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  1. #321
    Founder Findecano's Avatar
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    Default Barb/Sorc Spellsword

    Race: Human or Elf
    Class: Barbarian & Sorceror (feel free to offer suggestions if I am overlooking a useful class combination for what I want)

    Character Premise:

    The hero excels in martial prowless. His is quick and agile, so he doesn't wear a wole lot of armor. He more than makes up for this with his ability to evade, parry, and block strikes. He is a sword master, who has very specific innate magical abilities. While he is very disciplined, which was needed in order to master the sword arts, he does give in to periodic spurts of rage (think a surge of adrenaline) while in combat. I have two ideas on the hero, because while both are the same defensively and melee offensively, they differ in the magical department.

    Option 1- The hero is telekenetic and uses this ability to stun and/or knockdown his opponents. He can use telekenetic energy in the form of a shield to ward off blows temporarily.
    Melee: Uses either a Bastard Sword, Longsword, or Katana.
    Defense: Wears little armor if any. Relies on being able to dodge, parry, and block incoming attacks, depending on the attackers strength (ie. he may dodge a powerful attack, while parrying a sword swing, and blocking a punch to the face)
    Magic Ability: Uses telekenetic powers to stun foes in combat or knock them down.

    Option 2- The hero can call lightning from his finger tips. He uses the lightning to strike down foes from afar and up close. He even has the ability to summon a lightning shield to dmg his foes if they attack him.

    Melee: Uses either a Bastard Sword, Longsword, or Katana
    Defense: Wears little armor if any. Relies on being able to dodge, parry, and block incoming attacks, depending on the attackers strength (ie. he may dodge a powerful attack, while parrying a sword swing, and blocking a punch to the face).
    Magic Ability: Can summon lightning from his hands and fingertips to damage his opponents from afar and up close. Can summon lightning around him as a shield to dmg those who strike him.

    Note: Since the hero will be martially oriented, his mana pool will not be big, which means he will have to use his magical energy wisely and tactically. I am a RPer who will plan to play this character with other RPers who will take it slow through dungeons and use tactics to overcome adversity over zerging. I don't expect to top the dmg charts or kill counts, but I would like to be effective. I am more into playing a character through the game, than using a class or combination of classes in an optimized manner to beat the game. I am flexible with the classes, as long as they achieve the same goal. I cose Barbarian, since they are more offensive oriented than the other melee classes and are prone to fits of rage. I chose Sorceror, since I am not looking for a large pool of spells to choose from + the sorceror has innate magical ability like my character.

  2. #322
    Community Member ShadowFox1978's Avatar
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    Default WF Intimidate build

    Came up with something myself. Would still appreciate you taking a look.
    Last edited by ShadowFox1978; 06-17-2008 at 03:37 PM.

    Lendra/Lendraa/Mordachi/Deathsong and assorted other gimps

  3. #323
    Community Member Gladiator_206's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Default U still doing this?

    Hey Sigtrent, new to the forums, so i was wondering, are you still doing these build for people? if so, i was wondering if you would be able to desine a character for me. Id like a build that can stay alive, while still having a really nice dps such as, monk, ranger, barbarian, fighter, paladin, or any combination of those. Can be a 32 point build, but NO TOMES. Twf would be nice. race doesnt matter. don't care about being able to disable traps. Evasion would be nice. and if you chose to go twf/tempest (which i would kind of like), id never be using a sheild. so dont throw that into the aprox ac plz
    Last edited by Gladiator_206; 06-25-2008 at 09:26 PM.

  4. #324
    Community Member Beledan's Avatar
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    Default A Dronk

    I know this is not going to especially stretch your intellect, but I'm stumbling over monk builds. the ones I make I'm seldom happy with, and I'm tired of seeing Halfling Monk. They (like the male elves) look terminally constipated.

    I'm trying to make a soloing Drow Monk. Some DPS great saves and the ability to self heal. I thought of a 1 sorc/X monk WF. and I made one, but... I don't like him. its mostly aesthetics.
    I like the look of the drow. I like the Magic resists that go to 18, and I like the enhancements for dex.
    So I want a soloing Monk out of one.

    Is that so wrong?

    Thanks if you can do this!

  5. #325
    Community Member orcbanian's Avatar
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    32 pt Warforged bow-focused Ranger with acceptable TWF skills.

