ya level ups into Wisdom, only get so much bonus from Cha
ya level ups into Wisdom, only get so much bonus from Cha
Last edited by Bolo_Grubb; 09-24-2020 at 11:00 PM.
Kill'em all and let their favorite deity sort'em out
BoloGrubb / DJGrubb / Gijo
Proud member of the HighLords of Malkier
Human's solidalso bonus feat smooths those out a bit!
IMO Wisdom. The small boost to Wisdom will benefit your casting far more than increasing your Charisma will benefit Turning. If you don't care at all about casting other than heals & turns go with Charisma, but I think that's a crime
Edit: missed these:
Morninglord starts @15 though, which is why I didn't mention itTurns fall off later as enemy HD scales faster than your Turns do; it's still really useful at endgame, but you'll be getting like 2-3/Turn instead of like whole rooms of mobs
Hey. Is this a repeat of the previous time you asked for a THF Warforged Fighter/Monk? (from post #4147)
Here are my initial thoughts (from post #4152).
Not trying to be salty, but if so can you comment on my initial build idea and tell me what didn't meet your needs; or what you didn't like about it? I'm not going to make you an entire build again if you won't even respond to my first comment lol. Figuring novel builds out and writing it all down takes time and effort, and it definitely doesn't feel good to have said effort ignored.
Ah, I missed it somehow. I was wondering if I actually posted this before not long after I hit enter. My apologies for not replying or anything on it! Seriously, I don't know why the email didn't reach me on the replies to this thread.
So far I'm doing Fighter first, which is proving rather bothersome. Especially as I already know I'm going light on the docent for the Warforged.
The idea is sound otherwise. I've been running with a Falchion so far and I see now that I am going to end up Fighter 6 before going Monk. Suits me fine as I can start taking some extra Feats there. I may be building it wrong, however, as for some reason I'm aiming at Dodge feats. Power Attack to Great Cleave is my secondary build up there. I love having Cleave to really put in a beating, and Great Cleave could be a secondary that I'll love as well.
I don't think I have the Falconry tree, so that might be out there. I do have the Harper tree. I was thinking about doing Kensai, Henshin Mystic, and the actual Warforged racial tree.
The Warforged racial tree might be helpful since I'm going Big Weapon as you pointed out. Strikethrough and Power Attack increases are in there, as is a lot of HP boosts.
So, what's the thoughts on this so far? I'm kinda poking at this to get ideas, to get something that I like going. The blasts aren't really a problem. I don't mind just having a few here and there. Less clutter for a toolbar and less for me to pick and choose on.
I've got no clue if this will work of course.
Otherwise, my initial plan so far is to hit Fighter 6 (I do like that 3rd Kensai Core ability. Seriously. Crit boost with Falchion or Great Sword? Yes, please!) then do Monk 12 or 14.
So, hope that gives some insight into what I'm looking and planning so far? The Fighter levels have been doing great mostly. I just lack healing, which is a minus so far. I'm slowly levelling this build as I go. First life and casual player, etc., etc.
Hope that helps. I'll definitely look into getting the Falconry tree perhaps.
All good XD I was out for the weekend, but I'll keep an eye on this thread for your response![]()
Since you dropped the requirement for lots of energy blasts etc, not having Falconry is just fine as you can be Str-based pretty reasonably. The point of Falconry is to allow you to Wis-max (which would bump your Cleric spells, Monk abilities, etc) while ditching Strength. Since you're already level 5 you've already spent your build points and had an ability point upgrade at 4 so you're pretty well set in whatever path you picked![]()
In the Warforged tree I'd also recommend Healamp, as a fair bit of your sustain is probably going to come from Monk healing stuff like Fists of Light and L/L/L finisher. Will also help heals from hires or other playersBut yeah, until Monk 3 you won't have healing options (at Monk 3 you get a Philosophy, choose Path of Harmonious Balance via Fists of Light); then you can debuff an enemy to heal you whenever you hit it, and if you use Light/Light/Light you can use the finisher for an AoE heal. Fists of Light only scales with Healamp, but Healing Ki also scales with Devotion.
If you're just going Fighter/Monk that seems fine to meI'd recommend getting Fighter 6, then Monk 12, and then getting Fighter to 8. Monk 13/14 doesn't do much, whereas Fighter 8 gives a bonus feat + access to Greater Weapon Focus, which unlocks two Kensei enhancements totaling +5 to-hit and +7 damage.
