge

  18. #1638
    The Hatchery karl_k0ch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The_Metal_Monster View Post
    I'm requesting a build that is mostly barbarian, but uses 99% ranged combat until it is unusable. I really don't think this build would be extremely powerful at any level but I'm not looking for that,I'm mostly looking for a build that would be fun. I don't have access to tomes, 32 point build, half orc, half elf, monk, or favored soul. I'm not really good at building builds and the one I tried to make like this would have been awful by endgame. Thank you in advance.
    This thread contains some barb archer builds as well as links to others:
    Toons on Orien: Meinir // Flodur // Twiddler // Thorkar // Impetor // Juliacantor // Minor all Soko Irrlicht
    Quote Originally Posted by Vargouille View Post
    We may or may not intentionally insert in red herrings, purple mackerels, or horses of different colors. Void where prohibited. Not available in all planes of existence.

  19. #1639
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    A Warforged 28pt Arcane Archer that focuses ranged combat (duh) and able to repair himself (wiz splash id suggest)
    Thx sig!
    And if anyone knows a similliar build plz send me a private or post it here, Thanks

  20. #1640
    Community Member CrypticAzn's Avatar
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    Question Meleeing Radiant Servant Cleric with Disable/Unlock Skills - Soloist


    I've spent the last few days trying to build a self-sufficient character that fits my play style and has the skills I need to hit lvl 20 as a questing soloist for the majority of the way there. I don't like rushing through quests to get to the end; I want to find all the goodies the dungeon/quest has to offer, not just coin or items -- but also rare encounters. Plus, I have yet to make it past lvl4 with my current characters and so it's all new to me anyway; I don't have trap or chest locations memorized. Because I'm a slow-goer, I find it easier to quest alone than to have a party wait on me or wonder where the heck I went. ;-) I like fighting and so far, prefer it over offensive casting, but then again, my clerics haven't gone past lvl3 so I don't really know much about the offensive power they have to offer beyond this lvl, if it's something that I would rather do over meleeing. Right now, I melee because it's fast, it hits harder than casting, & my chance to make a hit is greater than via divine spell. I can't stand clickies unless it's something I can use at the beginning of a quest or at a shrine, because I forget to use them when I'm in mid-battle.

    So basically I would like a Cleric with Radiant Servant I/II, Unyield enhancements, access to spells that I can get up with if incapacitated and self-resurrect with if killed. I also need melee (AC/STR?) for when I run out of spell points or when it doesn't seem like my spells are doing much damage. And finally, since I'm going solo -- I'd like to be able to access chests (my main form of $$ in-game) and stay alive as much as possible by having unlock/disable/search skills as well.

    So I've been playing around with a Cleric/Rogue build, but it seems to lack some punch (literally)... I don't have access to 32-pt builds (yet)... I don't want to spend DDO points or real $ on tomes but I'm willing to grab them via auctions, assuming I have some plat saved up! I also have the WF & Drow races unlocked and I also have access to dragonmarks (depending on race), so those are other options to consider.

    With all this info, do you think you'd be able to help me with creating a near-perfect build for me? I'd really appreciate it!
    Last edited by CrypticAzn; 03-04-2011 at 10:13 AM.

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