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  1. #961
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xinrok View Post

    I have a strong desire to play a Warforged rogue, and have had difficulty finding some solid advice on it, seeing as I want a pure 20, or maybe 19/1, rogue. Why? While I do like and accept multiclassing, I think it'd be interesting to try some (mostly) pure characters out.

    In particular, I'm looking for the ability to handle most, if not all, traps, a reasonable UMD to pop off useful scrolls/wands when need be, and decent damage. I'm not too picky on weapon usage, either.

    I have 28 point builds unlocked currently, and am playing on Cannith with a lack of gear for the character. A 32 point build would be acceptable, and I'd be fine pushing it off until I can get the favor up.

    Thanks in advance.

    12 str
    16 dex
    12 con
    14 int
    10 wis
    8 cha
    if you do wait for 32 points 2 more in cha 2 more in con

    toughness 1
    weapon finesse 3
    twf 6
    itwf 9
    ic piercing 12
    gtwf 15
    sf umd power attack or otwf 18 last 2 require a str tome to use but you should have 1 by lvl 18
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  2. #962
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kistilan View Post

    I have a very deep desire to destroy Aspenor in the pvp pits as a ranged ranger. Please advise a build, level 20 complete.

    Thanks in advance!

    you really want to destroy him in the pvp pit a bowbarian can put out alot more damage...?
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  3. #963
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weylan View Post
    Dunno if this thread is still going, but if so I'd like to make a request.

    A 28 point Dwarven Stalwart Defender who can disarm traps and pick locks. Preferably 18 Fighter levels for third-tier PrE. Assume only +1 tomes from the store available. Not a fan of khopeshes, prefer to go d-axe (or b-sword if extra feats lying around). TWF feats acceptable to do DPS when not tanking.

    Basically a 'standard' tank build with a splash of utility. Not interested in sneaking, but I'm tired of being in rogue-less groups (or worse, with rogues who can't do traps).

    VVVV: This is why I'm asking here, I tried it myself and couldn't get it to work. Ranger is not an option because this is specifically to be a Stalwart Defender build.
    this build can work but has to sacrafice alot to get a high enough int dps won't be there and you have to spend alot of your time just shieldblocking not alot of fun but if thats what you want i can and will build it.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  4. #964
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venmar View Post
    Any chance someone could be so kind as to update the "Pinksock: TWF Pick+ or Hammer user focusing on crit damage"
    build for level 20?, or general tactical fighter using trip etc, with focus on heavy pick as the main weapon
    i cannot update the main page as i didn't start the thread if sig happens to pop in maybe he will.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  5. #965
    Founder Lifespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rage0013 View Post
    There do not seem to be many Two Hand Fighter Builds out there that are not centered around Barbs. I would like one for Warforged. I am looking for a build that is for DPS.

    I would like to do something different but I am not sure what else would multiclass well with fighter for THF DPS besides the 12 Fighter/ 8 Barb builds that are out there.

    I was going to start with 18, 10, 16, 8, 10, 6 with Adamantine Body and THF.

    I am newer to DDO so I have only 28pt builds to work with and no +tomes.

    Thank you for your advice and help.
    your stats are good minmax just be aware something casts greater command your going to sit for awhile :0

    weapon focus greater weapon focus sup weapon focus
    weapon spec greater weapon spec sup weapon spec
    improved crits
    power attack
    and honestly just more toughness to make it last longer and go straight fighter for the capstone and kensei for the prestige class you'll do plenty of damage.
    Quote Originally Posted by MadFloyd View Post
    Fernando has yet to even suggest a nerf of anything.
    Oh and by the way (referring to your sig), we aren't nerfing the Torc.

  6. #966
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    I am looking for a Arocbat Quarterstaff Rogue, that can do pretty decent damage and can decently do traps (if possible). UMD is not a big deal if can't be done (it would be mostly for heal wands). This has to be a 28 pt build, with only races and classes available to F2P.

  7. #967
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    Default Looking for a Pure Drow Paladin build

    Like to go 2WF Rapier's/Short swords and have access to +2 Tomes. Can you please point me in the right direction for such a monster.
    Thank you

  8. #968
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    Quote Originally Posted by mashey View Post
    Like to go 2WF Rapier's/Short swords and have access to +2 Tomes. Can you please point me in the right direction for such a monster.
    Thank you
    Pretty straight-forward and hard to mess up build would be a Drow Ranger. You can play with the stats but I'd probably go str-based (16, 16, 12, 10, 14, 10 would be one variation that would work) and of course you're going to take the enhancements to rapier/short sword. Splashing rogue to get traps/locks is nice but would require a bit more int to get all the skills needed.

