So... we see tons of WF running around. Most of them are kinda gimped builds. That's not to say that WF are inherently gimped builds, but rather that most people who play WF end up gimping themselves.
That being stated, I wanna try a WF. Problem is... I'll gimp the build like so many others.
So i bring it to the experts, as I've tried a few other builds posted here and been delighted. I know I'm about to propose something that will not be easy, and that comes with certain... drawbacks, but I have confidence that the brilliance of the builders in this forum will find a way to ungimp me.
I want a WF Fighter, pure fighter. I want him to have a decent ammount of intim, as I plan for him to be a tank, and I want him to be capable of actually absorbing the damage he'll be taking. He should be healer friendly, and a sword&board build. 32 point is fine, but he won't have access to anything beyond that (such as tomes and whatnot).
Eventually he'll raid, but the build shouldn't be designed around what he can be with raid gear, after all, he has to be playable before he starts raiding, if he's to ever raid.