I am looking for a support bard/ranger that can sling arrows for fun (or if viable dmg, thats cool too) but i wanted to focus on spellsinger healing and what not. i would love to be an aasimar
or even a solo ranger with bard spellsinger healing for survival? i really dig the idea of sustaining song, i want a build that incorporates that is my main goal. either dps or full fupport..
Last edited by Warkittens; 06-10-2020 at 04:57 PM.
So I'll preface this by saying that Inquisitive is a lot stronger than archery these days, particularly if you want some sort of hybrid support rather than pure ranger or monkcher. Deepwood Stalker got a couple of nice boosts to its tier-5 enhancements a while ago, but it's still not enough to make an archer competitive with Inquisitive; more like "less bad by comparison" than it was.
This is a build you do for fun, not one you do so you can solo Reapers, is what I'm suggesting.
That said, what you describe is doable with, say, bard 12 / ranger 6 / rogue 2: tier-5 DWS for archer DPS, tier-4 Spellsinger for Sustaining Song, with remaining points into AA. Or maybe even ranger 12 / bard 8: better ranged DPS, fewer bard abilities. Aasimar doesn't really add anything to this build, but we don't have a lot of APs to spare for racial bonuses anyway.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Last edited by Warkittens; 06-10-2020 at 06:12 PM.
Okay then with those limitations in mind, I was thinking something like this:
Basically you level like a typical ranged ranger, until you confound people by multiclassing into bard instead of sticking with ranger like a sensible archer.Code:Bardcher (U46) 12/6/2 Bard/Ranger/Rogue True Neutral Human Level Order 1. Rogue 6. Ranger 11. Bard 16. Bard 2. Ranger 7. Ranger 12. Bard 17. Bard 3. Ranger 8. Bard 13. Bard 18. Bard 4. Ranger 9. Bard 14. Bard 19. Bard 5. Ranger 10. Bard 15. Bard 20. Rogue Stats 28pt 32pt 34pt 36pt Level Up ---- ---- ---- ---- -------- Strength 8 8 8 8 4: DEX Dexterity 16 18 18 18 8: DEX Constitution 14 14 15 16 12: DEX Intelligence 16 16 16 16 16: DEX Wisdom 8 8 8 8 20: DEX Charisma 10 8 8 8 24: DEX 28: DEX Skills Rg Rn Rn Rn Rn Rn Rn Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Rg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ------------------------------------------------------------ Perform 2 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 Concent 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 Spellcr 2 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 2 2 2 1 23 Disable 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 Search 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 UMD 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 23 Open Lo 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Heal 2 2 3 1 1 1 10 Spot 4 2 1 1 1 1 10 Balance 4 4 Jump 4 4 Swim 4 4 Tumble 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ 48 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 Feats 1 : Point Blank Shot 1 Human : Dodge 3 : Mobility 6 : Shot on the Run 9 : Precision 12 : Improved Critical: Ranged 15 : Improved Precise Shot 18 : Quicken Spell OR Empower Healing Spell 21 Epic : Improved Bardic Music OR Inspire Excellence 24 Epic : Overwhelming Critical 26 Destiny: Holy Strike OR Pierce Damage Reduction: Silver 27 Epic : Combat Archery OR Epic Damage Reduction 28 Destiny: Doubleshot 29 Destiny: Deific Warding OR Harbinger of Chaos 30 Epic : Watchful Eye OR Epic Reflexes 30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea OR Ethereal Plane 2 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Undead 6 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Construct OR Evil Outsider Enhancements (80 AP) Deepwood Stalker (38 AP)Spellsinger (25 AP)