    I would recommend that you stick with 2h'ers though until you get tempest at level 6 ranger. The difference between vanilla twf and improved twf w/ tempest I is enormous. THF gets you some serious damage compared to TWF at early levels when you don't have all sorts of bonuses improving each hit. It also does away with the penalty to hit you suffer in the early levels when you're least able to deal with that penalty.

    The last approach I could see would be to do a human ranger with a dex-based build and tossing in heavy repeaters. You could do some ok damage with the repeaters from range and then use some stat-damaging weapons in close. I personally don't like it but I've seen it mentioned before.

  9. #969
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    Quote Originally Posted by duckilama View Post
    So, I'd like to try a concept build. I am almost positive this build will be underpowered, but don't care. I'm new, I'm not planning to see end-game content, at least not any time soon. I'm just having a LOT of fun with DDO and the flexibility allowed for characters that, while not uber, can still "get by".

    Anyone that's read Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels will likely know Cohen the Barbarian.
    He's "old", crotchety, charismatic(!), spry, and clever. I think he wields a bladed weapon(axe/sword/whatever) and his cane/walking stick. (I'll probably use some sort of blunt weapon in offhand. Club, staff, whatever.)

    I see him as a dual-wielding, Dex-based, DPSing, surviving-by-the-skin-of-his-teeth kind of character.
    Therefore, basic requirements:
    1) High DEX
    2) Med-High CHA
    3) Med-High INT
    4) TWF/Dual wield + Finesse
    5) 28-point build. I do have Drow, though that seems a bit off-concept, but with their natural DEX/INT/CHA bonuses, that may be a good fit. So, either a 28-pt Human or a Drow is fine. Or both!
    6) NO MAGIC. No UMD, no spells. Ranger/Bard classes are ok, but I won't be actually casting spells. Songs might fit. Rogue would be ok for Hide/MoveSilent and maybe Evasion.
    7) No tomes. No gear. No hand-me-downs.
    8) If the build only goes to 10 or 12, that's fine. Like I said, I won't likely see end-game. This is hoped to be a "Playing Build". Maybe even a PD build. If it ever sees level 20, that would be astounding, but most time will be spent from 3-10, so waiting to get, say, ITWF, until 16 or 18 wouldn't really be meaningful in this context.
    (End edit

    He's a survivor, but only wears a loincloth(light armor, I'd say).

    I would love any help. This looks to be a feat-intensive build, so it doesn't have to be a "Barbarian" class, he's just called Cohen the Barbarian in name.

    Ok, first of all this build is definitely not optimized for much of anything. I sacrificed a lot to get it tempest just because it was pretty much its only hope of being usable (originally went with all of the +will save feats because they just felt right with the flavor of the build). I went human and took the human versatility feats to IV...seems to fit as well. You've got skill point heaped on top of skill points so whatever flavor you want there is easy to obtain. I did have to make one concession to build-ability and delay Weapon Finesse to level 9. You could flip them around but it makes it hard to fit in the Toughness enhancements without spending on some other fluff abilities.

