I've reformatted this reply a bunch as I try to make it more coherent, but that's definitely left it a bit oddly laid out. Sorry!
For most of those raids the most important part for tanking is sustain; you don't need to aim for the stars, you just need defenses, sustain, and enough HP to not die in a few bad seconds. You'll generally be looking for some heal-over time style effects, as they're really efficient. Auras, AoE Heal effects, etc are also really good for raiding. Renewal will keep you healthy for most of the rest of it, but might as well heal your party too
Since you're in guild raids, I assume you'll have at least some off-heals going your way, but for KT you often want to be able to solo tank (which is sustain, MRR, & electric resist mostly for LN/LH) and for LTS you need to be able to survive Sor'jek's spike hits.
Honestly I'd skim over this thread (link) for some ideas. Since you're on Wayfinder I'll assume you don't always have the best raid party, so I'd be looking at a non-EDF tank so you can throw heals/rezzes at other people as needed (Renewal is really good for cheap, US gets SLA rez as well). This sorta sticks you with Paladin or Fighter 3, but does open up ES Warlock.
Paladin is really good for tanking; Sacred Defender tree gives a lot of stuff cheaply, has an awesome T5, and Paladins get Divine Grace which is a great saves bonus for any Cha build (which you'll have a bunch for Intimidate anyway). Breakpoints are level 3 (15 AP for 25 PRR/MRR, 1 Con, and +20% HP), level 4 (23 AP for that plus 7 Con), level 5 (36 AP and T5 for another 25 PRR/MRR, 100 HP, and 10% AC), and level 18 (Core 4 is another 10% HP and some PRR/MRR). You totally can just run a Sacred Defender tank, but once you've spent 41ish AP into that tree you have another 30ish to do very little with (12 AP into Falconry for 5% HP, 6 AP into VKF for Deflect Arrows and then what?). Ideally you'll want to multiclass a bit so you have multiple trees to spend AP into.
Here's some example builds:
- 20 Paladin - easy building, LoH for spike heals, SaD T5 and capstone is a lot of goodies. Lots of inbuilt PRR/MRR, saves are god-tier.
- 18/1/x Paladin/Warlock/x (Fighter gets you PDK = Silvanus = better DPS, or Warlock 2 gets +19 PRR) - like above but with more spell points, Feigned Health, and options.
- 17/3 FvS/Paladin gets you SaD stance, 20% HP, FvS wings, and burst heals as well as a lot of Beacon of Hope which is pretty nice. Tons of SP, you're a healbot that can tank as well.
- 15/4/1 FvS/Paladin/Warlock gets you 7 Con and Feigned Health at the cost of wings. Can drop Warlock or Pally to 3 for FvS 16 for Death Pact if you're worried.
- 15/5 FvS/Paladin gets you SaD T5 which is pretty great, costs you your heal-wall but you'll still have lots of heals to go around.
- 6/4/x Warlock/Paladin gets you Brilliance every 4s, SaD stance, Feigned Health, and Stanch. ES T5 is really nice - Displacement is crazy good, Shining Through is budget tanking in a nutshell, and you get ~17 PRR/MRR along the way which is pretty nice as well. You can also go Paladin T5 as desired (better tanking, worse sustain). Lots of leftover levels for this split (Cleric w/Animal or Protection, FvS with Stout of Heart, etc).
- 20 Wizard - easy to run, PM capstone means you're hilariously good at self-healing (like R6 good). Not as much PRR/MRR, you don't have party heals outside Renewal/Cocoon, and you have to swap between EDF (for HP) and no EDF (for ranged heals) which is a lil awkward. Extremely survivable though, especially with SLA Displacement.
- 20 Warlock - ES Capstone covers EDF loss, you get Brilliance + Shining Through and Displace SLA. Pretty solid, pretty standard. Not my favorite but very straightforward.
There's of course tons more depending on exactly what sort of goals you want to prioritize. Like I made a first-life raid tank for Ravenloft a few years back (moderately out-of-date now) that still works pretty well; I just updated it to Feywild gearing. My guild doesn't run many raids past LH though (mostly just LTS) so that's less of a concern to me. I'm currently building a Bard/Warlock/Alchemist that I could probably redo as a tank. There's a lot of design decisions and many work great, just different flavors.
Gimme a little more to go on XD