- Far Shot, Sneak Attack, Sniper Shot
- Favored Defense I, Stealthy III
- Survivalist, Improved Weapon Finesse, Melee/Range Power Boost III
- Survivalist, Thrill of the Hunt III, Favored Hunter III, Aimed Shot
- Survivalist, Killer III, Merciful Shot
- Extra Favored Enemy: Giant, Heavy Draw, Strikes Like Lightning, Improved Archer's Focus
Arcane Archer (14 AP)
- Spellsinger, Music of the Sewers, Music of the Dead, Music of the Makers
- Studies: Magical III, Lingering Songs III
- Sharp Note III, Flicker III, Wand and Scroll Mastery III
- Spell Song Trance
- Sustaining Song, Song of Arcane Might
Human (3 AP)
- Arcane Archer, Morphic Arrows, Metalline Arrows
- Conjure Arrows, Corrosive Arrows
- Force Arrows I, Elemental Damage
- Soul Magic, Elemental Damage
Leveling Guide
- Damage Boost
- Improved Recovery
- Hum0 Damage Boost; (Bank 3 AP)
- AA0 Arcane Archer; AA1 Conjure Arrows; DS0 Far Shot; DS1 Stealthy I, II, III
- DS1 Favored Defense I; DS2 Improved Weapon Finesse; DS2 Melee/Range Power Boost I, II
- DS2 Melee/Range Power Boost III; DS0 Sneak Attack; DS2 Survivalist
- DS3 Survivalist; DS3 Favored Hunter I, II
- DS3 Favored Hunter III; DS3 Thrill of the Hunt I, II, III
- DS0 Sniper Shot; DS4 Killer I, II, III
- AA1 Corrosive Arrows; AA2 Elemental Damage
- AA0 Morphic Arrows; AA2 Force Arrows I; AA0 Metalline Arrows
- DS4 Survivalist; DS4 Merciful Shot
- DS3 Aimed Shot; (Bank 2 AP)
- DS5 Heavy Draw; DS5 Strikes Like Lightning; DS5 Improved Archer's Focus
- DS5 Extra Favored Enemy: Giant; AA3 Elemental Damage
- Spl0 Spellsinger; Spl1 Studies: Magical I, II, III
- AA3 Soul Magic; Spl1 Lingering Songs I, II, III
- Spl2 Wand and Scroll Mastery I, II, III
- Spl3 Spell Song Trance; Spl0 Music of the Sewers; Spl0 Music of the Dead; Spl2 Sharp Note I
- Spl2 Sharp Note II, III; Spl2 Flicker I, II
- Spl2 Flicker III; Spl4 Sustaining Song; Spl0 Music of the Makers
- Spl4 Song of Arcane Might; Hum1 Improved Recovery
Shot on the Run adds 10% ranged Alacrity to bows, but the 3-feat tax makes it expensive. I was a little indecisive about skills; couldn't decide if it was better to focus on Open Lock, Heal, or Spot, so I spread points between all three.
Aasimar could just do a straight conversion, but I had something slightly different in mind. Why not build on Aasimar's WIS bonus for Healing Hands + Paralyzing Arrows, amped up by Spellsinger's Enchantment bonuses? After all, a bardcher can't out-DPS a pure ranger, much less a good Inquisitive; so why not focus on CCing mobs plus bard support?
Of course, one could argue I've spent too many APs on archery and not enough on bard-ery. Basically there's enough APs for one tier-5, one tier-4, and one tier-3 trees. So it's a question of figuring out your priorities and planning your APs accordingly. You could also do tier-5 Spellsinger (Vigor, Capering) / tier-4 AA (Paralyzing Arrow) / tier-3 DWS (Sniper Shot).Code:Aasimar Bardcher (U46) 12/6/2 Bard/Ranger/Rogue True Neutral OR Chaotic Good Aasimar Level Order 1. Rogue 6. Ranger 11. Bard 16. Bard 2. Ranger 7. Ranger 12. Bard 17. Bard 3. Ranger 8. Bard 13. Bard 18. Bard 4. Ranger 9. Bard 14. Bard 19. Bard 5. Ranger 10. Bard 15. Bard 20. Rogue Stats 32pt 34pt 36pt Tome Level Up ---- ---- ---- ---- -------- Strength 8 8 8 4: DEX Dexterity 16 16 16 8: DEX Constitution 14 14 14 12: DEX Intelligence 16 16 16 +2 16: DEX Wisdom 16 17 18 20: DEX Charisma 8 8 8 24: DEX 28: DEX Skills Rg Rn Rn Rn Rn Rn Rn Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Bd Rg 