    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.10
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 12 Lawful Good Human Male
    (12 Ranger) 
    Hit Points: 174
    Spell Points: 94 
    BAB: 12\12\17\22
    Fortitude: 10
    Reflex: 14
    Will: 4
                      Starting            Ending          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Stats         Base Stats         Modified Stats
    Abilities        (Level 1)          (Level 12)           (Level 12)
    Strength             10                 10                   10
    Dexterity            15                 18                   22
    Constitution         14                 14                   14
    Intelligence         14                 14                   14
    Wisdom                8                  8                    8
    Charisma             14                 14                   14
                      Starting            Ending          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills        Base Skills        Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)          (Level 12)          (Level 12)
    Balance               4                 13.5                 13.5
    Bluff                 2                  2                    2
    Concentration         2                  2                    2
    Diplomacy             2                  2                    2
    Disable Device        n/a               n/a                   n/a
    Haggle                2                  2                    2
    Heal                  3                 14                   15
    Hide                  6                 21                   21
    Intimidate            4                  9.5                 11.5
    Jump                  4                 15                   15
    Listen                3                 14                   14
    Move Silently         6                 21                   21
    Open Lock             n/a               n/a                   n/a
    Perform               n/a               n/a                   n/a
    Repair                2                  2                    2
    Search                6                 17                   17
    Spot                  3                 14                   14
    Swim                  0                  0                    0
    Tumble                n/a               n/a                   n/a
    Use Magic Device      n/a               n/a                   n/a
    Level 1 (Ranger)
    Skill: Balance (+2)
    Skill: Heal (+4)
    Skill: Hide (+4)
    Skill: Intimidate (+2)
    Skill: Jump (+4)
    Skill: Listen (+4)
    Skill: Move Silently (+4)
    Skill: Search (+4)
    Skill: Spot (+4)
    Feat: (Selected) Dodge
    Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Undead
    Feat: (Human Bonus) Toughness
    Feat: (Automatic) Attack
    Feat: (Automatic) Bow Strength
    Feat: (Automatic) Defensive Fighting
    Feat: (Automatic) Heroic Durability
    Feat: (Automatic) Light Armor Proficiency
    Feat: (Automatic) Martial Weapon Proficiency (ALL)
    Feat: (Automatic) Shield Proficiency (General)
    Feat: (Automatic) Simple Weapon Proficiency
    Feat: (Automatic) Sneak
    Feat: (Automatic) Sunder
    Feat: (Automatic) Trip
    Feat: (Automatic) Wild Empathy
    Enhancement: Human Versatility I
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage I
    Level 2 (Ranger)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Intimidate (+0.5)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Listen (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+1)
    Feat: (Automatic) Rapid Shot
    Feat: (Automatic) Two Weapon Fighting
    Enhancement: Ranger Sprint Boost I
    Enhancement: Human Improved Recovery I
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Resistance I
    Enhancement: Ranger Dexterity I
    Level 3 (Ranger)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Intimidate (+0.5)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Listen (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Mobility
    Feat: (Automatic) Diehard
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Ranger Heal I
    Level 4 (Ranger)
    Ability Raise: DEX
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Intimidate (+0.5)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Listen (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+1)
    Spell (1): Camouflage
    Spell (1): Jump
    Spell (1): Longstrider
    Spell (1): Merfolk's Blessing
    Spell (1): Ram's Might
    Spell (1): Resist Energy
    Spell (1): Summon Nature's Ally I
    Spell (1): Tumble
    Enhancement: Ranger Sprint Boost II
    Enhancement: Human Versatility II
    Level 5 (Ranger)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Intimidate (+0.5)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Listen (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+1)
    Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Giant
    Enhancement: Human Adaptability Dexterity I
    Level 6 (Ranger)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Intimidate (+0.5)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Listen (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Spring Attack
    Feat: (Automatic) Improved Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat: (Automatic) Manyshot
    Enhancement: Ranger Tempest I
    Enhancement: Ranger Dexterity II
    Level 7 (Ranger)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Intimidate (+0.5)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Listen (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+1)
    Feat: (Automatic) Improved Wild Empathy
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage II
    Level 8 (Ranger)
    Ability Raise: DEX
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Intimidate (+0.5)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Listen (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+1)
    Spell (2): Barkskin
    Spell (2): Bear's Endurance
    Spell (2): Cat's Grace
    Spell (2): Cure Light Wounds
    Spell (2): Hold Animal
    Spell (2): Mass Camouflage
    Spell (2): Owl's Wisdom
    Spell (2): Protection From Energy
    Spell (2): Snare
    Spell (2): Spike Growth
    Spell (2): Summon Nature's Ally II
    Enhancement: Human Versatility III
    Level 9 (Ranger)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Intimidate (+0.5)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Listen (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Weapon Finesse
    Feat: (Automatic) Evasion
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage III
    Level 10 (Ranger)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Intimidate (+0.5)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Listen (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+1)
    Feat: (Favored Enemy) Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider
    Enhancement: Ranger Dexterity III
    Level 11 (Ranger)
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Intimidate (+0.5)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Listen (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+1)
    Feat: (Automatic) Greater Two Weapon Fighting
    Feat: (Automatic) Improved Precise Shot
    Feat: (Automatic) Precise Shot
    Spell (3): Cure Moderate Wounds
    Spell (3): Neutralize Poison
    Spell (3): Remove Disease
    Spell (3): Summon Nature's Ally III
    Spell (3): Wild Instincts
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Resistance II
    Level 12 (Ranger)
    Ability Raise: DEX
    Skill: Balance (+0.5)
    Skill: Heal (+1)
    Skill: Hide (+1)
    Skill: Intimidate (+0.5)
    Skill: Jump (+1)
    Skill: Listen (+1)
    Skill: Move Silently (+1)
    Skill: Search (+1)
    Skill: Spot (+1)
    Feat: (Selected) Bullheaded
    Enhancement: Human Versatility IV
    Enhancement: Ranger Tempest II