As a Fighter/Monk you'll have more feats than you know what to do with; I'd just take a glance at Monk's Martial Arts feats to make sure you don't waste those (get Deflect Arrows). Other fun feats I'd recommend since you're already Dodge line is grabbing Spring Attack - it's a cool dash active attack that's pretty fun and gets an extra bit of mobility which is great. At level 18 (Monk 12) you'll get Abundant Step as well, which you can chain with Spring Attack to get a ton of mobility.
Enhancement-wise, now that you're not going Cleric or Falconry you have a lot more AP to throw around. Obviously you're in Kensei (and hopefully Stalwart Defender) now, but around level 7-9 you can start going into Shintao as well; the cores are great, Elemental Curative:Lesser Restoration is pretty nice, and you're after the T2 Iron Skin for another +20 PRR (stacking with Defender Stance's 25 PRR/MRR). Can also grab Fists of Iron from T2 if you're sustaining fine without the finisher (it's a nice DPS boost). Also of course Henshin Mystic 6 AP for Ki Bolt![]()
At level 12, you're going to respec and get Kensei T5. What I'd expect around then:
34 AP Kensei (full T5 that you can get, Ascetic Training: Contemplation III, Haste Boost, Shattering Strike, Opportunity Attack, +2 Str, lots of Weapon Specializations, Liquid Courage maybe)
6 AP Stalwart Defender (Core 2, Durable Defense III - remember to toggle stance on)
6 AP Henshin Mystic (Core 2, Way of the Crane)
After that I'd be going 4 AP into Warforged (Healer's Friend III) then back into Shintao for probs 11 AP (core 3, Ele Curative:LR, Iron Skin III) then 11 into Ninja Spy (Core 3 is excellent, Sneak Attack dice are nice, Melee Power boost probs) and finish it out back in Warforged.
Can always shuffle stuff around as needed![]()
Wow. I might need a little to break this down. Starting out, I'm kinda looking at the extra Fighter levels. Good idea.
The Stalwart Defender, I'm leery of but also like the idea of. Not sure on it yet 'cause I'll have Monk stances as well going on there. I am tempted by a majority of the Warforged racial tree as well, however.
Here's one question I have to ask. How much Fortification is too much Fortification?
Otherwise, half-way thinking after looking at things so far of going for broke on a lot of things. I will note that Warforged racial's HP boost is very, very nice at level 5 so far.
Silvanus Maul Paladin?
I'd really like to do a Cha Silvanus Maul Paladin, but I don't see a way to do that.
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautiful
Stalwart Defender's stance has no drawbacks for ya, it's just 25 PRR/MRR for 6 AP. Definitely a strong option IMO. The Improved Defender Stance (T3/4/5) requires Medium/Heavy Armor or a shield, so it's not an option if you want to stay centered = skip that.
Warforged is strong, but it's expensive to get the good stuff. Later on sure, but earlygame I probably wouldn't go past Front Lines.
For Fortification, the rule of thumb is 100% + 1% per CR of your enemies (so like 125% early, 200% around mid-20's). If you're staying at cap, raiding, or running high Reaper you'll probably want to bump that to 250-300%, but I wouldn't worry about that much.
Warforged HP boost is nice early, but it's 10 HP for 2 AP. It's decent filler, but by level 10-12 it'll start being less impactful (as you gain more base HP and Con adding to HP). Like at level 20, you'll have 80 AP but trading them all for 400 HP seems pretty bad. Even on a tank I'd rather spend most of them on stuff like PRR/MRR or more Con (each point of Con = 15 base HP at cap).
So uh unless you're in a super hurry, wait for Feydark Illusionist to come out in U47 (might be delayed until U48? Idk they've been unclear). Here's the Lama preview for it.
Requires Magical Training to unlock, but for ~6 AP (and that feat) you can get Cha to-hit & damage as a universal tree option. I'd probably go 11 AP deep for Greater Color Spray, but YMMV.
Until then, I'd make a PDK G-Sword Paladin in Silvanus, maxing Cha etc, and swap over to mauls when Illusionist is releasedStandard 18/2 seems fine, or some split, or eat a LHoW +1 if you plan on keeping that toon for a while.
So, finally hit 6th. I got one question. How the hell do you guys aim Spring Attack?
Otherwise, went ahead and took a Monk level for Deflect Arrows. Which seem to like me and ended up taking a kama since I've still got Weapon Focus Slashing going on.
The idea of Stalwart Defender looks interesting. My only question is how many stances can you have? Because you've also got Earth Stance going on the Monk end which seems to occupy the same sort of thing just with a stat negative?