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ------------------------------------------------------------ Perform 2 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 Concent 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 Spellcr 2 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 2 2 2 1 23 Disable 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 Search 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 UMD 4 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 23 Open Lo 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 Heal 2 2 3 1 1 1 10 Spot 4 2 1 1 1 1 10 Jump 4 4 Swim 4 4 Tumble 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ 44 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 Feats 1 : Point Blank Shot 3 : Precision 6 : Extend Spell OR Quicken Spell 9 : Empower Healing Spell 12 : Improved Critical: Ranged 15 : Improved Precise Shot 18 : Spell Focus: Enchantment 21 Epic : Improved Bardic Music OR Inspire Excellence 24 Epic : Overwhelming Critical 26 Destiny: Holy Strike OR Pierce Damage Reduction: Silver 27 Epic : Combat Archery OR Epic Damage Reduction 28 Destiny: Doubleshot 29 Destiny: Deific Warding OR Harbinger of Chaos 30 Epic : Watchful Eye OR Epic Reflexes 30 Legend : Scion of: Arborea OR Ethereal Plane 1 Aasimar: Bond of the Protector 2 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Undead 6 Ranger : Favored Enemy: Construct OR Evil Outsider Enhancements (80 AP) Deepwood Stalker (36 AP)Arcane Archer (26 AP)
- Far Shot, Sneak Attack, Sniper Shot
- Favored Defense I, Stealthy III
- Survivalist, Improved Weapon Finesse, Melee/Range Power Boost III
- Survivalist, Thrill of the Hunt III, Favored Hunter III, Aimed Shot
- Survivalist, Killer III, Merciful Shot
- Heavy Draw, Strikes Like Lightning, Improved Archer's Focus
Spellsinger (11 AP)
- Arcane Archer, Morphic Arrows, Metalline Arrows
- Conjure Arrows, Corrosive Arrows
- Force Arrows II, Elemental Damage
- Terror Arrows, Soul Magic, Elemental Damage, Dexterity
- Banishing Arrows, Paralyzing Arrows, Smiting Arrows, Elemental Damage
Aasimar (7 AP)
- Spellsinger, Music of the Sewers, Music of the Dead
- Studies: Magical III, Lingering Songs III
- Marigold Crown: Yellow
Leveling Guide
- Stronger Bonds, Wisdom, Stronger Bonds II, Wisdom, Stronger Bonds III
- (Bank 4 AP)
- AA0 Arcane Archer; AA1 Conjure Arrows; DS0 Far Shot; DS1 Stealthy I, II, III; DS1 Favored Defense I
- DS2 Improved Weapon Finesse; DS2 Melee/Range Power Boost I, II, III
- DS0 Sneak Attack; AA1 Corrosive Arrows; AA0 Morphic Arrows
- AA2 Elemental Damage; DS3 Aimed Shot
- DS2 Survivalist; DS3 Survivalist
- DS0 Sniper Shot; DS3 Thrill of the Hunt I, II, III
- DS4 Killer I, II, III; DS3 Favored Hunter I
- DS3 Favored Hunter II, III; DS4 Survivalist
- DS4 Merciful Shot; AA2 Force Arrows I
- AA3 Terror Arrows; AA3 Elemental Damage
- DS5 Improved Archer's Focus; DS5 Strikes Like Lightning
- DS5 Heavy Draw; AA0 Metalline Arrows; Spl0 Spellsinger
- Spl1 Studies: Magical I, II, III; AA3 Soul Magic
- AA2 Force Arrows II; AA3 Dexterity
- AA4 Paralyzing Arrows; AA4 Elemental Damage
- AA4 Banishing Arrows; AA4 Smiting Arrows; Spl1 Lingering Songs I; Spl0 Music of the Sewers
- Spl2 Marigold Crown: Yellow; Spl1 Lingering Songs II, III
- Spl0 Music of the Dead; Aas0 Stronger Bonds; Aas0 Wisdom
- Aas0 Stronger Bonds II; Aas0 Wisdom; Aas0 Stronger Bonds III
Last edited by unbongwah; 06-10-2020 at 06:28 PM.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
If you want a SWF bastard sword build with trap skills that has better DPS than an Artificer: maybe paladin 18 / Artificer 2? Arty splash provides trap skills and Runearm. Dragonborn's not ideal but it should work.