  10. #970
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    28pt build request; for a newb (in other words, i dont have a high level alt that can provide this toon with tons of expensive gear and tomes-- which i dont even know what they are or how to get them)
    a dwarf that can do good melee DPS (can be either dual wield or two hand, dont really care) but also needs to be able to self heal whenever (preferably through spells rather than items, since items cost plat). Would like it to be for solo play since I dont get to group often (if at all).
    Basically I want to run in, whack the monsters till they die, while still being able to stay alive. I don't want to be doing stealth stuff either and definitely no ranged attacks.

    If a build of this nature is even feasible, can you please be as clear as possible when laying out when to get what (skills, feats, and enhancements).

    thank you.

  11. #971
    Community Member LookingForABentoBox's Avatar
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    A request

    32 pt warforged str based 13 rogue / 6 ranger / 1 monk


    edit: how much would i lose by going warforged over halfling? Can I see this build in both halfling and warforged versions?
    Last edited by LookingForABentoBox; 10-13-2009 at 04:17 PM.

  12. #972
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    Wink Looking for a wizard with good damage and raid capable

    Any race hope your still doing builds

  13. #973


    Quote Originally Posted by GeoRpd1 View Post
    Any race hope your still doing builds
    I'll do this. Pick a race, max intelligence, up your constitution, max the damage and crit enhancements of your damage type of choice, and you're good to go.
    Pwesiela - Completionist Arcane Archer; Pia - Silver Flame Assassin; Aes - of the Blue Ajah; Insene - Deathpriest; Enaila - Aiel Bodyguard; Uduk - Dwarven Meatwall; Vitalien -Warder
    Quote Originally Posted by Victorie View Post
    Pwesiela is correct.

  14. #974
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    I'm looking for a 28-point WF FvS/sorc build (so that I can stick with just CHA instead of INT/WIS), taking FvS at level 1 and picking up Lord of Blades, sticking with greatswords throughout his career. I'm looking for high soloability - I'm picking up FvS more for the buffs and taking sorc for buffs and heals. If it would be better to splash in some levels of a melee class, I'm OK with that. As I'll have fairly low spell points anyways due to lack of CHA, I'm not really looking for much more than buffs and occasional repairs when needed. I'm all for adamantine or mithril body, but I want to keep the arcane fail % at an acceptable level. Is that doable?


  15. #975
    Community Member jboyd158's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luciant View Post
    28pt build request; for a newb (in other words, i dont have a high level alt that can provide this toon with tons of expensive gear and tomes-- which i dont even know what they are or how to get them)
    a dwarf that can do good melee DPS (can be either dual wield or two hand, dont really care) but also needs to be able to self heal whenever (preferably through spells rather than items, since items cost plat). Would like it to be for solo play since I dont get to group often (if at all).
    Basically I want to run in, whack the monsters till they die, while still being able to stay alive. I don't want to be doing stealth stuff either and definitely no ranged attacks.

    If a build of this nature is even feasible, can you please be as clear as possible when laying out when to get what (skills, feats, and enhancements).