    What? You know you want to!
    Last edited by orcbanian; 06-19-2008 at 09:34 PM.
    Ghallanda ~ Sanctus Armata ~ Rumforged WF Ftr 15/Wiz 1 (First Toon) Dwarby Dwarf Clr 14/Pal 1
    Rumcannon WF Sorc 10 Rumpunch WF Monk 9 Orcbane WF Rngr 2/ftr 6 Rumbow WF Rngr 6/Monk 1

  6. #326
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Default AoE Monk

    I'd like your ideas on a 28pt monk - either dex or str based with cleave/great cleave/whirlwind attack (so it requires dodge, mobility, spring attack, CE and Power Attack, of course. Good thing monks get bonus feats).
    <|| “Lasciate ogni speranza, voi ch’entrate.” ||>
    AEsahaettr | AlfredSartan | Botharel | PeterMurphy | Weesham etc.

  7. #327
    Community Member Firecloud's Avatar
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    Default Build request - Archmage Necromancer with good survivability

    Hi Sigtrent, I am very impressed with all of your builds. It must be tons of work but you wouldn't do it if you didnt love it right?

    Anyway, I hoping you can help make me a particular build.. I have had no luck in trying this myself as I'm still fairly new to the game (my highest lvl toon is 12).

    My idea is an Archmage Necromancer. I would like for him to have good survivability, and to be fun to play. My thought is that an Archmage Necromancer should be able to control undead, have an army of baddies (or pets) loyally laying down their lives and taking the aggro off of me, curse and fatigue opponents, insta-kill anything that moves, and have a few nuking spells for the occasions that require it.

    As I'm writing this, I only have the 28pt build available to me. By the time you have a chance to look at this build request, I may have unlocked the 32 pt build but cant guaruntee that..

    Your thoughts and expertise would be much appreciated!
    Firecloud - lvl 20 Sorceror / Johnnywayne - lvl 20 Paladin / Deathsarm - lvl 13 Monk / Reddblade - lvl 15 Favored Soul

    I'm the best there is at what I do. But what I do, isn't very nice..

  8. #328
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    Default Monk soloist

    This is a great thread!

    Is it possible to build a good soloist using a monk as the base class? It would need one level of Rogue to get the DD & OL skills, but would it be better to take Cleric or bard [or ranger, though then would need 4 levels] for healing? I haven't even unlocked Drow yet, so 28 pts is all I got to work with [and no tomes, obviously!] <4-8 hrs every other weekend is about as casual as casual can get!>
    I was thinking taking levels: Rogue, Cleric, Monk, M, M, C, C, rest Monk
    [3 C is for buffs/lessor rest/CMW, if this is a waste, let me know!]
    Skill points would go into: spot, DD, OL, Conc [for Ki]
    Not sure on starting stats or race - most likely 14 Int, 14 Wis, rest uncertain - maybe 10-12's except leave Cha at 8[6 if WF] unless bard is a better healer here.

    Thanks for either building this or giving advice on the possibilities/pitfalls

  9. #329
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    Hi Sigtrent, I like what you have done with all of your builds for everyone.

    I was wondering if you could help me out, i just returned to the game,had not played since like mod2 i think, and i want to reroll a paladin(i used to play one and want to do it again)

    What i am looking for is a UMD using drow, who has the HP/AC needed to be a decent tank and do enough dps that he will have enough use for groups.

    I like the idea of a pure pali, but i am ok with multi classing some (a level or two of fighter and/or rogue)

    thanks in advance for the build

  10. #330
    Community Member Pain_Giving_Inmate's Avatar
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    Default Permadeath Rogue build

    Hey Sigtrent,

    Would be interested in seeing what you could roll up with regards to a PD rogue build.

    I would prefer more of a traditional rogue build with good lock/trap/ skills and good sneak/sneak attack that has to be played in a true "rogue/thief" manner ( i.e. not standing alongside the tanks flailing wildly with 2 weapons ).

    Other than that I guess the next most important thing would be getting my survivability chances higher, whether this be by way of self healing ( bard splash or similar ) or just good DR.

    I'll leave the finer points up to you... if I had all the answers I wouldn't be here in the first place


  11. #331
    Community Member Rothos's Avatar
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    Default Drow Cleric/wizard or sorcerer

    hello Sigtrent,

    If you could make a build for a Drow Cleric/ wiz or sorc(your choice). I'd like it to at least have the Avatar of Vulkoor enhancement, probably necromancy type.