I was thinking something like this:
I think it checks off everything on your wishlist, as long as "minmax DPS" isn't on it.Code:DB Palaficer 18/2 Paladin/Artificer, Epic 1 Lawful Good Dragonborn Level Order 1. Artificer 6. Paladin 11. Paladin 16. Paladin 2. Paladin 7. Paladin 12. Paladin 17. Paladin 3. Paladin 8. Artificer 13. Paladin 18. Paladin 4. Paladin 9. Paladin 14. Paladin 19. Paladin 5. Paladin 10. Paladin 15. Paladin 20. Paladin Stats 36pt Tome Level Up ---- ---- -------- Strength 18 +4 4: STR Dexterity 10 +4 8: STR Constitution 14 +4 12: STR Intelligence 16 +4 16: STR Wisdom 8 +4 20: STR Charisma 16 +4 Skills A P P P P P P A P P P P P P P P P P P P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ------------------------------------------------------------ Concent 4 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 Disable 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 Search 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 23 Open Lo 4 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 20 Balance 2 1 1 1 1 1 7 UMD 4 1 5 Spot 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ 28 6 6 6 6 6 7 9 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Feats 1 : Single Weapon Fighting 3 : Precision 6 : Exotic Weapon: Bastard Sword OR Stunning Blow 9 : Improved Critical: Slashing 12 : Improved Single Weapon Fighting 15 : Greater Single Weapon Fighting 18 : Quicken Spell OR Stunning Blow 21 Epic : Overwhelming Critical 1 Dragon : Draconic Ancestry: Red 2 Deity : Follower of: Onatar 7 Deity : Onatar's Forge Enhancements (80 AP) Knight of the Chalice (39 AP)Sacred Defender (31 AP)
- Slayer of Evil, Courage of Heaven, Slayer of Evil II, Improved Courage of Heaven, Slayer of Evil III
- Extra Smite II, Improved Second Strikes III
- Divine Might III, Exalted Cleave, Action Boost: Power III
- Sacrificial Strike II, Lead the Charge III, Exalted Strike III
- Censure Demons, Vigor of Life
- Ascendency, Censure Outsiders, Vigor of Life, Avenging Cleave, Retributive Strike
Dragonborn (10 AP)
- Holy Bastion, Sacred Defense, Divine Righteousness, Redemption, Glorious Stand
- Extra Lay On Hands III, Durable Defense III
- Bulwark Aura III
- Resistance Aura III, Strong Defense III, Charisma
- Spellshield Aura III, Swift Defense, Hardy Defense III, Charisma
Leveling Guide
- Hardy, Strength or Charisma: Strength, Hardy, Strength or Charisma: Strength
- (none)
- Extra Action Boost II
- (Bank 4 AP)
- KoC0 Slayer of Evil; KoC1 Improved Second Strikes I, II, III; KoC1 Extra Smite I; SD0 Holy Bastion; (Bank 2 AP)
- SD1 Extra Lay On Hands I, II, III; KoC2 Divine Might I, II, III
- KoC2 Exalted Cleave; SD1 Durable Defense I; SD0 Sacred Defense
- SD1 Durable Defense II, III; KoC0 Courage of Heaven; KoC2 Action Boost: Power I
- KoC2 Action Boost: Power II, III; KoC3 Lead the Charge I, II
- KoC3 Lead the Charge III; KoC0 Slayer of Evil II; KoC1 Extra Smite II; KoC3 Sacrificial Strike I
- KoC4 Vigor of Life; KoC3 Exalted Strike I
- KoC4 Censure Demons; KoC3 Exalted Strike II; SD2 Bulwark Aura I
- SD2 Bulwark Aura II; SD3 Strong Defense I, II, III
- KoC3 Exalted Strike III; (Bank 2 AP)
- KoC3 Sacrificial Strike II; KoC5 Ascendency; KoC5 Avenging Cleave; KoC5 Retributive Strike; KoC5 Censure Outsiders
- KoC5 Vigor of Life; SD0 Divine Righteousness; SD2 Bulwark Aura III
- KoC0 Improved Courage of Heaven; SD3 Resistance Aura I, II, III
- SD3 Charisma; SD4 Swift Defense; SD4 Hardy Defense I
- SD4 Hardy Defense II, III; SD0 Redemption; SD4 Spellshield Aura I
- SD4 Spellshield Aura II, III; SD4 Charisma
- Dra0 Hardy; Dra0 Strength or Charisma: Strength; Dra0 Hardy
- Dra0 Strength or Charisma: Strength; Dra2 Extra Action Boost I
- KoC0 Slayer of Evil III; SD0 Glorious Stand; Dra2 Extra Action Boost II
You can use Chimera's Breath to grant bastard sword proficiency. Note that persists even if you disjunct it for crafting. So you could stockpile a bunch, disjunct them, and craft multiple versions at different levels to use while leveling.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Neat! Thanks.
