IX. Sample Human TWF/Evasion
Lawful Good Human Paladin 18 / rogue 2 (rogue levels at 1 and 10)
Str: 16 + 5 level ups (6 item, 1 human enh, 3 exceptional, 2 tome = 33, 34 with +3 tome)
Dex: 15 + 2 tome (qualifies for twf .. if +1 tome only, reverse str/dex)
Con: 12 (20 with tome and item)
Int: 8 (2 skill points)
Wis: 8 (16 with tome and item)
Cha: 16 + 2 tome (qualifies for DM3: 26 charisma with assorted gear)
Note: to do this w/o 32 point builds, go 15 16 12 8 8 16 drow, and drop Khopesh from the feat list.
1: Toughness
1: Two-Weapon Fighting
3: Exotic Prof: Khopesh
6: Extend Spell
9: Improved TWF
12: Improved critical: slash
15: Greater TWF
18: Power Attack
Level 1 rogue: 4 ranks in balance, use magic device, tumble, jump, intimidate, pick lock, Haggle, 2 other skills of your choice
Paladin levels: 2 points in UMD
Rogue 10: 4 pick lock, 3 wherever you like
Knight of the Chalice 1-3 (8 ap)
Courage of Good 1-2 (3 ap, pre-req)
Energy of the Templar 1-2 (3 ap, pre-req)
Divine Sacrifice 1-2 (3 ap)
Divine Might 1-3 (6 ap)
Extra Lay on Hands 1-3 (6 ap)
Extra Smiting 1-4 (10 ap, pre-req)
Exalted Smiting 1-4 (10 ap)
Racial Toughness 1-2 (3 AP)
Paladin Toughness 1-3 (6 ap)
Follower of the Sovereign Host (2 ap, pre-req)
Unyielding Sovereignty (4 ap, pre-req)
Human adaptability: Strength (2 ap)
Human improved recovery 1-2 (6 ap)
paladin charisma 1 (if needed to be even, 2 ap)
Rogue Sneak Attack Training 1 (1 ap)
Rogue Haste Boost 1 (1 ap)
Paladin resistance of good 1 (1 ap)