can some1 help me make a death knight class that uses pale master but with melee capibilities pref 2handers
can some1 help me make a death knight class that uses pale master but with melee capibilities pref 2handers
I'd like to get a halfling 18/2 Paladin/Monk. He'd have the dragonmark of healing too (All the way to greater?). More for DEX too.
My thougths in stats would be these:
10 STR
16 DEX
14 CON
14 WIS
14 CHA
Of course, feel free to edit.
More for AC too. So he'd be like a self-healing tank. Reason i ask for help is that i'm not sure of feats and enchancements ^^;
ive got a lvl9 ranger, rogue,wiz,i want to make an aa,can you suggest a direction to go from here
It depends on your race and what split you have.
to get the best AA ability (the slaying arrows) you need to be ranger 18 or elf(including half elf) 20. If you are an elf or half elf you can make any split you like and qualify. If you re not an elf you need 18 ranger levels and thus (rogue 1 wizard 1).
You can do AA without getting slaying arrows of course but they are the really nice cap of that prestige line and worth shooting for.
I recommend you take 12 ranger levels at least to really get the most free feats and goodies out of the class. Ranger 11 is almost as good, just one point less of barkskin AC. Ranger 11 gives you all the best ranged feats as bonuses so no need to worry about ability score qualifications and such. You also get good TWF which is nice to have.
I'd stick to just one wizard level on such builds, or at most go to level 5 for extend/haste. The rogue... well as much as you have left over.
Hey Sig, what do you think of a Halfling 13 Rogue Assassin / 7 Monk Ninja Spy? I was thinking emphasis on shortswords, AC, and stealth...but I can't quite make the build pan out right in the planner.
RedShirt / Roleplayer of Giant Slayers, Inc. on Thelanis, formerly Tharashk.
Member of the DDO Player Council
Coldin-Artificer; Lynton-Bard; Alydyn-Swashbuckler;
Takai-Monk; Rosein-Paladin; Ellyiana-Cleric; Aurixs-Sorcerer
This is the one I did along those lines. I've not tried it myself though. Its drow rather than halfling, but I think the conversion wouldn't change much.
APs would be even tighter than in the Drow Version. You lose +2 attack/+2 damage for a total of 12 APs, while the damage enhancing enhancements on the halfling side (Guile with its prereq Cunning) provide more damage on sneak attacks/additional to-hit when flanking for a cost of 2 (tier 1, +1 to hit, +2 SA damage), 6 (tier 2, +2 to hit, +4 SA damage) and 12 APs (tier 3, +3 to hit, +6 SA), respectively. This way, aggro management becomes more important and APs are even a bit tighter.
It should also be noted that fists deal 2d6 at level 5+ and have a higher attack speed than Short Swords. This way, I see Short Swords as a sub-optimal weapon choice, unless you plan to use Banishing/Smiting/Puncturing and other on-crit effects on a regular basis. With Drow, the weapon choice offers some synergies, but on a Halfling, Short Swords as a DPS weapon will just provide worse damage at a slower speed.
I'm looking for a WF wizard build. I'm VIP status and would like to use +1 and +2 tomes. I found a build that I have been following and have really enjoyed it so far. It doesn't use the tomes and seems to be a little soft now at level 14. I plan to be self healing with a power house fire wall and ice storm. So if you could find the time to help me out it would be much appreciated. I've seen tons of this type of build out there but with the updates and such I'm not sure if it makes a difference.
Thanks, Black
Very nice analysis. The short swords are very much a niche monk weapon. In vale where banishing is very powerful it is probably better than dps, of when fighting raksasha, but that is about it. Also the greensteel option is there, but the TOD rings are just as good for DPS and easier to put together (in my experience and so long as you know folks that run it fairly often).
Don't know if you have done this, couldn't find one in search.
Want the best build for a sales mule. Vet, Drow unlocked, L4, 32pt with max haggle just to sell stuff at the max. If you know how much more you get for selling junk with this character, that would be nice to know. Don't know if it's necessary with a few high level characters but at low levels for people just building characters it might help.
Perform too?.
Have you already looked at Mississippi Queen?
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
A drow/any other 28 pts if that's better (including helf, horc) FvS focusing on heals but also capable of a bit of offensive casting/CC.
Level matters for haggling. The higher level you are, the better your score will be for various reasons (buffs, skill ranks, ability score, gear, and location).
Still, a level 4 bot is better than a level 20 that dumps charisma and haggle.
A neutral human bard will give you the best score. 18 charisma(+4), 7 ranks in haggle, Human versatility 2, Skill: haggle 2 enhancement, Eagles Splender spell, Focusing chant, command robe, skill item +5 (I think thats the max at 4), Skill Focus Haggle Feat, Negotiator Feat, level bump cha and take bard charisma 1
So self buffed, thats 32 haggle
Price chart for haggle here:
It about doubles your sell prices compared to 0 haggle and gets a 25% discount on buys. (If I skimmed that chart properly)
Last edited by sigtrent; 02-08-2011 at 05:47 PM.
Rogue grants UMD as a class skill and Evasion.
For the tomes, none of thoses is really needed, like Dex tomes on Str-based TWF builds. Besides the int one, maybe. With 9 starting int, you will want to get a +1 tome as soon as possible for +1 skill per level, perhaps a +3 one for a tiny portion of skill points as well. Note that Intimidate is a class skill for paladins now, allowing to raise the intimidate score higher than what was stated in the Tukaw thread.
Evasion would also be granted by 2 Monk levels, where you'd essentially trade 12 ranks in UMD for 2 feats. It would remove a lot of versatility from the build (worse scroll healing abilities), but it adds better saves and more versatility via feats. And even a tiny bit of AC.