I don't really worry much about minmaxing DPS. As long as I'm effective and can contribute to a group, I'm usually pretty happy.
My current life is a PDK Paladin 14/Ranger 5/Fighter 1 TWF Bastard Sword build, so minmaxing is definitely not a concern.
And since it was mentioned, I need to research Cannith Crafting changes. I had a human arti alt that I leveled solely for Cannith Crafting when they released. I get the feeling I'm in for some surprises.
This thread might help: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...-leveling-plan
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
anyone have a few links to some badass inquisitive build?
Edit: I tried to post this yesterday but apparently it's broken. Seems like Unbongwah got ya, but I had a few more ideas :P
Is this for a parked alt (for raids?) or like a 1-20 toon or? It's hard to level up full-support toons.
If you're just after a parked full support Bard that shoots a bit, you could probably go Elven Arcane Archer w/full Bard? 41 AP into AA gets you capstone & T5, with 14 AP into Elf and 22 into Spellsinger for Sustaining Song? Would definitely be a build that needs levels to be solid though, I'd recommend against it for a leveling build (14 AP before you even start your damage tree sucks lol, and EAA capstone is ML 25).
If you have racial AP (or just drop AA capstone), you could go /1 Warlock and /1 Alchemist, for Feigned Health & Soothing Poultices respectively.
Or for full support shenanigans, 16/4/1 Bard/Warlock/Alchemist, using Fighting Spirit + Brilliance + Feigned Health + Soothing Poultices to spread Cha x3 + Con x2 + Int as temp HP (4/6 as aura, 2/6 on-spellcast) while running Sustaining Song. Easy at-cap stats of 70 Cha, 60 Con, 40 Int = 370 temps by casting Merfolk's lol. Solid investment of 100 Cha, 70 Con, 60 Int = 500 temp HP, you'd be budget Affirmation as a refreshing party buff (equivalent to Shining Through used with 62 Con).
- 27 AP Spellsinger (Sustaining Song, other song buffs)
- 21 AP ES (Brilliance, Shield, PRR/MRR Auras)
- 21 AP Warchanter (Fighting Spirit, Words of Encouragement, Ballads)
- 4 AP Apothecary (Soothing Poultices)
- 4 AP Tainted Scholar (Feigned Health)
With 3 leftover AP to spend on whatever other buffs you see lol.
Itemize stats > Positive Spellpower > Repair SP > Negative SP, hop in throw buffs and just stand around laughing lol. You could probably 12/5/3 Bard/Warlock/Paladin as a budget tank by dropping Spellsinger and adding Sacred Defender w/T5 ES, for that matter.
You'd have like zero damage, but who cares? Please don't try to solo with a build like this. I'd probably go for 30 and ETR/LR into it if you're going to park a toon :P
What are you prioritizing? Soloability, utility, DPS, CC, Past Lives, party value, etc?
FvS Inqusitive is probably the "best" just for the sheer options presented (18/2 w/Arti probs). Something like Swimm's 8/8/4ish Ranger/Rogue/Arti is likely the strongest variant for Heroic TRing, whereas 18/2 Rogue/Arti or 10/6/4 Rogue/Fighter/Arti is probably best endgame.
Inquisitive is a universal tree that works pretty well by itself (or with Arti 2), so it's really more about what else you want from your build. You'll have ~39 AP to burn, so you can grab a T4 and a T3, or a single Core 5 (like the 18/2 runs 41 Inq 31 Mechanic 8 Harper) and call it a day. You could run Warlock/Barbarian using Brilliance & Blood Tribute, which would work great and get you weird PL's while still having solid DPS etc.
What's your goal?
Here's some threads to peruse:
Best Inquisitive Split
Reddit thread talking about trance Inquisitives (EK in particular)
This guy talks about 18/2 Alch/Arti, using VC and having Int-based Evasion etc.