  12. #332

    Default Fyi

    In real world land I've got a new office, new boss, and possibly a new position so I havn't had time to do much with builds as of late since I'm doing a lot of reading about program management and microsoft solution frameworks and so on. Also I'm trying to ramp up the Netbook of Feats for 4th edition which is a lot of work.

    I'm still planning on doing some builds but its very slow going at the moment.
    Former Host of DDOcast
    Member of The Madborn of Thelanis
    Streaming sometimes on twitch as SigTrent

  13. #333
    Community Member Pellaeon's Avatar
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    Default 15 cleric/1 sorcerer

    I am thinking of making a build that is chaotic good, would either be human or drow race(32point build is available), thinking starting stats are 14/14/12/10/16/12. Trying to figure out the best way to get maximum spell points out of this build. So far I have tried working it out and think that by putting points into wisdom at lvls when u can increase ur stats I would end up with 1323 SP b4 any items, with a +6 cha cloak and a +6 wis ring would get up to 1371. Assume no tomes avail. also with taking mental tough and imp mental tough

  14. #334
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Default Request

    Here's a request for you. Assume 32 point builds, and access to any tradeable gear at all, plus any raid loot that is reasonable to aspire to getting within 20 runs of that raid (so no +3 tomes, other stuff is cool).

    Looking for a high-AC, high-saves, survivable Rogue build (significant multiclassing OK, but Improved Evasion would be very nice to have) that can tank both Arraetrikos and Suulomades on elite. UMD is required (need not be stellar, can handle the odd Raise Dead failure), and at least mediocre trapsmithing (let's say enough that fully bardbuffed, can hit VoD elite traps).
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  15. #335
    Community Member VonBek's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sigtrent View Post
    In real world land I've got a new office, new boss, and possibly a new position
    BTW, I really liked the character build segments you put on DDOCast. Hope you get to enjoy some of that RL adventure. More fun will be here when you get back.
    So, I hear that one day we may get Familiars...
    ....I want a Velociraptor!

  16. #336
    Community Member
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    Im looking For a PvP Caster Build... However i don't want to be screamed at end game for not having the necessary Raid spells

    Sorc/Wizard... Whichever you think would best fit


  17. #337
    Community Member sirdanile's Avatar
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    Default Rapiers & bows & repeaters, oh my!

    A build focusing on using the great crossbow exotic weapon would be nice to see.
    I'm looking for a build that shoots as many bolts as possible without using a repeater and still maintaining a good dps.
    I'd like to have some kind of casting ability (umd, bard,etc.)
    28 pt build to make it tough, though a few +1 tomes couldnt hurt.

    hope you can make this!

    Edit: or if you can make a warforged pally who uses bladesworn transformation a lot (so going the heavy fort road wouldnt be too bad, i'd sort of like to see how high i can reasonably get dr and still deal damage)
    Last edited by sirdanile; 07-16-2008 at 07:47 PM.

  18. #338
    Community Member
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    Default Dark dancer build

    Hi sigtrent my brother is currently playing a lvl 14 bard that he got from your build the "dark dancer" So i was wondering if you could update it to lvl 16. Alil more melee offense would be very good if you could

  19. #339


    Hello Sigtrent,

    You post that you like a challenge so here is one for you. I've been playing around with the idea of a blunt specialist. Intimidate would be handy, stunning blow a must especially since weighted weapons will be common. I'd like to try and max shield abilities as this fellow will be bashing when blocking to try and hold agro if possible while waiting for intimidate timer. Even sunder is possible with this build to lower opponent ac for other players in the group. The build would mostly be a support character using tactics, blocking and intimidiate to aid group members but must be a blunt specialist.

    Race doesn't matter, class whatever is determined to be the best, duo or tri class is also fine as well as single class. 32 pt build is available as well as +1 tomes.

    Have fun
    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Play what you want to play, and play it well.

  20. #340
    Community Member Orin2's Avatar
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    Default Terrible Duo

    my brother and I want to play together on DDO but have little time. Our hours do not mesh right except for now and then and he has little time to go group hunting. Would you be able to come up with two different builds that can hold their own, on their own? I am currently working on it my self but I have little time lattly. 28pt build with suggestions for 32pt build pleese. Oh, and no tomes, unable to find any at the moment.

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