Here is a request from someone special to me:
No ranged. Preferred play style is to run in and BASH. She is adverse to clicking during combat so would like to have mostly passives. Can there be no more than two clickies during combat?
Would not mind clicking between combats.
Does NOT like warforged. They are ugly.
She kinda wants a Melee Artificer, two bastards swords preferred, but willing to talk about it.
Thanks in advance!
PS Tomorrow is her birthday![]()
You might be able to modify the Maverick Hunter over here to help out? It's a great melee build, I can attest to that. It's just the Rune Arm that puts you in fits as you have to grind for the ones that are AoE melee types. https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...averick+hunter
I think my current toon would be going "We're not ugly! We're just built that way."
But, in that case I think you might be able to go TWF. Maybe.
One of the things I've noticed however is that Rune Arms tend to add a lot of the damage to an Artificer in melee. I have not experimented on it beyond level 10-ish, but I did notice I was getting a lot of damage bonus off of it when using just a bastard sword or dwarven war axe.
Otherwise, not sure how to help here. I think she might be able to focus on something like Renegade Mastermaker on the enhancement tree, maybe Battle Engineer for bastard sword use.
Hope it at least gives some ideas.
Spring Attack isn't targeted, it just goes a set distance in the direction you're facing; I usually hold RMB for mouselook to aim it (you can even move your mouse mid-dash to change directions to go around corners etc). Also hits mobs along the way, but generally that's of lesser concern (I'm using it to gapclose, to escape pileups, or for quest mobility).
Glad you're doing well with a kama![]()
You can have one of each type of stance active. Like Precision and Power Attack are both offensive stances, so you can only have one active. Monk stances are a category of their own, so you can always have one up and it won't prevent you from using other stance (I had a Monk/Fighter that used Stalwart + Fire stance).
Happy Birthday!
Artificers are sorta click-heavy lol. A melee Artificer would probably be mostly Renegade Mastermaker, with a side order of Battle Engineer. Both have a decent number of active attacks. What part of Artificer is it that she's interested in?
TWF Bastard Swords isn't in a great spot? You can definitely do it, but be aware it's a flavor choiceAs a melee Artificer you get benefits by going SWF with a runearm (stuff like Agility Engine or Mighty Slam), and no benefits for going TWF. Bastard Swords are also awkward because they're built for SWF Strikethrough mechanics, so they don't have options like Knight's Training feat which makes longswords really strong, or Vistani Knife Fighter Universal Tree which makes daggers really good.
If she just wants to go in and bash, have you recommended THF Paladin or Barbarian? Both can be built pretty well with few actives, and both are really strong at going in to bash. If she's stuck on TWF Bastard Swords, I think your best bet is some Ranger version - you'll still have a few actives, but you can cut most out and have some pretty solid BASH gameplay (you'll 100% be using Dance of Death every 15s, and a few others every like 30-90 seconds, but mostly you can avoid the actives and be decent). Something like Strimtom's first-life build (the 2nd one on this link) with some things swapped around![]()
Oh, cool! Will definitely have to give it a go, then!
Next problem is for some reason I've been eyeing the Henshin Mystic. I name another game's gameplay as the reason, but Ki Bolt and some of the other stuff looks intriguing lately. Ugh.
Edit: Oh, also forgot to update a bit. Current level is Fighter 6/Monk 1. So, planning to hit Monk the next few to get that going. Once I've reached where I can just click the Tier 5 and get used to what I'm doing in Kensai, I plan on stretching out to either Henshin Mystic or Stalwart Defender. Stalwart Defender seems likely.
Research-wise I did find that it might be better to keep up the Monk levels. I noticed that a lot of what their finishers and the like do depend upon it. Fighter 8 sounds nice, but would a pair of Monk levels add up in the damage department? I can see where it will add up with Diamond Soul, Purity of Body, and Wholeness of Body as examples. I see the AC bonus stops at 12.
If I could, I might've actually taken back the Fighter 5 in exchange for an extra Monk level seeing all the benefits of a Monk 15/Fighter 5 there. At least if the DDO wiki is right. I know the only downside is that I'm not Falconry, so I'd be stretching myself across Str, Dex, and Wis there. Str to hit stuff hard, Dex and Wis for defense.
Hope you got some insight there!
Last edited by Ryukendo; 10-05-2020 at 03:11 PM.