There's a ton out there, but it really boils down to what else you want past the baseline of Inquisitive. Telling us that will get you a better response than "18/2 FvS/Arti" or "18/2 Rogue/Arti" which are probs my default recommendations.
oh nvm
Last edited by Tilomere; 06-14-2020 at 02:30 AM.
Well, you're on the "Request a Build - Get a Build" thread and not posting a build, so even if that DPS method is superior you'd still leave our friend short of a build. Until you post your superior build, I'll leave up inferior ones that talk about stuff like level split and feats![]()
Also I'd love to see some actual runs lol especially when you include the requirement to run in LD - which AFAIK isn't the best ranged tree anymore?
Community Member
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Community Member
Hello again,
For the first time I am trying the Wizard class, but I have to admit I am a melee player. I don't enjoy too much to not be in the middle of the fuss. Sure I will learn and adapt, but I wanted to state where I am coming from.
I am looking into a EK build, human, 32 points, no tomes, not until we get a tomes sales at least. I am using Strimtom's build (https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...trimtom-Review) currently at level 4, but I am starting to feel uneasy at some points.
I also tried EllisDee Pale Trapper, and I am not sure if it's the maximize+empower spell or not, but on the EK build my evocation spells cause way too low damage, in comparison to the Pale Trapper.
I am a big fan of Pure builds, but I am ok with a split as long as I don't cut myself out of the highest level spells. If I am going to play a wizard I want to see all possible spells. In the case of split I would rather go for a trapper, since I play alone a lot and I love to find secret doors, traps and such, but I don't know if this is possible.
Also, I see that Shield Training is an enhancement on EK tree, so I don't get why take Shield Proficiency on level one. Can someone clarify?
I do have access to Harper and Falconry Tree.
So I am looking for a human, 32 points EK, preferably pure, and preferably but not mandatory rogue if a split is needed.
I will be playing quests on elite, not interested in reaper, but alone with a hireling most of the time.
I am not a big fan of Pale, but I love Arch.
Can someone help me or point me to a similar working build?
Edit: Another thing I don't get: The build starts with a Shield, gets Perfect TWF at lvl 26, Perfect THF at lvl28, and Improved Shield Master at lvl 30. Wouldn't be easier to pick your fighting style and stop "wasting" feats you won't use?
Last edited by Vychos; 06-23-2020 at 10:20 AM.
The Shield Training enhancement grants proficiency (and -5% arcane spell failure reduction), but you need the actual feat in order to take the Shield Mastery feats as well.
But I'm not a fan of S&B EKs; the melee DPS loss isn't worth the defensive benefits IMO. Bard 3 / wizard 17 is okay if you don't have Harper - that gets you INT to-hit from EK and INT to damage from Swashbuckler - but is otherwise weaker than wizard 20 + Harper would be.
So I definitely prefer SWF/TWF/THF EKnights, each with their pros & cons:
- SWF: no extra stat pre-reqs (though you'll probably want Precision which requires DEX 13) and lets you equip a caster orb in your offhand; but DPS is middle-of-the-road (i.e., lower single-target than TWF, lower AoE than THF)
- TWF: better single-target DPS than SWF but requires DEX 17
- THF: Strikethrough bonuses and 3x INT modifier to damage from GTHF makes 2H weapons the new hawtness again; but requires STR 17
My Bladesingers thread needs updating but it contains a few different builds where I try to go over the pros and cons of pure vs splashed EKs. If you have Warforged and really want to avoid Pale Master, you can use them instead.
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Yeah without tomes I'd recommend SWF. With a +5 or so tome, I think THF is objectively the "best" especially in epics, but the 17 Strength is really awkward to hit when you're new.
17/3 with Bard would get you SWF + S&B bonuses, which is kinda nice (10/20/30% Attack Speed +3/7/15% Doublestrike). En Pointe as well, and using any of the SB weapons that get a crit range bonus would save you from having to worry about Force's Edge which is pretty nice. Doublestrike Action Boost is also fantastic for EK builds, especially now that cleaves can Doublestrike (especially with Reaper boost for earlygame). I think the extra base damage (hitting more etc) would offset the loss of spellblade damage at most levels, although level 20-25 or so would favor a pure build pretty well. I think 26+ you'd start having enough non-proc damage that it pulls ahead though. En Pointe is like budget CAF, and we all know how good that is![]()
The post asked for Human, so I'd definitely recommend a bit of PM. Even 6 AP gets you Wraith Form, which is enough to get you solid survivability post-Wizard 7 (where you get Death Aura). Relying on hireling healing past earlygame is a recipe for disaster, IMO.