    thank you.
    Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 3.06
    DDO Character Planner Home Page
    Level 20 Any Alignment Dwarf Male
    (6 Ranger \ 14 Favored Soul) 
    Hit Points: 382
    Spell Points: 1134 
    BAB: 16\16\21\26\26
    Fortitude: 19
    Reflex: 18
    Will: 14
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Stats          Modified Stats
    Abilities        (Level 1)             (Level 20)
    Strength             14                    18
    Dexterity            14                    18
    Constitution         16                    20
    Intelligence          8                     8
    Wisdom                8                     8
    Charisma             14                    16
    Tomes Used (All are Optional)
    +2 Tome of Strength used at level 20
    +2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 20
    +2 Tome of Constitution used at level 20
    +1 Tome of Charisma used at level 20
                      Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                     Base Skills         Modified Skills
    Skills           (Level 1)            (Level 20)
    Balance               2                     8
    Bluff                 2                     3
    Concentration         3                     5
    Diplomacy             4                    21
    Disable Device       n/a                   n/a
    Haggle                2                     3
    Heal                  3                    13
    Hide                  2                     4
    Intimidate            2                     3
    Jump                  6                    18
    Listen               -1                    -1
    Move Silently         2                     4
    Open Lock             n/a                   n/a
    Perform               n/a                   n/a
    Repair               -1                    -1
    Search               -1                     1
    Spot                 -1                    -1
    Swim                  6                     9
    Tumble                4                     6
    Use Magic Device      n/a                   n/a
    Level 1 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Selected) Toughness
    Enhancement: Ranger Sprint Boost I
    Enhancement: Dwarven Armor Mastery I
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage I
    Level 2 (Favored Soul)
    Feat: (Diety) Favored by the Sovereign Host
    Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage I
    Enhancement: Ranger Devotion I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Life Magic I
    Level 3 (Favored Soul)
    Feat: (Selected) Extend Spell
    Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution I
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Toughness I
    Level 4 (Favored Soul)
    Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Life I
    Level 5 (Favored Soul)
    Enhancement: Dwarven Armor Mastery II
    Level 6 (Favored Soul)
    Feat: (Selected) Dodge
    Feat: (Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Fire
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness II
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life I
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Life Magic II
    Level 7 (Ranger)
    Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Damage II
    Level 8 (Ranger)
    Enhancement: Dwarven Constitution II
    Level 9 (Ranger)
    Feat: (Selected) Mobility
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness III
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Resistance I
    Level 10 (Ranger)
    Enhancement: Dwarven Axe Attack II
    Level 11 (Ranger)
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Attack I
    Enhancement: Ranger Favored Damage II
    Level 12 (Favored Soul)
    Feat: (Selected) Spring Attack
    Enhancement: Racial Toughness IV
    Level 13 (Favored Soul)
    Enhancement: Ranger Tempest I
    Level 14 (Favored Soul)
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Life II
    Enhancement: Ranger Devotion II
    Level 15 (Favored Soul)
    Feat: (Selected) Force of Personality
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life II
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Toughness II
    Level 16 (Favored Soul)
    Feat: (Favored Soul Bonus) Energy Resistance: Cold
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Life Magic III
    Level 17 (Favored Soul)
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Life III
    Level 18 (Favored Soul)
    Feat: (Selected) Empower Healing Spell
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Life Magic IV
    Level 19 (Favored Soul)
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Prayer of Incredible Life III
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Toughness III
    Level 20 (Favored Soul)
    Enhancement: Favored Soul Toughness IV
    Thank God for The DDOCM!
    Just my view on it, could be much better done and more power-gamed.

  16. #976
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    I'm trying to find some way to make a high dps pally build, using Drow, twf, and divine might IV.

  17. #977
    Community Member roguestrike's Avatar
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    Default Build request

    I would like a favored soul/pally build with evasion.

    The goal is high survivability, decent enough damage to solo at high level with blade barrier and melee.

    I would like high saves and high ac with enough damage to solo most quests on normal.

    I have 28 point builds and drow unlocked i am a vip and have all classes unlocked.

    Would like to be a human for rp reasons but if that wont work I can play whatever. Not to keen about twf, but if I have to go the twf rout so be it.

    I forgot to add I do not have access to any tomes at start up i can grind for one later though.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited by roguestrike; 10-14-2009 at 11:24 PM.

  18. #978
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default New player wanting to drow it up

    I have just started playing over the past couple weeks with some friends. and i got stuck playing rogue, wich was the same class i played in wow for years.

    What is a fun class i could lvl as a drow that still kicks ass and has rogue skills so people dont ***** too much.
    Also somthing not to suqishy so i can breath alone without dieing...

    BTW you rule!

  19. #979
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Hello guys, Hello Builders!

    I'm playing DDO with a friend and we'd like to start a new char. I'd like to make a DROW SORCERER FULL DPS while he'd like to start a BARD CC/BUFF/HEAL in that particular order. Any suggestion? we only have atm the 28-point builds and we'd like those chars to be good in end-gaming.

    Thanks to everyone will answer

  20. #980
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I'm new here
    I'd like to build a paladin 28-points, can u put all lvl's 1 to 20, and all skills, Feats, and Enhancements. plz.


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