Yeah, Ki Bolt has been one of the main features in any build you've been after for a while XD Have you used it yet? I'm not sure it's as impressive as you want it to be. I'm interested in hearing your findings XD
I'd definitely be mostly playing as a Fighter while you're 6/1 lol. A lot of Monk stuff gets better with a few more Monk levels, so until you get there it's sorta meh.Edit: Oh, also forgot to update a bit. Current level is Fighter 6/Monk 1. So, planning to hit Monk the next few to get that going. Once I've reached where I can just click the Tier 5 and get used to what I'm doing in Kensai, I plan on stretching out to either Henshin Mystic or Stalwart Defender. Stalwart Defender seems likely.
As far as why I recommended 6+ Fighter, and only 12 Monk: since your T5 is in Kensei, Fighter 6 allows you to grab the 3rd Kensei core which gives +1 crit multiplier. That turns into a pretty significant amount of damage (with a Greatsword, T5 Kensei, and ICrit you go from 16-20/x2 to 16-20/x3, which is a ~20% damage increase).Research-wise I did find that it might be better to keep up the Monk levels. I noticed that a lot of what their finishers and the like do depend upon it. Fighter 8 sounds nice, but would a pair of Monk levels add up in the damage department? I can see where it will add up with Diamond Soul, Purity of Body, and Wholeness of Body as examples. I see the AC bonus stops at 12.
You'll get Purity of Body at Monk 5 anyway (and Remove Disease pots aren't exactly expensive), Wholeness of Body at Monk 12 vs Monk 14 is a 17% difference for an out-of-combat heal (so worst case you'll need to hit a potion or bring a hire, it's out-of-combat anyway). Missing Diamond Soul's SR at Monk 13 is a thing, so that could be an argument for Monk 13, but you get the Poison Immunity at Monk 11 so that's already on the table.
Fighter 8 gives you a little more damage, although it's certainly not a deal-maker; going Monk 13 just for Monk SR is an option if you plan on gearing SR - stacking +23 SR is a pretty big boost. That said, SR mostly matters for enemy DC effects, and with Monk's good saves + some immunity stuff (like Protection from Evil, Freedom of Movement, and Deathblock) it's generally not as much of a concern? Might be easier for you to get solid SR without those immunities etc though.
I don't think giving up Fighter 6 for Monk 15 is worth it. AC starts falling off pretty hard around level 13-14, so the +3 AC is pretty meh to me. Quivering Palm won't land without a lot of Wis investment that you won't have, so it's really just +3.5% movespeed vs +20% damage. While I like MS a lot, that's a lot of damage.
If you're meaning Wis & Dex for AC bonuses (and save bonuses) I'd be super careful; around level 13+ AC stops mattering nearly as much if you're not a dedicated AC tank (enemy to-hit skyrockets while your sources of AC don't) and you'll have more alternative defenses available (like Ghostly for 10% Incorporeality, or Blurry items for 20% Miss Chance, or Dodge items to get towards your Dodge cap in the 30% range, etc).If I could, I might've actually taken back the Fighter 5 in exchange for an extra Monk level seeing all the benefits of a Monk 15/Fighter 5 there. At least if the DDO wiki is right. I know the only downside is that I'm not Falconry, so I'd be stretching myself across Str, Dex, and Wis there. Str to hit stuff hard, Dex and Wis for defense.
Personally I'd worry more about Str (dead enemies don't deal DPS) and Con (for HP) while gearing more towards like Resistance (which boosts all your saves), Spell Saves (further boosting for enemy spells), and HP (False Life, Vitality, etc) past the obvious damage stuff like Deadly, Seeker, and Accuracy.
Hope that helps! I'm definitely not a heavy Monk player, but I've done a lot of theorycrafting and that's what I'm seeingHope you got some insight there!![]()
Pretty straightforward, I'm looking for a Greatsword human DPS fighter with decent survivability. (TBH, I just want the strikethrough, so a s&b bsword one will also be okay)
thanks in advance!
Here's one from Unbongwah updated in April of this year: THF Kensei for new players.
For a little extra survivability: if you have access to it, I'd go Aasimar instead of Human - with a few points in Wis you get a few solid self-heals, which is pretty nice for survivability. Otherwise Halfling can get Dragonmark of Healing, but as a small character your greatsword doesn't have as much reach.
THF Greatsword Strikethrough >> S&B Bsword Strikethrough. You can go Vanguard/Kensei with like Half-Orc via S&B, but that's much more glass-cannon than a Kensei/Stalwart build.
Does that meet your needs? If you have questions, or want changes etc ask away![]()