Perfect TWF gives 5% Doublestrike, which is universally useful; most melees grab it at level 28. The other part is wasted, but that part's nice. Perfect THF I assume is for EDF or for Bastard Swords etc? I'd swap that for Perfect SWF if you're on a SWF build![]()
Ok, thanks for the tips guys.
I am testing the pure Wizard suggested and I am liking it a lot. I did make some changes, since for this toon I want it to be human. Also I will avoid Pale and try to get some more points in Arch, so any hints on that would be great.
I have to say both the bard split as the rogue makes me itchy because I would love to disarm traps, but two things are keeping me from it, first every time I create a rogue split he is never good enough in finding and disarming traps, so I end up feeling I would be better off with my pure whatever build I am playing, but second, I already started the character and I didn't get rogue/bard as first level, which seems pretty mandatory. I could start over, but I would rather not.
One thing I noticed, is that apparently I don't need Master's Touch as I though I did, the EK opener gives me proficiency with simple weapons right? So really no need to use the spell?
One general question: what is the difference between maximize spell and empower spell? Does it stack?
Since I am on it, here comes another: Does Blur and Displacement stack?
I decided to go SWF+Orb at least on first life since I have too many toons with THF, but maybe on a reborn I may change that.
Any last tips for an adaptation of the Drow into Human and Pale Enhancements into EK/Arch?
Thanks all, and special thanks to Spartan....will never forget how much you helped me learning the ropes of this in the past.
Last edited by Vychos; 06-24-2020 at 04:34 AM.
Pale Master's undead form is where most of your survivability and some of your DPS comes from as a fleshie Eldritch Knight. So even if you're not Necro-specced, you'll probably still want to spend ~11 APs for an undead form plus an Undead Augmentation: e.g., wraith form + Ghost in the Wind for 20% Incorporealty. Whereas Warforged/Bladeforged EKs can just use Repair/Reconstruct spells, of course.
Since you also have to spend at least 12 APs in Harper for INT to damage and 41 APs in EK for the capstone, that leaves 16 APs to spend on whatever you want.
You gain martial weapons proficiency from EK level 3, so at that point you would stop casting Master's Touch.One thing I noticed, is that apparently I don't need Master's Touch as I though I did, the EK opener gives me proficiency with simple weapons right? So really no need to use the spell?
Yes they stack: Maximize is +150 Spellpower +25 spell points per spell; Empower is +75 Spellpower +15 SPs. However metamagics can be applied for free to SLAs.what is the difference between maximize spell and empower spell? Does it stack?
No, both provide concealment bonuses so only the highest (Displacement) will apply.Since I am on it, here comes another: Does Blur and Displacement stack?
Not really. Main advantages of drow are higher INT (up to +4) and Arcane Fluidity (stacks with EK bonuses so you can wear armor sooner); whereas humans get an extra feat and some useful racial enhancements like Spellpower Boost and Traditionalist Caster (+10 Spellpower with orb equipped).Any last tips for an adaptation of the Drow into Human and Pale Enhancements into EK/Arch?
Semi-retired Build Engineer. Everything was better back in our day. Get off my lawn.
Ok, thanks a lot for the insight.
I will put some points in Pale for sure, no reason why not to, just don't want to loose my hand in there.
If I may, let me throw my last questions:
Considering enhancements, would be worth to put some points in the Human racial tree? Where?
I see that Human and EK both gives us access to Spellpower boost - does it stack? Should I pick both, none or only one?
Would be a good idea to put some points in Efficient Metamagic? Which one and how many points?
Rogue Question: with only 2 levels will I be able to find and disarm traps efficiently? I would consider remaking if the answer is yes - I will take your word for it.
Edit: I see in the build an enhancement called Bone Armor that I can't find anywhere, not even in the wiki. Guessing it was removed from the game or changed name? Also, Cloak of Night only goes to level 1, another change?
Last edited by Vychos; 06-24-2020 at 09:38 AM.